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Docenith (rank)
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Rank Overview
A docenith, kumussafron, or Okoloko is a title born during the first, second, third and fourth iterations of the Second Generation League of the Docenith Order. It's also the only Docenith rank to have been publicized that isn't tied to low-ranks or council; like Knight, Minor, Father & Mother and Prophet.
Inside their respective leagues, a Docenith leads entire operations of huge parts of it.
A docenith is also responsible for leading certain companies inside their League, but, unfortunately, these doceniths almost never are titled "Docenith" instead of Docen, for example, Kapo Parazamel Docen, which should be Kapo Parazamel Docenith.
These doceniths almost always have greek-letter names or are the leaders of their leagues.
The first sight of a Docenith was inside the Pienob server, where Alpha Docenith was the docenith responsible for the attack on said place.
After that, more sightings of Doceniths have been appearing gradually; but they're rare. In the days before Synthetic Docen's doxx, another docenith appeared;
beta docenith, which was one of the only doceniths to have leaved and "survived" the second generation league after the Docenith Civil War.
In 2024, after PWNSEC was discovered by the First Iteration of the Third Generation League of the Docenith Order, so did Nymph Docen and the Nymph Old League. Nymph, himself, is also a docenith, leading the entire group.
After nymph's death, Kapo Parazamel Docenith replaced him, up until her death too some months later.
Docens with this Role
Kapo Parazamel
Beta Docen
Alpha Docen
Nymph Docen
Polysynthetic Docen