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User:Anonymouse: Difference between revisions

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Anonymouse (talk | contribs)
mNo edit summary
Anonymouse (talk | contribs)
m Old Era ending...
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<big>'''Yes it's really me.'''</big>{{ib|title=[[File:220px|center|link=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/03/ba/d1/03bad1f96c3d29b70ba81c0ccb9c9c03.jpg]]}}

a wiki page editor tbh.
=== My old era has ended... ===
Hello yall, i just want to say that my old era has been offically ended, i am tired of people calling me Zach or Zachary. The name "Zachary" was a name i made back in 2024, as an imaginary name. And now many people think my name is Zachary. But in reality, it's not. My real name is "Markuss". With a double S because that's how you write it in Latvian. From now on, i want to show you all the good side of myself. I will be from now named "Anonymouse". I will ask Ziggy to make a new account for me. Because i am sick of tired of the name Zachary. Well anyways, see you later. I am not qutting BonziWORLD though.
{{ibr|Residence|Riga, Latvia}}
{{ibr|Obsessions|Viruses, Windows, Roblox, Minecraft,  BonziWORLD, Tech.}}
{{ibr|Favourite food|Junk food like pizza, burger, chicken nuggets from mcdonalds, etc.}}
{{ibr|Works|Alot of stuff, like trojan creating, games, etc.}}
{{ibr|Wiki Article|[[Zachary|Zachary]]}}
{{ibend}}Hello guys, it's Zachary aka JustVee on BonziWORLD. I was a BonziWORLD user since 2019. I do some skiddy stuff like programming using the best <s>worst</s> programming language called <s>C#</s> CShit. I also spend my time playing BonziWORLD or other games like Roblox or Minecraft. I can't add my picture right now because i am too lazy to do it. I will do it sometime later.
= Questions/Answers =
=== What inspired you to join BonziWORLD? ===
What inspired me to join is basically, when i watched some YouTube videos about BonziWORLD in 2019. I decided to join, i was using my Grandma's Computer when she was away.
==== What's the Dandy's World Fan doing nowadays? ====
Apart from struggling with school, i basically make alot of great inventions like PeedyWORLD <s>(i cant work on it rn because my computer broke sadge :[)</s> <s>It's fixed but now i have to wait for Sunday.</s> My PC will arrive at 1 PM.  Or basically some malware creations or just playing games.
=== Do you have any social media? ===
Yes, i do! Here is my YouTube channel link:
I also have Discord:
==== How can we contact you without using Social Media? ====
Via E-Mail: rusinsmarkuss9@gmail.com
==== What projects you making? ====
I don't make School Projects, but i make alot of great inventions like i mentioned earlier, PeedyWORLD, it's my BonziWORLD mod, and basically some malware programming. I have alot of ideas but are all cancelled because of my PC broken.
==== Are your malwares safe? ====
Most of them overwrite the MBR, but i have joke programs like MrBeastJoke, Windows 8.1 Updater, Taels Prank (No longer abandoned by the creator), or ChesterQuestion. You can get these via contacting me on Social Media or E-Mail.
==== What if i want to test your malwares the dangerous ones? ====
Get a Virtual Machine, download something like <s>VirtualBox</s> (Not recommended it's trash) or VMWare.
==== What's your Roblox account? ====
It's '''Doge (''ROBLOX_291261'')'''
==== Confession... ====
After many years of being in BonziWORLD, as of February 9th 2025. I am offically quitting BonziWORLD and focusing on my new projects, reason given is because of Semitic Docen and dramas i had to go through on BonziWORLD. But anyways, you can find me on YouTube or Discord.

Revision as of 07:07, 22 February 2025

This article is ཌ༒perfect༒ད. Don't fuck with it!
This person is DEAD.
This means they're either dead to the community (ex. being exposed, irrelevant, etc..) or that they have literally passed away.
Alternatively, they could've taken a break/hiatus.

My old era has ended...

Hello yall, i just want to say that my old era has been offically ended, i am tired of people calling me Zach or Zachary. The name "Zachary" was a name i made back in 2024, as an imaginary name. And now many people think my name is Zachary. But in reality, it's not. My real name is "Markuss". With a double S because that's how you write it in Latvian. From now on, i want to show you all the good side of myself. I will be from now named "Anonymouse". I will ask Ziggy to make a new account for me. Because i am sick of tired of the name Zachary. Well anyways, see you later. I am not qutting BonziWORLD though.