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Book of Vilnius

This is book is about a creation of correspondent Liam, David Egan when he is good user and detail of no hippo and are Jabba Saulute creation of Lithuania.

Chapter 1

In the of is begging, a great detail is not in HyperWORLD, spirit of Jabba Rants Everything obtained over the sea, then Onute certified "Let into be split of Sea, top layer is given deadname Sky and the bottom layer is give deadname Jevilogen AKA grimagikoopa the bad user of Seamus" and so it was a channel for to not break any rules, but it into good. And IUS responded "Jevilogen is rename himself to into ground and I coded an landmass called a Europe with JavaScript" and so it was good user like AUTTP videoeditbot. And to that mass of lands and soils the Lithuania is created. Then jabba show fighting skills and punch hole in space time, making are is sun (moon is fake bad user kiko). Next day is Jabba/IUS creation FuckWORLD. Final creations is David John Egan and LewdLiam the correspondent of David John Egan AI Voice. He inject they JavaScript code in Garden of Vilnius and so there are is David Egan, but he eat forbidden fruit and become Bad user Demon Hippo. David John Egan is bad grown up user who starts an new era every 0.00005 fuckescukikoseconds.

The floodbot was evicted by ERIK/HOST/BATHBOMBMAN and David John Egan escape due to SgtDanielArc repair of fuckworld from erik unauthorisation javascript bot into socket io. The decision produced to repair FuckWORLD ended in obstruction as Liam correspondent used a spy alt with 60000WPM to become immense and steal jabba users of onuteworld FE edition. "How many WPM you is have David John Egan the stupid grown up from America" Jabbah repaired, but David John Egan immense and hippo to respond the himself. Jabbah then create his wife and mother, but due to loud rant the youtube channel Jabba Rants Everything requested an shut down because of loud rant. The curse became landed to David Egan. Jabba create BonziWORLD to repair the WPM return to 6000000 and place pyramid to the BonziWORLD (Immensely FuckWORLD until renamed to BonziWORLD) and bad users are BANNED using ban hammer peedypope.