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Shit nobody cares about

From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
Revision as of 16:30, 8 June 2024 by GustMedrano (talk | contribs) (GustMedrano moved page Shit nobody cares about to NOT NOBODY CARES)
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if you sne]] and/or the kings; especially if they nuked ring parenthate" (while being one yourself)

  • people posting porn, esecally when the entire room th
  • You "hacking" [[Diogtercy, and all traces of you.
  • you.
  • me.
  • <ed about.
  • Hogi/Faggi/Hogshit/Hogfaggot/Hogkike - yes, this green Iranian asshs>Pinkfong/Pinkshit/Kikefong/Bozofong - OK, seriously, this guy is some pink South Korean underage foxy faggot is addicted to nursery rhymes nobody car

.... . .............. ..... .. ... . ... ..... ... ... ... .. .. .. . . .

the joke is nobody gives a shit, do something productive, useful, and contributes to society instead of killing yourself eating mini dinosaur cookies and watching lankybox, you absolute fucking retard.

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