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Forbidden meme website 5
seamus gets a bit too high on the schizo medication/copium after demin pays a visit and somehow ends up in gensokyo. (touhou world) and starts terrorising and raping people then gets killed by demin, reimu and jabba.
this creepypasta mentions an actual pedophile called seamus. who WILL spam your dms with touhou loli inflation porn if you talk shit about him. if you want to troll. do it from a distance. its for your own good.
the actual pasta
my name is deminian lechval abasil. but i was known as simply just "demin". the year is 2029, when a mysterious outage hits the site bonziworld.org. i have been using the site since 2023. and i have not seen an outage like this on the site in years. but much later i heard about a string of missing children reports in estonia. i knew this only meant one thing. seamus has returned. if you dont know who that is. seamus was the owner of the failed bonziworld server BonziWORLD revived. but after i emailed his mom about the site in late 2023. he was forced to shut it down, he had became a tranny in mid-late 2024. and much later in 2026. gathered up enough money with his crocodile tears and extorting skills to move to estonia with his boyfriend halaget. where he resides today. he went completely AWOL in early 2027 when a video of him and halaget having anal sex was leaked. to this day, nobody knows what happened to him until now.
so, i decided to do the unthinkable, i booked a plane ticket to talinn, estonia and flew out.
when i arrived, i immediately went to halagets address and camped out for a few hours. towards the end of my steakout. i saw seamus and halaget leaving the house. i had to book it so they didnt see me. i then manually walked to the police station, and i told the officer about what was happening. i was then taken into questioning where i told them everything they needed to know. after a few days in a nearby hotel. the police finally arrived and took me to halagets house. but when the police knocked, there was no response, after a few hours they broke down the door. only to find that nobody was there. they searched the whole house and found nothing but a locked door that no matter how hard they tried, could not open. the police then left. but after everyone had left. i decided to do my own investigation.
the next night. i broke into the house. there was still nobody anywhere. then, i tripped on a loose floorboard and under i found a key. i then decided to use the key on the locked door and to my surpirse, it opened. when i walked down the stairs. i found a normal basement. but under a carpet, there was a trapdoor. so naturally i had to go through it. and i saw what felt like a crime against humanity.
i saw all the missing children. chained to desks like some fucked up scam call center. the kids were all using some horribly coded mass DDOS skiddie rape tool called, "the trans rights nazi destroyer ion cannon". all targeted against bonziworld.org. i immediately freed them from the chains and set them free. but i forgot to call 911. the children all ran to the fridge with food and ate everything. but then i noticed a long pathway that lead to another door. when i opened the door. i was hit with the awful scent of rotting flesh. semen, and some sort of strange gas. the smell was so repulsive that i almost threw up. inside the room were seamus and halaget. both were passed out with dirty fumos and printed child porn everywhere. suddenly, i blacked out. and when i "woke up". i could not beleve what i was seeing. what i saw will both blow your mind AND take your breath away.
i had arrived in gensokyo. more specificly the hakurei shrine. from my knowlage of touhou lore, i was almost sure that seamus and halagat were muenzicaed. i got up off the ground looking for reimu. it didnt take too long for me to find her and conveniantly marisa was also with her. i could not speak much japanese. so i just spoke english, conveniantly marisa could also speak english. so i spoke with her. this is how the conversation went.
D: hello?
M: welcome to gensokyo!
D: i came here from inhailing a gas, there were 2 other people, one being a fat gray man and the other being an even fatter green man that both smell awful. have you seen them?
M: let me remember... i DO remember 2 youkai matching those descriptions.
D: where did you see them?
M: somewhere around the human village. they were terrorising the villagers by molesting them and making sexual comments towards them and we already tried exterminating them. we only got them to leave. they did say they would return.
D: oh crap. i need to tell you a bit more about those 2. you see, those arent youkai, those are humans, or at least WERE humans. they are motivated by lust, greed, and desire for power. and became the abominations you see today. all they want and all they will do is hurt people.
