Undo revision 17023 by Itzcuber! (talk)
Tag: Undo
Itzcuber! (talk | contribs)
Undo revision 17025 by Centillion (Opera GX) (talk)
Tag: Undo
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Sheep77? More like Goat66! Oh my god! This user sucks! He calls me an alt too much! Who likes this user? No one! Who hates this user? Everyone! You should kill yourself now! Ogolding is 60 decillion times better than Goat66! So, Goat66 sucks. You will die! End of rant.
That is not even a video + the more like terms are old and overused + [[shit nobody cares about|nobody gives a shit]], some people like me not no one such as [[PupTheCute]], [[SixtyNine]], etc, some people hate me not everyone, and you are not better than me shitty oven