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Diogo: Difference between revisions

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{{alert|Diogo got caught and now he's off BonziWORLD for 2 months instead of a year because of good behavior in real life.}}
{{ibh|Diogo Mendes}}
{{ibr|Full name|Diogo Miguel Barros Mendes}}
{{ibr|Born|December 11th, 2005}}
{{ibr|Dead|"''Soon™''" — [[File:Miso.jpg|24px|link=Halagetworld]]}}
{{ibr|Residence|Castelo Branco, Portugal}}
{{ibr|Parents|Rui Pires Mendes (dad), Celina Maria Mendes (mom)}}
{{ibr|Obsessions|Logo Editing, BonziWORLD, ''[[Battle for Dream Island]]'' <s>(formerly)</s>, a shit-ton of franchises, and grooming kids.}}
{{ibr|Aliases|<small>DIOGO2010, Diogo2020, Diogo The Object/Cube Thingy, MDPVE, DiogoFan2020, DiogoThePortugueseEditor193, TehDiogoSpartan193, DiogoTheKirbyRightBackAtYaFan2K5, pedophile 4/5, Rare Wubbox Official</small>}}
{{ibr|Status|Alive, Semi-active.}}
'''Diogo Miguel Barros Mendes''' (also known by his given nickname '''Doggis''', or Diana the daggis) is an autistic 18-year-old Portugese homosexual and pedophile (<s>and now a tranny too</s> DISREGARD THAT LOL), who is the main culprit of filling [[BonziWORLD]] with retards. However, he is better known for his adventures in E-molestations of random BW kids, 20-something-year-old spicettes, or pretty much anyone; male or female, real or fictional, young or old (but preferably young). After having a tiny chimpout in a Google Hangouts chat, his fame crumbled into nothing and went from a beloved figure to a boogeyman hated by everyone. Nowadays he wanders aimlessly between BonziWORLD and Discord, mostly in the latter where he is being """trolled""" every day by [[Halagetworld|some of the least self-aware, unfunny, and terminally retarded faglords on the internet]] who are not Diogo. He nowadays LARPs as his haters just to leak his email and password (maybe Diogo's got a fetish for getting hacked).
Nonetheless, he is still somewhat relevant in the BonziWORLD community, even if his activity on the site dwindled at best and ceased completely at worst.
== Overview of the cow ==
Shat out of the box on December 11th, 2005, Diogo is one of BonziWORLD's biggest lolcows. He was very infamous both on BW and outside of it due to his nuclear assburgers and constantly e-fucking everything.
Behavior-wise, Diogo is a very immature sperg whose mental age hasn't progressed past 7. This can be seen be in the way he takes in criticism, especially in his earlier years. Insulting him, impersonating him, or calling him doggis would result in a chimpout of biblical proportions that included spamming, swearing, ALL CAPS, BonziWORLD rants, free dislike videos, angry messages, blocking, unblocking to leave 60 billion hate comments, blocking again, everything and anything. Over the years, Diogo transformed from a raging fucktard to a mostly paranoid fucktard.
Diogo is also severely schizophrenic and gullible. Aside from his genderbent alter-egos he'd larp with and believing that every woman is attracted to him, Diogo has a thing for being threatened with magically getting hunted down and killed... somehow. Diogo will do almost anything if he's under the delusion that someone is going to "come to Portugal and kill him" on a specific date in the future if he doesn't do whatever that someone had requested, accusing people of being murderers. Even if you don't make any threats, Diogo will automatically accuse you of conspiring to kill him with a bullshit made up future date attached. If you're trolling Diogo anonymously, he will also accuse you of being other people, especially ones like [[BonziCITIZEN A.K.A User|Citizen]], [[Catie|Jankie]], or some [[Halagetworld|halag]].
== History and Events ==
=== Beginnings ===
Diogo was shat out on December 11th, 2005. He was diagnosed with Autizum (to no one's surprise) and later caged inside a special needs school known as "Association ERID". Diogo joined YouTube on January 27th, 2013, as simply "'''Diogo Mendes'''", then evolved into various combinations of increasingly retarded logofag names, such as "'''Diogo the Object Thingy/Diogo Mendes HD/DTVE'''". He eventually became popular by endlessly shitting out logoslop for years and years, giving him almost 400K subscribers prior to the termination, and essentially making him the Lord of Logo Editing, especially because Diogo did every single request he could see in the comments.
