Hawk Tuah

Revision as of 10:45, 5 January 2025 by Hitlerhairdo (talk | contribs) (fix the file)
Not to be confused with Talk Tuah.

Hawk Tuah's crosscolor
Hawk Tuah
Age 14
Friends Talk Tuah
Enimies e., bagfaek
Interests Hawk Tauh

Hawk Tuah is the most notorious tuahfag, constantly spamming phrases such as "hawk tuah", "spit on that thing", and even occasionally "shit on that thing". Hawk Tuah also posts Hawk Tuah porn and posts shit like "BonziWORLD Reacts To Talk Tuah Ep. 1". 99% of the time while he's online he just says "Hey, name! Spit on that thang!"

E war

e. got pissed of at Hawk Tuah for being a tuahfag and declared a "war" with him. This war lasted for a week (honestly impressive) and was literally just e. spamming kiddie shit at Hawk Tuah while Hawk Tuah kept spamming "Hey, e.! Spit on that thang!" so e. was forced to surrender.


After the Hawk Tuah memecoin $HAWK launched, Hawk Tuah spent over $1,000 dollars on it expecting it to blow up. He spammed "$HAWK to the moon!" until it lost 99% of its value, not mentioning it whatsoever afterwards.


  • Hawk Tuah's username was originally "Hailey Welsh", but he had to change it because people confused him with the real thing.
  • Hawk Tuah is one of the most active BonziWORLD users, being on the site for hours almost daily.
  • Hawk Tuah is friends with Talk Tuah, despite Talk Tuah not being a tuahfag (despite his name).