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Alavoy Ichimigara is the '''main''' alavoy group inside the Alavoy branch of the old league; however, they are also one that committed most of the crimes related to the group as a whole.
Almost '''all of the group is either gone or working alone'''. since the dissapearance of nymph caused a huge ass havoc inside the group that led to the destruction of itself.
== Overview ==
=== Docen Involucration ===
Since the foundation of the Old Docens, the Alavoy Ichimigara division was the most influential division inside the group, performing vandalism on people or sites that provided info about the child pornography network the old docens managed and distributed over the western and eastern hemisphere over a period of 4 years (2020-2024). However, this division was kept secret to people below commander role (docenith). This made it very difficult to access it, since the climbing of the hierarchy is extremelly difficult, evading the discovery of the child pornography by glowies or enemy clans furthermore, until the group as a whole collapsed and the security crumbled, leading to neodocens discovering it.
=== General Information ===
The Alavoy Ichimigara (also known as Verlo-Semkosex) is a division of elite scribes, spies, docenoppers and also hackers, competing with [[Alavoy Senilealara]]  as the superior alavoy group. Their leader is Kapo Parazamel.
== History ==
==== Foundation ====
The Original Alavoys; Alavoy Ichimigara, were founded in the 30th of October, 2021 by Synthetic Docen to recover and extract first generation docen information; using them as weapons and storing them in a database with a unknown location.
=== 2022 ===
==== Operation Thunderspell ====
The alavoys ratted the accounts of 4 lulcows from an SCP group in 2022, but the day and month is unknown. It is known, however, that they used these accounts to spam gore and selfbotted them to raid with gore and / or child porn. These accounts' whereabouts are unknown, and are a mistery to-date.
==== Operation Meshakarpa ====
The alavoys ended the war between sk, AOS and the Old Docens, as the Old Docens had been dealing critical blows to the structure of AOS, making them dissolve in 2024. However, in an accident, some of the child porn network was revealed to Unapoligetic Docen's squadron, this would start the beginning of the Civil War, and made very little docens angry (about 3)
==== Ernosk-Pelabaur ====
The beginning of the civil war blew up the Old Docen's strategies, taking them by surprise while most of them where sleeping; the server was nuked by the rebels. However, in Ernosk-Pelabaurl, the alavoys were deployed, and they hacked 2 rebel docens (golden docen, bronze docen), using their doxxs and spamming said doxxs, gore and child porn on neodocen servers.
However, the alavoys did not stop the civil war from starting, and it from sucking docens into the rebel faction, sucking power and technology out of the Old League and beginning to shape the Neodocen league.
==== Civil War (pre-climax) ====
The alavoys were behind most of the DDoS attacks to rebel websites and devices and behind the doxxes of rebel docen members and leaders, this went on until the 26th of september, 2023.
=== 2023 ===
==== Operation Seedstorm ====
The alavoys carried out doxxes to neodocen and pro-copper / pro-pienob members and groups, alongside with the alavoys terrorizing them and tormenting them, spying operations were also carried out.
==== Climax (Civil War, First) ====
The alavoys were left flabbergasted by the rapid advancements of neodocen groups agaisnt the old docens; as such, they were overran and resorted to the attempted nuking of Copper Docen's server and the espionage of neodocen and pro-copper groups.
==== Arrest of Synthetic Docen ====
The alavoy's powers were reduced by the arrest of Synthetic Docen and the replacement of Synthetic by Nymph, as some of their operations were discovered and the old docens themselves were losing ground and members to the neodocens by the day; part of a huge witchhunt, and the end of the First Climax.
===== Aftermath Of Synthetic's Arrest =====
After the arrest of the old docen leader, the alavoys doxxed and captured one of the best spies working for the Neodocen league, although his real username is unknown, he is regarded as "Skinvard". This also commenced a huge spike in raids agaisnt neodocen servers, spamming gore and pornography.
=== 2024 ===
==== Second Climax (Civil War) ====
Trioptic and Duck Cult were discovered by Alavoy docens, and thus, sent Helper to attack them. However, they also collaborated with other divisions to send Frostbitical Docen, one of the best scribes and spies, to Duck Cult, the operation failed miserably and frostbite was hacked shortly after. However, this also condemned the old docens as a whole, as with their discovery they were already weak, and with the fall of one of their highest men, they became highly unstable, like AOS.
==== Finale (Civil War) ====
With the arrest of Nymph Docen and the discovery of Fake Lapis, the alavoy docens were at their last straw. They had no leaders and thus became an independent post-olddocen faction, separate from other divisions.
==== Dissolution ====
The end of the alavoy division took place on the 12th of march, 2024, where their server was nuked, putting an end to this horrid illegalfag-filled division once and for all.
== Squadrons ==
Excavation Team Ozona-11
Fune is A Nigger (after the hacking of Frostbite)
{{Docenith Order}}
#REDIRECT [[Alavoy Docen]]

Revision as of 07:29, 15 March 2024