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Nyanmandoge/Lucy the Dog (Character)

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Lucy the Dog is a fictional character created by Nyanmandoge


Lucy is a white Dog with a Pink Bow, Bandaged Tail, and Stitched leg.


  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Birthday: TBA


  • She was Nyan's real pet dog who sadly passed away in December of 2021.
  • Her breed is Bichon-Schnauzer or Chonzer.
  • She lost her left leg after getting it caught in a Bear Trap, Nyan saved her from the trap.
  • Her Parents were very grateful that Nyan saved her. When they decided to move across the country, They let Lucy live with Nyan.
  • Her tail is Bandaged because she slammed it a door.