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Revision as of 20:37, 5 March 2023 by Fune (talk | contribs)
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What they think they are.

Halagetworld (AKA hagletworld) Is a circlejerk of failed trolls and skiddies that has close ties with BonziWORLD members and hangs out in 5000 group chats on discord. Note that this article will most likely be vandalised, so check the history often! Most of their time is spent jerking eachother off on voice calls or trolling the weakest lolcows, since hagletworlders aren't able to go after anyone with more mental endurance than Diogo. The previous hagletworld discord server (a jabba/onute lolfarm named after samsung fun club) got nuked by Warsaw, leading to the entirety of hagletworld making shitty "memes" out of Fune. There's not much history to this group since most of it is just internet rejects who banded together in order to "troll" and hack Diogo.


Just like every shitty group, hagletworld has some notable members who are great lolcows. It's extremely easy to make them rage as they'll look for any excuse to hurl shit at you like an uncivilized monkey. This most likely comes from the predominantly arab origins of most hagletworld members, causing unnecessary violent tendencies. Likewise those origins most likely explain the horrible grammar of every member of this circlejerk. Each section is short as most hagletworlders act the same.

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What they actually are.


The Estonian monkey leading hagletworld, and one of the less remarkable members. Goes around speaking incomprehensible English due to Estonia's failure of an English class. Spends his time having gay sex with Kevonz.


Some Croatian faggot who ragequit BonziWORLD after his face got leaked and everyone made fun of his forehead. Usually gets sucked off by kernegg and the rest of the community

Combine Gaming

Kevonz's second gay boyfriend (this one's actually gay!). He ragesharts all over the place, is a great lolcow, and revealed that he likes femboys. His attraction to femboys got memed to death which may be the cause of his autism.


Some arab script kiddie who claims to be a C++ god, but took 500 years to shit out a "hello world" script formatted like some example off w3schools. Usually threatens to DDOS, but somehow never feels like doing so. Ask him to make a pointer and watch him piss himself.


Previously a Fune suckoff who would spam racial slurs and child porn everywhere, until everyone started milking him to death and he ragequit the BonziWORLD community. Bring up his past of jerking off to children to make him leave any server you're in. Despite his apparent hatered for Fune, he loves spamming all the doxxes Fune drops such as the JY doxx.


The gay "girlfriend" of some irrelevant hagletworld faggot, but most likely a greasy man behind the screen larping as a girl. Hagletworld shelters him from any reality, so it's best to attack him and cause a chain reaction of rage. Since most people in this community are retarded incels who never spoke to a woman, they actually believe this larp and worship Fleur.


Most hagletworlders can't speak English, instead speaking a mixture of Scottish Gaelic, Estonian, Arabic and Gurgling on their own shit. This makes then very hard to understand, so this section will help you learn the definitions of hagletspeak. It'll also mention English words misused by hagletworlders.

Fuckune- Fune, but it doesn't roll off the tongue.

Wigger- Normal skinned person (AKA white person).

Misinformation- Apparently what hagletworlders say when they see something that's true, but they don't like it.

Nigger- Their attempt to be edgy.

*Returns your insult*- Projection, basically them using "no u" in 2023.

Reaction to the wiki

As hagletworlders are sensitive little children who can't deal with the fact they are internet rejects, this article made them BAWWW. Multiple threats to vandalise this article were spammed by Xoly (the biggest skid of the bunch) and Combine spends his time ranting about the wiki. Of course, nothing happened to the wiki as hagletworlders are too weak to do anything other than spam childish insults in an attempt to seem cool (and even if they tried, an article can be reverted). One of them even threatened to sue the owner over this, though of course this is a bluff like the 400 other threats they made. In an attempt to cope with the article's existence, the members had an orgy together where they suck eachother off and puff up their own egos to distract themselves from the truth.