<center><youtube>RPEDCnWilUM</youtube><br>'''A reupload of a Diogo logo edit. Pretty shit, right? Now take this and copy paste it over 9000 times and you get the general idea of his first channel.'''</center>
=== BonziWORLD Infestation ===
Somewhere around November of 2016, Diogo found BonziWORLD at the age of 10. Diogo did the natural thing of inviting all his buddies to the site and making videos about it as well as having constant slapfights. Diogo would eventually become the king of BW; the public room would become a desert, should Diogo waddle into some private room. Everyone who insulted Diogo got grounded grounded grounded for 57257256755 niggafucks yap yap yadda-yadda-yadda, you get it by now.
Although his channel was still mostly logoshit, Diogo's videos did get more diverse: like BonziWORLD "gameplays" and his infamous rants, where he would send a recycled GoNigger rant within a private room. You didn't have to be a big Logo-celebrity to earn a rant on yourself; in fact, the most common causes of Diogo making a rant on someone was if they either called him a bad user, impersonated him, or simply defended the rantee in the comments.
He would also notably squabble with some people, including [[Ziggy]] (back then going on BW as '''chris'''), who coined that ebil "doggis" word that would taunt him ever since.
'''Fast forward:''' On the 22nd of March, 2024, Diogo admitted that he hadn't "discovered" BonziWORLD, but was invited into the site by none other than [[Seamus|Sir Cremeens]] of all people, making him BonziWORLD's sole killer.
=== Niggatopia ===
On 6th of May, 2019, his entire logoslop channel got hacked by '''Niggatopia/Blacktopia''' via a remote access trojan (RAT), and then terminated. Some speculate that this exact hack was the beginning of the end for Diogo, but who knows? While Niggatopia's true identity remains unknown, it has been speculated that he was either a skid or someone from the YTPMV community. There have been a few recent sightings of "Blacktopia" made; but those could be larps however.
During the remainder of 2019, Diogo did some other spergy things. Diogo also says that during that time he got doxxed for the first time by some TMAFE rat called MAV (also known as BlueTone or TheNixMin), however he adds that it might've been Sossie larping (Another TMAFE member). Diogo also posted his penis for the first time on Discord, on a channel supposedly called #bladder (wut).
Either way, Lardoggis then made another channel called '''DiogoFan2019''' which was also deleted (hacked or otherwise). Finally, he made his third and most infamous channel, '''DiogoFan2020 Returns.'''
He also started spergin' on BW more, and got himself doxxed again on March 30th, 2020.
UPDATE: NiggaTopia was Wrog Jobama. He got exposed for illegal shit. Check it out.
=== DiogoFan2020 and Rages ===
[[File:2020Powerpuffpfp.png|thumb|Diogo's shitty Powerpuff OC at the time]]
'''DiogoFan2020 Returns // Diogo Powerpuff BLTP''', simply known as '''DiogoFan2020''', was the third YouTube channel in the main line of channels made by Diogo. Also around this era, Diogo's got new hyperfixations, mainly ''Powerpuff Girls'' and ''Kirby: Right Back at Ya!'' Diogo's videos got yet again even more diverse, a short list is provided:
* Logoslop, still takes up half of his channel.
* Selfies/Vlogs. Mostly angry messages, announcements and dumb questions to his audience like "what do you think of banana pancakes".
* BonziWORLD rants (occasionally).
* Rages. We'll get to those right now.
