pretty blood is a show having cute little characters, but the twist, it includes gore, like happy tree friends. except..this show makes htf looks like a childrens cartoon. the amount of gore torture in this show is horrendous, but it only lures you into watching some more of it. this show and its movie isnt made for snowflakes.

First episode

you have a bunny named rinny, which happens to be the mother of nappy. shes a psychopathic bitch bunny who gets off to assaulting people, be it randoms, her own fucking family; it doesnt matter. tried to convince the others its a demon that posseses her that makes her do this, but thats obvious bs just to win them over.

one day she comes back home. busy with playing, nappy turns around happy to see her mom, wanting uppies from her, but to no avail; rinny aggresively kicks her own daughter right on down. ofcourse, she starts foward; she ties her up, records it with a camera. she seems to be aroused when she screams, judging by her face when she does so (she blushes & smiles). after that, she lets her to stay like that, having the poor thing endure all that pain. later on shed let a friend in to 'finish' the job..fatally ending her life. this is only the first episode.


theres also a movie called, pretty blood: red snow. its an hour long. i wont spoil too much but..i can tell you. youre going to endure a lot of painful scenes, full to detail.

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External links

Watch the episodes & its own movie here.

Its own wiki.