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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Videoframe/doc

--[[ A Lua rewrite of Encyclopedia Dramatica's videoframe template.
     Made by SeamusIsANigger. ]]
local videoframe = {}

function videoframe.videoframe(frame)
	local videos = ""
	local args = frame:getParent().args

	for key, value in ipairs(args) do
		if key == 4 then
			videos = videos .. "<div class='cyclesequenceitem' align='center'>" .. value .. "</div>"
		elseif key > 4 then
			videos = videos .. "<div class='cyclesequenceitem hiddentext' align='center'>" .. value .. "</div>"

	return "<div class='cyclesequence' style='max-width:640px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center; " .. args[2] .. "'>".. videos .. "<div class='cyclesequencelinks'><span class='cyclesequencelinkprev showhidetext' style='" .. args[3] .. "'>Previous Video</span> &#124; <span class='cyclesequencelinknext showhidetext' style='" .. args[3] .. "'>Next Video</span></div></div>"

return videoframe