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Sparta remix

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Nothing necessarily bad with that, but keep that in mind while reading.

The Sparta Remix, or Sparta Remixing is the specific practice of Timing Remix. It originally stems off the mash up Remix ''THIS IS SPARTA'' from the movie 300. Ever since, countless people have been making Sparta Remixes of their own, with them getting more creative each time. it can vary from alotta sources. even, multiple bases too.

In BonziWORLD, theres also a certain copypasta (which is: ẉ ẉ ( - ) ẉ ẉ ( - ) ẉ ẉ ẉ ( - ) ẉ ( - ) ẉ ( - ) ẉ ẉ ỵ ỵ ỵ ( - ) ỵ ( - ) ỵ ỵ ỵ ( - ) ỵ ỵ ỵ ( - ) ỵ ỵ) that makes the Bonzibuddy say the chorus part of an SR. even, the ''OMG TEH EPICNESS'' part of it, though i don't have that one saved.


  • Keaton is the original person behind the Sparta Extended Remix base/BGM
  • The SR Community has an overlap within the BonziWORLD community, hence there's some Spartans that reside in the site