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Forbidden meme website 4

From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
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This is a prequel to FMW3 ⛓ Cockmick goes on BWR to investigate and whatever you want happens Written by: Fune, (ANONYMOUS), Demin, Nigger TND, and more!

Hello, my name is cosmic Xploitz, but I’m better known as Kelvin Frederick Walker. It has been 666 years ever since Seamus died and I went to his old website to investigate. It was crowded with millions of users so I had some trouble joining room 666 where Seamus is rumoured to lurk jerking off to lolis, but since I am so cool and brave and good at coding I joined room 666 to investigate. What I saw there will take your breath away (😱).

It was nothing, surprisingly. But the next day I had a dream. George Floyd and Ronnie Mcnutt appeared in my dream. They told me never to make fun of someone who committed suicide. George Floyd committed suicide by cop BTW.

If you don’t know who George Floyd is, he specifically hired cops to kill him. Planned suicide. He was also high on fentanyl but that’s a story for another day.

Anyways george floyd said “Sheeeit mane Kelvin mane nigga don’t make fun of Seamus Cremeens” and Ronnie said “I guess that’ll be it for you if you make fun of Seamus”. After this eventful disagreement, Ronnie Mcnutt did the most mind-blowing thing and tried to shoot at him. Truly tragic.

After this all went down, I woke up and decided to go groom more 13 year old girls like I do (like the alpha sigma I am), then I went to go inject some socket.emit into BonziWorld servers, but I remembered I wanted to investigate Seamus’ death so I went to bonziworld.co. But something terrifying happened. The site redirected me to goatse and kekma and blood was everywhere. It was so scary I shat my pants, but everyone knows I’m ultra brave cus I’m cosmic. Then it took me to pictures of lolis that Seamus made his website bonkey.world redirect to before he blew his brains out like Ronnie Mcnutt.

But then I hacked the goatse website to turn it into BonziWORLD using Cosmicbot socket.emit and I joined room 666. What I saw was terrifying. 3 Bonzis, one with a Seamus Cremeens crosscolor, one with a George Floyd crosscolor, and a final one, with a Ronnie Mcnutt crosscolor. They were all angry at me for joining room 666 so they said “Now we will exploit you” and started injecting socket.emit into me, but I knew their weaknesses.

First i used socket.emit(“ban”, “air”) and George Floyd said “SHEEIT MANE I CAN’T BREATHE NIGGA!!!” and he died, and Derek Chauvin joined BonziWORLD to help me. Then Ronnie Mcnutt’s girlfriend went onto room 666 and since I’m so hot she left Ronnie for me, so he said “Well guys, I guess that’s it” and blew his brains out. Now that Seamus’ guardian angels were gone it was time for me to destroy him.

I tried using socket.emit(“ban”, “child porn”) but that irish alcohol monkey just unbanned it. “COSMIC YOU ARE AN OBSESSED WARSNORE MEMBER ILLEGAL NIGGER!!! DONT BAN MY CP!!!!!!”

Then Seamus revives George Floyd by using /color oxygen so George Floyd could breathe and spanks me in the ass. It was so beatiful that i embraced him fucking me. I wish Amealia fucked my nigger ass. Sadly Amelia rejected me because I’m too hot for her so my failgroom of a 13 year old girl was just because I’m too good.

Chapter II: /color oxygen or some sheeettt

After the events of the last paragraph, George Floyd died because Seamus femoved /color oxygen by accident and George Floyd said "SHEEIT I CANT BREATHE AGAIN" and then Ronnie McNutt appears out of nowhere and says 'hey guys i guess thats it' and i witness him shoot himself again! It was so sexy and i wanted him to fuck me but he just did his signature move.. Then the phone call came! I loved that sexy ringtone! licks mcnutt's lifeless body* Man I love fucking dead bodies. I'm so angsty and cool and good at coding and my bonziworld server (bonziworld enhanced) is the best, please give me attention momma and daddy!

Then Seamus started sending me pictures of little anime girls kissing eachother like his redirect on bonkey.world (that actually redirects to a ship between 2 minors BTW!!!) but I used socket.emit to prevent myself from getting arrested for seeing Seamus' loli porn stash and then I groomed 100032 13 year old girls to save myself and counter-attack seamus by injecting free minecraft into the bonzi arcade but then mojang raped me in the ass.]

After this, I went on a pissy pants fit because I’m to good. But then, Ronnie Mcnutt’s eyes turned red and he became RONNIE MCNUTT.EXE and then he said “Hey GIRLS, I guess that ISNT it”. He then made the most mind-blowing discovery and found SEEMUZ’s pedo stash, hidden in THY BANZIWARLD code..