One day, Diogo made his first rage video malding about dislikes on his videos (deserved ones at that). These videos, of course, only got more people to dislike his videos; pissing him off even more. Then the videos became proper rages of sheer seethe, where he'd autistically roar, beat his bed, and jump all over the place. The cycle continued until on May 5th, 2020, [[TMAFE]] began meming the shit out of his rage videos; at which point Diogo made his channel's final, and most popular rage video, "[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj3s6_4NN6c  STOP CALLING ME DOGGIS!!!!!!!!!!] ". Diogo started to cry about the "Diogo Hatebase" that he helped to grow due to his retardation, faked suicidal statements, and guilt-tripped the gullible TMAFE into deleting all their edits and memes. Diogo deleted his channel on May 9th. Some videos have been archived from that era, which are available on the two Diogo Mendes archive channels on YouTube.
=== Downfall of 2020: Part I ===
Despite all this SOOICIDE baiting and guilt-tripping and how he will "NEVER™ BE BACK", he, once again, came back as '''DiogoThePortugueseEditor193''' and '''DiogoTheKirbyRightBackAtYaFan2020'''. Somewhere in late May, a Google Hangouts group was made to troll "enemies", which just so happened to include Lord Doggisé. It started out innocent enough: Diogo would be spammed "doggis" or called names, and he would in return chimpout into the microphone until his parents caught him. His DeviantART was also exposed which had a lot of shitty recolor artwork of real people with exposed bellybuttons (OMGSOHAWTTTT). Diogo deleted that account but got it screenshotted to death anyway. Then the "doxxing" started. Diogo would post pictures of other people's hometowns and faildox them and would laughed at if he got it wrong. But this is still nothing, for the straw that broke the camel's back was this series of messages:
[[File:Doggis Sexual 4.png|center|frameless]]Since then, Diogo would e-jizz on every female troll/confronter (mainly '''Dafni Cortes''' and '''Allison Katiny''') in pure shitrage, and even some male ones too ('''Olaf Kowalski'''). However, he would later find himself in a dookie-pool after not only having these conversations leaked and spread everywhere, but also having his dad find out about the whole situation, who then lobotomized Diogo's laptop with parental controls, thus slightly killing off Diogo's activity in groupchats as Rui would spamleave every time Diogo's account was added. Nonetheless, Niggo would continue to interract with his haters and trolls and whatnot.
On another note, Diogo also fell for a nothingburger gay-op called "Operation Pridefall", and in fears of getting raped by le ebil haxxiez he decided to stop making videos on his channel until July 1st... except he didn't and he instead just squeezed in a little fucknugget into his video titles saying something along the lines of "(XTH FINAL VIDEO UNTIL JULY 1ST)", which gave him the excuse to keep spamming slop thoughout the entirety of June, showing how desperate for views he is.
Either way Diogo was being ridiculed pretty much everywhere, but that didn't matter to him as he kept on doing the e-rape in hopes he can get laid one day (fat chance; obese even, like him).
{{cg|Doglard's Dox-Sexting Adventures|<gallery>
File:Doggis Sexual.png|Calling him "doggis" does not stop his e-rape
File:Doggis Sexual 4.png
File:Doggis Sexual 5.png
<gallery perrow="4">
File:Diogdox3.png|Correction: He lives in 229 Township Rd 350, Sullivan, Ohio
File:Screenshot 2023-03-05 132631.png
File:Screenshot 2023-03-05 132115.png
File:Screenshot 2023-03-05 131125.png
File:Screenshot 2023-03-05 131722.png
=== Downfall of 2020: Part II ===
Slowly, the shitfest that Diogtard had created for himself moved into Pisscord, where the rampant chimpouts continued. Some interesting events have already happened on there during the Hangouts period, mainly what's arguably the first "Doggis jailhouse" in May of 2020, which initially was a "Dad Ears Collab" server (based on the [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du1kqXudDas infamous video you may know well]) that got hacked. Either way, Diogo would continue to spam "NIGGER" and "OH OH OH OH OH DIFNEE SO HAAAAAWT ESE", shit like that. He was first added to a group chat which was used to further milk Diogo due to his spergery. Obviously a lot of incidents happened on there since Diogo was still Diogo and as such he'd e-molest just as effectively as on Hangouts. Diogo was also getting more pedophilic: ranging from saying how he feels funny around children to "I WANNA FUCK A 4-YEAR-OLD!!!!!!1". Most of the time he'd sperg around on a voice chat and doing a plethora or malding and would sometimes do dares.
