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User:Anonymouse: Difference between revisions

From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
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Anonymouse (talk | contribs)
m ZacharyTheGayrovHater moved page User:ZacharyTheGayrovHater to User:Anonymouse
Anonymouse (talk | contribs)
m ZacharyTheGayrovHater moved page User:Anonymouse to User:ZacharyTheGayrovHater over redirect
(No difference)

Revision as of 10:25, 22 February 2025

This article is ཌ༒perfect༒ད. Don't fuck with it!
This person is DEAD.
This means they're either dead to the community (ex. being exposed, irrelevant, etc..) or that they have literally passed away.
Alternatively, they could've taken a break/hiatus.

My old era has ended...

Hello yall, i just want to say that my old era has been offically ended, i am tired of people calling me Zach or Zachary. The name "Zachary" was a name i made back in 2024, as an imaginary name. And now many people think my name is Zachary. But in reality, it's not. My real name is "Markuss". With a double S because that's how you write it in Latvian. From now on, i want to show you all the good side of myself. I will be from now named "Anonymouse". I will ask Ziggy to make a new account for me. Because i am sick of tired of the name Zachary. Well anyways, see you later. I am not qutting BonziWORLD though.