Chapter II (and a half): The Ronnie Mc-reckoning Then Ronnie Mcnutt rejoined room 666 and started helping Seamus defeat me by shooting at me with his shotgun to try and kill (spank) me but I used exploits and socket.emit jabbascript to dodge the bullets and started grooming 500 little anime girls and they all moaned in pleasure (they were screaming in agony). Since I am so cool and good at programming Seamus could not take me down on his website room 666 which made him mad. He said “COSMIC YOU ARE SO OBSESSED AND TOXIC WARSNORE USER FOR NOT LETTING ME KILL YOU!!!!!!!” and started sending pictures of lolis kissing eachother, but at this point it was too late, I won the battle, but blood started coming out of my computer and it stopped working.

Chapter III: The Super Scary Kidnapping Seamus then came to my house in real life and kidnapped me and stabbed me a bunch of times and it was really scary and shit. Then when he put me in his basement I saw George Floyd with a massive nigger-boner, like a HUGE erection, and his eyes turned RED. He became FLOYD.EXE and said “Sheeit mane gimme all your air”. He then took me down a long corridor manually fug into the basement. When I arrived; I was faced with his AUTISTIC OBSESSIONS and then he took me to the COUNCIL OF GROOMERS.

Every groomer you could think of was there. Seamus, both elijahs, holly halverson, yanderedev, EDP 445, Ronnie Mcnutt, Dream from Minecraft. And then they said to FLOYD.EXE “take his air NOW” so george floyd.exe used his massive nigger nostrils to breathe in all the air in room, but I opened up my javascript console and did oxygen = true so I wouldn’t suffocate, and I escaped floyd.exe. Then the counsel said this. “HELLO KELVIN. WE HAVE BROUGHT YOU HERE TO RECEIVE YOUR PUNISHMENT FOR DEFECTING TO THE SIDE OF ONE OF OUR ENEMIES, WARSNORE. But then I hacked floyd.exe to make him steal the council’s air so they would suffocate, but since Seamus is so cool and he’s god he didn’t die. He said “NOOO YOU OBSESSED WARSNORE MEMBER!!! YOU JUST KILLED MY GROOMER FRIENDS!!!” I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY LGBTQ+ DOWN SYNDROME WAND”

So seamus turned me gay and I had to resist the urge to jack off to femboy porn, but then Ronnie Mcnutt came back to life and said “This ISN’T IT!” and saved me by turning me straight again and flying away from the council’s top secret fed outpost.

But seamus wasnt done yet. That was only a fraction of his power.

Seamus revived BonziWORLD Revived again! This was BonziWorld Revived+ Pro Max Community Ultra Definitive Super (100% Guaranteed safe!) Loli Edition. (BWR+PMCUDS100%SAFEL Edition for short.) He then raised an army of kiddies to go after me and Ronnie, and Ronnie said “well I guess that’s it” and killed himself to avoid being taken prisoner, but I’m not a pussy like ronnie, so I went outside but realised i hate the sun so I went back into my dark room to jack off to 13 year old girls, drink mountain jew and exploit BonziWORLD. But little did I know this would save me. My room was in the basement, but Seamus revived FLOYD.EXE and he STARTED BREATHING IN THE AIR, creating a TORNADO! My basement room survived because it was underground, but my country of Canada was destroyed during this floydnado.

Then seamus used the power of the ruins of canada and the dead grooming victims from the council to become a giant BUNZAYPOAP OC the size of the burj kalifa with seamuses face. Then he said “IM GONNA BAN YOU FROM EXISTENCE OBSESSED WARSHITTER DOXXER STALKER BAD USER CRIMINAL”. Seamus then swung his ban hammer at me but missed because I was using a VPN and he accidentally hit FLOYD.EXE, knocking all the air out of his lungs killing him instantly. But seamus used his skid powers to revive it and then created a giant dildo and used it as a sword.

Chapter IV: The end Ronnie mcnutt gives cosmic his single shot rifle. He tells cosmic to “End it”. Cosmic’s basement is flooding with blood and everything is super scary, the only way out for Kelvin is to guess that this is it. So Ronnie got facebook live up and started recording. The following is a log of Cosmic’s final moments before his body wa recovered and destroyed by Seamus, Jevilogen and George Floyd. “I first wanna say I’m the best coder” “Cosmicbot was an amazing bonziworld bot and a good idea” “I also think I’m innocent cuz Amelia said she wanted to get groomed” “Anyways” “Well guys, I guess that’s it”

Cosmics body was then destroyed. Seamus, in his giant bunzaypoap, exclames “HAHAHAHA COSMIC IS DEAD NOW I CAN TAKE OVER THE WORLD AND SPREAD MY PEDO VIRUS EVERYWHERE” But then, like the alpha sigma I am, I defeated seamus by sticking my 149289249012389 feet long cock (chicken) into his heart, impaling him. His final words…”Tell my kids I groomed…I loved them..”. He then died. But then, as an unexpected turn of events, Seamus revived himself, Becoming SR+ and he flew away into the sunset.

After all of this was over, Ronnie and George Floyd eventually sat down, and George Floyd said “Maybe the real air was the friends we made along the way.” and then they made out. THE END