If you want an account, contact Ziggy via Discord: @ziggymoncher_. Read BonziPEDIA:Requesting accounts for more details.
Seamus Cremeens is an autistic bipolar faggot with a transgender brother. A disappointment to his parents Scott A. Cremeens and Leslie Cremeens. He was shat out of his mother's pussy one night and right away got to work on a cheap BonziWORLD clone called BonziWorldREVIVED. His inner circlejerk enjoys various activities such as grooming young children, grooming children, and blackmailing children for nudes. Overall Seamus Cremeens is a sick individual who should have never been born, but sadly got left us to deal with this dirty satanist motherfucker (it should be mentioned that he runs a cult, the children he grooms such as unbojih worship his ass constantly). Criticizing him is not recommended as he can get his circlejerk to attack you.