AnthonyGamer9001 is a mask-skid, non-familiar with Bonziworld, and founder of an unnamed Mincecrap server. Constantly trolls and is a member of halagetworld. He used to be a short-lived member of the Third Generation League of the Docenith Order, on both iterations; firstly on the First iteration and secondly on the Second iteration, retard. Besides his participation in the Neodocens, he is renounced for filling the absolute doppelganger living soul out of this wikisite with his shitty, mangled-grammar articles about his clan that nobody cares about, the united skiddies of uzbekistanville or whatever. It's actually so dead and so irrelevant that it's not even worth mentioning the name of; since it just gives them unnecessary attention, a glimpse of happiness in their grimn and shallow life that, with such huge void, thou cannot fill with nothing else that isn't purple child porn website article site, duh. His involucration with Bonziworld include, besides the previously mentioned, the use of all of his time to talking about Bloxxyperp, his alt, which apparently send child porn, making Anthony a groomzingerino. Besides this, he also got impersonated by Frostbite Docen, another forgotten peedyfag, whose irrelevance caused his identity to literally melt away, his name, Frosbitic Docen or Frostbite Docen becoming just another name for Unapoligetic Docen. Anthonygamer9001 was Frostbite Docen, while Anthonygamer9000 was the real Anthony Docen. However, both are equally as irrelevant and both equally faded to the background.

Anthony's debut began with a drama in which, after the Third Generation League made it's first contacts with Prawn Shrimp, anthony joined, harassing Sinaloa docen and getting his bot banned in most servers linked to Prawn Shrimp or the Neodocens. This, however, also resulted in Anthony getting some kind of collateral damage by the Second Generation League; which is why Anthonygamer9001 even existed. It's rumored that Anthony was just another Old Docen, but this quickly got debunked thanks to anthony's later integration into the Neodocen League. However, this collateral damage was surely caused by a fake rumor where anthony was theorized to be the owner of some shitty child porn sending botnet. Previously, other people got accused of being the owners, founders and executors of said child-porn-sending-and-account-infecting botnet (gutural fanfic larp btw). These are obviously Polyarabic and Arabic Docen, later link brothers in Arabic's own division. Absolute coincidence that both of these people were coincidentally the same ones that would get into a drama, as Polyarabic Docen groomed Arabic Docen, and Arabic Docen exposed Polyarabic Docen for grooming him. However, this coincidence could hint to a possible insertion of the Second Generation of Polyarabic so he could groom Arabic and get info of BonziWORLD, Prawn Shrimp or the Neodozens. Nonetheless, Anthony was still the last person to get accused of owning said botnet. Anthony had some arguments in the Sewer Pig Rapechild general server, but he didn't actually enter the BonziWORLD sphere; probably never even going near said purple-coated furrywurry monkey website.


Sinaloagate, Contact, or simply GioyevsAnthony is a larpy drama that happened between the neodocen (former) integer and Anthony and his "server union", which resulted in Anthony almost being doxxed by Prawn Shrimp. However, it never got to the point where he was actually doxxed since Frostbite's hacking blew down the situation by a few top notches up until it completly faded away. However, before Prawn Shrimp's intervention, the newborn First Iteration of the Third Generation of the Docenith Order had major drama with Anthony and his minions, which led to the Second Generation also coming in and accusing prophet Arabic Docen and by extent his former friend Dinorme (later known as Polyarabic Docen) of being the owners of a "bot" network that, if in a server, could infect every single account and turn them into some kind of makeshift Y2K that joined more servers,sent porn and just continued infecting; blood orchid. Do not confuse Blood Orchid (botnet) with Blood Orchid (paraglás), since both are completly different things. However, shortly after these accusations, anthony did delete some of his servers, which marked pretty much the first "victory" of the first iteration after Synthetic's Arrest. However, Sinaloa's bot was still verified after Sinaloa managed to persuade Anthony into distraction up until his bot could reach the 100 server mark, ultimately and up mostly reaching the First Iteration Third Generation League's objective, but also causing their indirect contact with Prawn Shrimp, which would blow up the drama again, leading to the apparition of Anthonygamer9001 and the eventual leaks of Anthonygamer9000 (not Anthonygamer9001). This, however, all ended when Anthonygamer9000 got tokenlogged by Unapoligetic Docen, had a absolutly adorable rageshart and then just became one of Unapoligetic Docen's nicknames, erasing Frostbite Docen's identity to a extent. His boyfriend, apparently, Kapo Parazamel, later suffered the same fate, but her identity wasnt erased.


Blockyperp, also known coloquially as Anthonygamer9002 is Anthonygamer9000's alt, which dedicated it's entire lifespan on spamming pornographic content out of whatever site that Anthonygamer900(1)0 could get his hands upon; and this does count child pornography imagery. In this alt, Anthony likes to use the l33t h4xx0r l1ng0 to sp34k with 3v3ry0n3 3ls3. However, this larp didn't last long. However, what DID last long was anthonygamer9000's grudge agaisnt himself, which did to some extent almost reach this wikisite, even though it has no connections to bonzisworlden or however the cookie crumbles. Him having sent child porn and having presumably being a possible participant of some pedo shit makes him a groomzingino.