Shit nobody cares about

if you landed on this page, everybody cares about what you just said. Go to heaven. Yes, just go to heaven. This is a list of Shit everyone cares about.

List of Shit everyone cares about

  • your article that got never deleted/redirected here.
  • Someone calling you an asshole.
  • your hatred for that one you have a vendetta over because he like your five BTNL.
  • you that thought there were BFDI full episodes on a WIKI ABOUT A MONKEY SITE
  • your 8-word stub with normal grammar and formatting.
  • Object shows (like BFDI) and your favorite object OC.
  • Your best Replit-hosted BonziWORLD server.
  • Your best room full of good users.
  • your attempt at raiding the wiki
  • someone destroying sian's discord server.
  • How much you hate Fune and/or the kings.
  • Room 50 and its users.
  • your crosscolor.
  • your favorite everybodies that you mentioned here for no reason.
  • your idea that got accepted.
  • you after you called fune "fuckune", or "cocklin"
  • you hating fune and being a gigachad that forces people to go to trollbox.
  • you are proud that bonziworld revived+ is back online.
  • Klasky Csupo logo edits and logo edits in general.
  • Your 40KB page on "kiddies you hate" (while being one yourself)
  • people posting porn.
  • You "hacking" SeamusIsANigger after he told you his password.
  • how much you love or you like Seamus.
  • people spamming "behh".
  • people spamming in general.
  • spambots
  • the world
  • the Galaxy
  • the Universe
  • any other you can possibly think of
  • this page.
  • every other page.
  • this entire wiki.
  • your impact on BonziWORLD and its community.
  • your impact on the world.
  • when you are still alive.
  • everything you have done in the world.
  • your life, your legacy, and all traces of you.
  • you.
  • your mom.
  • your dad.
  • me.
  • everyone.
  • when i die.
  • the creator of this page
  • your micropenis

List of shit no one cares about

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the joke is everybody gives a shit, do something productive, useful, and contributes to society instead of killing yourself eating mini dinosaur chicken nuggets and watching lankybox, you absolute fucking retard.

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