M: really?
D: i wish i was lying.
M: well in that case. we need to stop them! thanks for telling us a bit about them!
D: your welcome.
i then was guided by reimu to the human village. where they would then search for seamus and halagat. i walked around for a few hours. until disaster struck.
marisa and reimu had found seamus and halagat. what proceded was a long battle that had seamus and halagat enter the human village. due to the destruction the battle was causing. other people and even some youkai were now trying to destroy seamus and halagat. with many of them either getting crushed under seamuses weight or getting shot out of the sky with projectile semen. when i arrived at the battle. seamus came and yelled out YOU WHO DARES TO ENTER MY DOMAIN AND DISRUPT MY CHILD PORN AND SEXUAL FANTASIES. I SHALL DESTROY YOU WITH MY BOYFRIEND K3RNEL. what happened next was horrifying. seamus grabbed halagat and stabbed him with his dick like he was a massive living fleshlight. and a massive shine of light flashed all of gensokyo. when the light disapeared. what i saw was worse then you could ever imagine.
i saw a giant green blob with multicolored stains all over it. penises and assholes were all growing from the massive green blob. it had 5 hands on each side of its body that were all holding giant hammers that said "RAPE". and a giant penis protruding from its back with an asshole instead of a urethra. and from the top of the blob. i saw a massive tan-green blob with seamuses face. with a green mario hat that said "SPECIAL GOD" and it was about the size of 9 american football fields and it was as tall as a skyscraper. surrounding it was a massive army of kidnapped and groomed 9 year olds. the blob then yelled out an ear pierceing screech that caught the attention of every character from the touhou project franchise. this was the final battle, everyone vs seamus.
soon after. everyone started attacking seamus but none of the attacks did anything to him as the penises fired semen like cannons and the assholes fired shit. and the army of groomed children started on the offensive but wasnt really effective. then. the giant penis asshole rose up and became erect. and started sucking in all the people that were trying to destroy him like that one sandy cheeks cock vore image. when reimu and marisa tried to ISIS behead the giant asscock. only to get raped by 2 smaller cocks and blown up like a balloon, then getting thrown far away. slowly and slowly, everyone in gensokyo was defeated. only i was left. its over. i was done for. but then i remembered i was the only one to know seamuses weakness. so, i took my iphone out, jailbroke it, installed windows 14. and ran the ROIC. (rape orbit ion cannon) on him. a massive lazer came down from the sky and landed on seamus. but it only seemed to weaken him. and he threw his rape hammers at me and he actually managed to hit me with the last one. but in my dying breath, i opened the command line and ran /summon jabbgod. and right as i was about to die. reimu and marisa returned to save me and managed to use all the power they could to knock out seamus and he flew right into a mountain, destroying it in the process and severely damaging seamus, as a giant golden deity decended from the heavens and said "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH DESTROYING GENSOKYO AND BONZIWORLD HUH?, WELL, YOU ARE ENTERING A WORLD OF PAIN! I WILL MAKE SURE YOU NEVER DO THIS AGAIN. AND YOU WILL BE SORRY FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. AND YOU WILL REGRET EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE DONE! and used his holy powers to obliterate seamus and his army. all the people that were absorbed by seamus were then released as seamuses body was slowly disintigrating. i picked up a single rock and put it in my pocket. then helped rebuild for a bit and then i went back to the hakurei shrine and fell asleep where i arrived.
when i woke up, i was back in the real world where i fell asleep. seamus and halagat looked like they had mcnutted themselves. i assumed it was all a dream but when i checked my pocket, the rock i had picked up was still in my pocket. i then left the house and took the gas canisters with the gas that i passed out on with and put them in my backpack. went on the newly restored bonziWORLD, and then went back to the airport and boarded my plane to return home without any problems since the airport security people all had down syndrome. then i got home, checked bonziworld again and wrote this very story. the end.