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On BonziWORLD, on the 20th of every month, an event occurs, starting with the July 2023 Troll Event.

All Events

July 2023: Troll Event

What a trolled user looks like.

Troll was the first ever event on BonziWORLD, which occurred on July 20th, 2023. What people could do is they could troll them using a new user menu option simply called "Troll". But be careful, there is a chance the troll will fail and you will get a "TROLL FAIL" tag and get jewed. If a user is successfully trolled though, they will get a "TROLLED" tag and their color will change to a bonzi but with a Trollface head.

Note: you can only troll once. Once used, the troll button will be disabled to prevent mass-troll abuse.

Although the Troll event is long over, the color used in the event stayed, and later became a usable color.

August 2023: BonziCOINS Event

On this event, a system of currency called BonziCOINS was added. Every user would be assigned 0 Bonzicoins (though there was no tag for it when you joined), and given the option to steal one's coin (singular for you could only steal one coin at a time). If a user left, all their Bonzicoins would be deposited into a bank, a user can then do /bank to withdraw all the money stored in the bank. Bonzicoins couldn't be removed from circulation.

There were some bugs and exploits involving the event, resulting in thousands of Bonzicoins popping out of thin air, and sometimes Bonzicoins would disappear as well.

September 2023

There was no event on September 20th, 2023. Either that or the lack of an event was an event in and of itself.

October 2023: /random_event

The October 2023 event involved a randomizer command, /random_event. It had a chance to do the following:

  • Send you alerts saying NOTHING LMAO
  • Jewify you and set your tag to FAILURE.
  • Jewify a random user. The JEW tag was in ALL CAPS and their name would be changed to JEWED BY (user).
  • Change your color to seamus, your name to Seamus Cremeens and set your tag to KIDDIE FIDDLER.
  • Nuke a random user
  • Kick you
    • Originally kicked everyone, but this was later changed by Fune
  • Make you HEIL /random_event
  • Bless you

This event was mostly used to get blessed, since there was no limit on how many times people could use the command.

November 2023

There was no event on November 2023. Maybe because Fune is a lazy cunt.

December 2023: Vote Event

The vote event happened on December 20, 2023. Users could vote for one person (except themselves) by right-clicking them then selecting Vote, with the person the user voted having their tag set to (number of votes) VOTES. People could change their vote at any time; and if someone reached 0 votes their tag would be reset.

The person with the most recorded votes is the objectfag kiddie TalkingGuglTheCool, who got 11 votes on room ID 50; most likely all from kiddies who suck his dick.

January 2024

Once again, there was no event on January 20, 2024.

February 2024

chinese event

See also