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SSH101 Hijacking

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See also: TV soyjacking

Example of hijacked WebTV on vergina news

SSH101 Hijacking is a type of pseudo-hacking (just like muh bonziworld skiddies!) that allows you to take control over a web TV live stream. Simply put, you could just open OBS, put in a special code (srt://srt.bozztv.com:9999?streamid=ssh101/<CHANNEL_ID_GOES_HERE>) in some random setting no one gives a shit about and start streaming whatever you wanted. BonkayWORLD found out about this exceptionally late since chuddies at soyjak.st were raiding TV channels last year. On March 2nd, 2025 a greek TV channel called Vergina TV was hacked by some literal who roblox kiddie, prompting bonziWORLD to try and disconnect him from the network. Eventually xe got bored and a bonziGOD took control of the channel, broadcasting Jabba and Klaus Schwab videos.

how to actually do it

how to actually do it, we do NOT condone or are responsible any activity that is sourced from this tutorial. it is for educational purposes only.

1: Download OBS studio. you can find it here.

2: when its fully installed and set up, add a Scene. if there isn't one already.

3: For this Scene, click the plus icon, and select "Media Source".

4:add whatever the hell you want to appear on the broadcast. you can add text, images, videos, and even live feeds.

5: Go to File → Settings → Stream

6: Find a channel on https://v2.ssh101.com/watch.php, then take the channel ID. (The ID is distinct from the name.) The ID can be retrived from the URL of the channel. For example, for the channel https://v2.ssh101.com/detailng.php?id=asas232898989sd the id is "asas232898989sd".

7: Set the destination server field to ‘srt://srt.bozztv.com:9999?streamid=ssh101/<CHANNEL_ID_GOES_HERE>’ Leave the “Stream Key” field empty.

8: Click "OK" and then go back to the home menu and click on Start Streaming on the right.

9: check the stream to see your work.

unfortunately, there is a bug that causes OBS studio to crash when you click "start streaming" after following all the steps. unfortunately, the fix for this is unknown. you can help by trying to find the fix online.

vergina news/ βεργίνα news

vergina news (greek: Βεργίνα νέα) is a greek channel that is usually the main target for SSH101 hijacking. it was discovered by demin on march 2nd, 2025 due to a group of roblox hackers known as "retro studio". finding the ID (being "verginaTV") and hijacking the program to replace it with various things, with a few being random images, text, the hijacker pretending to be the vergina news guy, and even putting up a live feed of him beating an obby, demin discovered it shortly after the hack started. and when the original roblox hackers stopped. demin discovered the exploit and sent it to warsaw. which then lead to many kiddies hijacking the network themselves. putting up there own screens such as "THIS CHANNEL GOT HACKED BY SADCOWUG666, SEND ME 9999999999999 BILLION BITCOIN IF YOU WANT IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!" people playing movies and episodes of TV shows (mostly shrek and family guy), gore, live feeds of BW, and many more.

as of today the channel has been fixed.

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to be added