
Revision as of 16:48, 7 August 2024 by Mvalle (talk | contribs) (I am his mom user is a minor)
This article is a frequent target of retarded butthurt vandalism; most likely from the subject of this article.
You can help by looking at the page history and reverting any suspicious edits.
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Were you offended by TalkingGuglTheCool? If yes, please click here. From there, we will help you.
This person is a kiddie.
This means they are likely an underage BFDI, Vyond/GoAnimate/Plotagon, and/or logo spergs prone to tard raging.

You can help by reverting any autistic revisionism and trolling the kiddies on the talk page.

TalkingGuglTheCool ( talkingguglthecool_25311)

This user is a lolcow? Frickin' saved.
This person/group is a criminal and likes to commit crimes.

Please report all sightings of these crimetards in Warsaw, PWNSEC, or whatever server is related to them to the respective server owners, and be sure to report them to the authorities.

his crosscolor.

This user is a minor. His mom (writer) has deleted this content and will be removing all of his online accounts.

Deleted by his mom - user is a minor

Rule 34 drawings (WARNING: MEGA AIDS AHEAD)

The Impersonation of BlueMint

Yes, He actually impersonated BlueMint. He said that he loves porn,and even pretended to masturbate during his impersonation of BlueMint. Nobody knew this for 4 days until he later admitted it. Even after all of this, he thinks he's a hero for this by saying BlueMint "deserved" him being impersonated.


GuglWORLD is Gugl's irrelevant Replit-hosted BonziWORLD server. Not much to say considering it looks basically the same as your average Replit-hosted BonziWORLD server made by a skid, other than it being Gugl's hugbox he uses when people troll him on

Deleted by his mom - user is a minor


Gugl's stupid alts

  • TalkingCarlTheCool: Most likely Gugl's brother or friend and he probably acts the same.
  • Eva: Just a stupid tranny fox with HUGE-ASS TITS who posts breast inflation art from deviantART for no reason.
  • Temmie: Just a stupid nigger cat

Known Gugl dickriders

These people love sucking the shit out of Gugl's yectopenis. If you troll Gugl, these retards will either rage hard and/or try to attack you (shiver me timbers):

  • TalkingThomasTheCool (formerly Thomas crying and cool thomas)
  • Pax-47 Entity - A bear with HUGE tits that simps for Gugl more than Stella ever did.
  • Vincent Van Goat - irrelevant kiddie who loves gugl
  • TetenPlans - Another irrelevant kiddie who is a lorefag and a objectfag and a phonefag and loves Vincent and Gugl
  • lyslon - A n-word who appered in Vincent's "Caught in 4K" screenshots like the penguin flood in room id 50 and the behh spam gugl did.
  • Tonky - A faggot why uses his shitty flood script that says "N-WORD GOAT STOLE STOCK SOUNDS" and yeah that shit. He even pretended faked the king who saved BonziWorld and claimed Vincent Van Goat was Tonky even though he wasn't while Kigger likes Vincent (What a hypocrite... He shouldn't like kiddies)

Known Gugl Enemies

  • Stella The Pink Axolotl - Some irrelevant faggot who used to simp for Gugl before turning against him and hacking his Roblox account in December 2023 because, surprise surprise, it doesn't like Boyfriend Dick Itch. Its color is Stella's OC (Most Likely) or its just artist made verison of Stella from the Roblox game Tower Heroes.
  • TalkingTailsTheCool - Some ArtyMLDM meatrider that hates TalkingGuglTheCool for calling him an imposter for no reason(which is true,Tails fakes pope!).
  • BlueMint - Impersonated by him.
  • who tf aqm i (Vibri) - Was the one who doxxed gugl (haglet level hackerzz)
  • Sheep77 - A 10 year old that doesn't act like all the other Kiddies and Skids.
  • BonziCelestial - Former logofag and kiddie who loved dickriding N-wordPlans and N-word Goat
  • DashieThePlushCat - While not on BonziWORLD, it should be noted that she does despise him a lot, as off of BonziWORLD he's made things such as: inflation, killing her, taking a pic of her ass, and other things (see the R34 section on the page).
  • wieiisherepico - is not on BonziWORLD, and hates him quite a lot.
  • that tophat guy/that stupid guy - BONZIWORLD has lost their interest, so they are not on BONZIWORLD, But, gugl seems to hate them a lot for revealing that talkinguglthecool likes NSFW.
  • tehdantube an uttp version of gugl
  • Loaf Club a discord server

External links