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CollabVM is a shitty site created by Computernewb.
They have allegedly doxxed people over them not wanting to contribute to their site. They're SOOO pissy about PAWNSEX that they resort to L33T H4XX0RING (DDoSing) any associated DOMAINS.
People of Computernewb
Elijah : A retarded asshole who created the Matrix and Mastodon instance for Computernewb, He got pissed because most of their members supported PWNSEC and BonziWORLD and they delisted great VMs from their UserVM such as WheatleyVM, etc.

Dartz : The original creator of Computernewb, He was the reason why this entire madness happened. (Dartz is not responsible for all this madness, Elijah is responsible.)
UserVM Hosters
They're only in this article because they're very connected with the CollabVM admins (in which they dickride).
Juboa (real name Jacob) - The guy behind DankVM. Tardish and Joost Klein (no used to be a moderator in there, but got BALEETED when the bitchass Elijah activated his temper tantrum and asked an admin to BAN everyone in DankVM that were connected with either PAWNSEX or "le ebil ShitnziWORLD".
Simoxd (Mohammed Simo Acharki/Basir Nezha) - A random sperg from NSDP that for some reason works for collabvm.
Other People
Simoxd (Mohammed Simo Acharki/Basir Nezha) - A random sperg from NSDP that for some reason works for collabvm.
SimoXD real name source : KirbyXD
Note : Saar Fune is making an alternative to CollabVM named Multiplayer VM.