Anonymouse was mostly/entirely written by one person.
You can blame them if it's shit.
💩 "Anonymouse" was written by an illiterate retard.
You can help BonziPEDIA by editing it and making it better..
Zachary (JustVee)
Programming languages C#, C++, HTML, JS
Obsessions Dandy's World, Games, Virus, and Windows.
Residence Riga, Latvia
Status Alive, Active

JustVee, or previously Zachary is a Latvian BonziWORLD user, Dandy's World Fan, and a malicious(fun) virus maker who trolls kiddies like Luca, BonziBOT VIP, SashaMar, GoFags, ObjectFags, LoreFags, and other kiddies if they are too loud for the server. He was a former Room ID 50 Hopper, until he quitted back in Summer/Fall of 2024. Before he quitted it, he never joined the Default Room and kept going to the Room IP Address 50 Room. Which many kiddies live in. After he quitted Room ID 50, in October/August of 2024. He abandoned his kiddie friends like Luca, Jenny Shitman, even though he hated Luca back when he was still in IP Address 50. But still was friends with Jenny Shitman until he unfriended him and the kiddies in the IP Address 50.


Zachary (JustVee) joined Warsaw and BonziWORLD in 2023.

Later in 2024, he met ComputerFan7252, Mailbox AUTTP, ivorydevrimo, and XPhantom.

Warsaw Quit

In January 22nd 2025. Zachary (JustVee) quitted Warsaw and will never come back. Reason is because of Semitic Docen.

Doxxing Incident

Zachary (JustVee) was doxxed by Ivorydevrimo, but he improved himself and apologized later on.

PC Breaking Incident

In January 25th 2025, Zachary (JustVee)'s Computer got broken, reason given is because his PC kept getting stuck at the MSI logo then restart after every startup. The issue was because Windows 11 was trashing out and broke the Booting.

Quitting from now

JustVee quitted due to Semitic Docen keep annoying him and impersonating him many times. Now he will focus on future projects so that Docen doesn't find him.


Himself flooding the infamous room 50.
Zachary floods Room ID 50 Again, (Requested by XPhantom)