Windowsfags: Difference between revisions

Niggapoop2 (talk | contribs)
minecraft was BOUGHT by microsoft not MADE by microsoft
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{{Quote|An operating system programmed by monkeys in a room with typewriters.|Wise man}}{{Butthurt}}
{{WIP}}{{Stub}}'''WindowsFags''' are a group of spergs that worship one of Microsoft's most popular Operating System, <s>Windows</s> '''Shitdows'''/'''Pissdows'''. They are the Windows version of [[Phonefags]], which they collect '''computers with the os or disks of the shitty os (that is definitely a pirated dvd).''' You can find them almost anywhere on [[BonziWORLD]] (most likely [[Room 50|the kiddie bunker room]]) or horrible [[replit]] copies of it, wearing a crosscolor of one of the os's logo, or a terrible fictional windows logo they made itself. They are very easy to make them cry.
== History ==
=== The Seventies A.K.A The '''(Shitty)''' Start ===
==== Early-70s - Part of the shitty start ====
* 1972 - An Autistic cracker in the name of <s>Bill Gates</s> Bitch Gaytes created a company called Traf-O-Data and Bill started his journey of failures.
==== Mid-70s - A <s>Miracle</s> Faggotry was born ====
* April 4th, 1975 - The shitty company we all know and hate was born...  Microsoft
=== The Eighties A.K.A The birth of <s>Windows</s> Shitdows ===
==== Early-80s - A shitty idea was born ====
* 1981 - Microsoft wanted to create a shitty GUI
* 1982 - Bill gates saw IBM PC Compatable computers
===== September - The Press of doom =====
* Microsoft demonstrated a press [[Shit nobody cares about|Nobody cared about]].
==== November - The Start of Shitdows 1.0 ====
* Bill Gates works on the start of Shitdows 1.0 which is Fall Comdex 1985
==== Mid-80s - The domination ====
* Mid-80s - Microsoft dominates MS-DOS, a shitty company that only runs one program at a fucking time and speaking of which, microsoft used it.
== Autistic trends ==
=== Windows Never Released ===
Windows never released is an extremely shitty and notable trend about their shitty version of windows (Like Windows bonzi or windows shit edition or windows fhjbefugerfwiyghfruwfehiweskh) that has started back in 2008 when an autistic pornfag (becuase of windows xp virus edition) cracker youtuber in the name of jhj22.  When it was uploaded to youtube, it attracted the attention to [[Kiddies|Autistic 7-to-13-year olds]] to make their own shitty version of windows on paint or photoshop or whatever
=== End of support ===
Windows end of support is also a shitty trend created by [[GoFags]].  The plot is basicly where characters get an end of support message as they try to upgrade to the latest version of shitdows.
=== ProgressBar95 ===
A shitty videogame created by 2 autistic game development companies called Spooky house studios and Icoeye.  Once the game came out, it attracted the attention to Windowsfags and [[Kiddies|Autistic 7-to-13-year olds]] who had mobile and steam.  Progressbar95 most likely resembles windows because of the similarities between each windows version.
== Others created by <s>Microsoft</s> '''Microshit''' ==
=== Xbox ===
Xbox is a shitty video gaming system created by the same company that created shitdows.  The console consisted of five shitty home videogame consoles that [[Shit nobody cares about|nobody cared about]].
minecraft was made by mojang. it was only bought by microsoft.
== Known windowsfags in BonziWORLD ==
* '''<s>[[ComputerFan7252]]</s>''' - A person mostly known for creating the most horrible [[BonziWORLD]] on replit, [[BonziWORLD|BonziWORLD:]] 1999 Edition. He also has multiple copies of it (which no one cares about it), like JennyWORLD, ChomikWORLD etc. He changed his profile picture on Discord and claims that the people will not call him a Windowsfag.
* [[Mailbox|Mailbox AUTTP]]
* [[nori]]
* [[kill bfdi hate]] #savefume
* [[CoasterFan2105]]
* Windows 12 #friendofOWTVF2024
== How to make the windowsfags mad (some of them) ==
* Say that Linux or Mac-OS is better.
* Call the OS "Shitdows" & "Niggerdows" or "Pissdows" instead.
* Say Windows ME (Probably one of the worst Windows versions) is the best windows version.  Some won't care and some will likely rage hard and chimp out.
* Troll them, e.g. Send and spam porn to them to make them leave the room.
* If you have kingmode/rabbi on a room with them inside it, jewify them or useredit them with the name "ME WINDOWSFAG!!!!", or something else related to it, like "King of Shitdows".
* If you're using Windows, then it does not usually make you a Windowsfag.