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Parts of this page were written by Plentity himself.
That makes it REALLY incredible glow hard.
Plentity (Plenty Entity)
Aliases Pustule, Prurientity (Prurient Entity), Transgresstity (Transgressive Entity), Brandtity (Brand Entity), EdgyZETAFarter, ZOOEYFarter, Da R'Khive (Darkhive)

Plentity is a 22-year-old pedophile from New York and BonziWORLD's very own fed. He claims to have the best OPSEC, when clearly it is so shitty your average haglet can grab their infos. He also uses Tor (the pedo browser). He joined BonziWORLD in early May of 2024. He had ties with Kittydog back in the day. Even though he doesn't join as often like most who are glued to the site, he has made some notable mentions. Including, but not limited to, farting, pornfagging, and posting videos of dead animals being processed by a meat shredder. Interestingly, Plentity later pushed Fune to ban porn from BonziWORLD, even threatening to use his magic fed powers to get him v&, and got banned from Warsaw as a result. He has also made problematic comments towards a user named "Three Year Old Girl" (while pointing out the character's age). He has also been involved with multiple controversies on Twitter regarding pedophilia, zoophilia, and sexual harassment.

Proof of his wrongdoings

  1. He admitted to being attracted to 14-15 year olds sexually.
  2. He's exposed for being a transphobe, stalker, and racist shitposter.
  3. He (sexually) harassed Papi.
  4. He attempted further damage control.
  5. He asked someone to draw Adorabat (an underage character) farting for his own sexual gratification. He threw all kind of slurs when he didn't get his request fulfilled.
  6. He admitted to previously crushing on Sapphie (a 15 year old).
  7. He sent creepy messages to Charlie.
  8. He called Charlie a jigaboo as a joke, downplayed online sexual harassment, and continued evading people's blocks.

External links

MORE PROOF OF PLENTITY'S WHACK-ASS BEHAVIOR (T.W.: pedophilia, zoophilia, etc.) (mirror with additional context, showing Catie's support for these actions)