On July 1st, a Diogo-centered server was made; for most of its existence known as the "Doggis Jailhouse". Diogo was actually allowed into the server, which turned out to be a mistake. Hot-D cosntantly seethed like never before; he was called doggis from every direction (perhaps in hopes he'd ragequit the internet), while he would instead keep e-raping, stalking, sending messages about wishing to see someone's tiddies or ass, etc. Diogo would also regularly spam weird Tranime shit and Gacha heat or play it with a music bot.
{{cg|Doglard's Dox-Sexting Adventures: Discock Edition|<gallery>
File:diogoamazingdoxing.png|Diogo's experitise at doxxing knows no bounds.
<gallery perrow="6">
File:Capture8.png|Diogo's an [[Battle for Dream Island|objectfag]] so it checks out.
File:kysirlfatass.jpg|He's on no ground to call anyone a fatass.
File:toomanynwords.png|Diogo: Keemstar's distant retarded cousin
File:unknown (4).png
File:image1 (2).jpg
==== The Portuguese Flash(er) ====
[[File:diogo dick reaction.png|200px|thumb|Reaction to the Diock]]
During one of those VC sessions, Diogo snapped in some way, and actually managed to... drumroll... 🎉🎉🎉 '''show his dick on video!''' 🎉🎉🎉
It is safe to say everyone to witness it was either traumatized, in outrage, or simply had their eyeballs boiled from the monstrocity they were presented with (and from how microscopic and warped it was). Obviously it would be too hard for Pedoggis to stop just then, so he did it again, and again, and again. At one point he had recorded himself "masturbating", i.e flailing his microdick with his fingers, which in conclusion means that Diogo doesn't even know how masturbation works. He later even raided the Diogo Jailhouse with a dick pic of his. Since then, posting his warped noodle had become so common of a practice that numerous people were alerted about it and were warned about taking any conversation with Diogo into DMs. Diogo got his media perms taken away in the server right after. He does some other shit later on, like forcing Dafni and others to play the Blue Whale Challenge with no success. Who would do that anyway?
File:Screenshot 2022-04-21 190042.png|Fast forward to Dec 2020: Diogo still doesn't regret showing his microdick.
File:image0.jpg|Blue Whale shit:
==== The Failed Cuckubine ====
Some time after the preceding events, perhaps late July/early August, Diogo gets hacked and creates an alt called '''SteamyAccounting14'''. Diogo again takes it to DMs and GCs, where he does more spergy shit. One notable thing Diogo had done while on his alt was considering "shooting up" his special needs school because they're so STRICT AND ABUSIVE OMGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The trolls took it upon themselves to contact his dad about this rageshart, and soon enough Diogo actually got grounded for a week for the statement (omggg just like muh heckin goanimet videos). 
==== Almost getting away with it ====
In August, Diogo had once again caught a RAT and was spied on by trolls, who discovered that one of the diehard Diogo H8URZZZ, Olaf Kowalski, was in bed with him the entire time. Diogaboo used this opportunity to make up some retarded shit like how he was forced by Olaf to e-diddle Dafni and whatnot. The Adsters, in search of something fresh to flip their shit over, immediately jumped at Olaf and bullied him out of their Discord (and the platform in general), though he later came back to the site, he specifically ran to seek a new home in [[Seamus]]'s dump where'd he go under 502875 names. After the chimpout, Diogo was forgiven and "cleared" of all e-charges related to ERP'ing. Diogo then recieved 2 weeks of pure dickride, the kind not experienced by Diogo since DTOT times. This all fell apart however; when discussing something with the adsters, Diogo admitted to have "written" some of them, which once again resulted in a chimpout which got Diogtard banned from their server.
So yeah, it didn't work, but could you imagine if it did? What kind of a cruel universe would it be if Diogo DID get away with the grooming and still got dicksucked to this day?
File:olafe.png|The discovery.
=== Downfall of 2020: Part III ===
This part covers the E-dating and later happenings. Sometime from July to Sepetember, Diogo started getting into a relationship with Geri2020/Whitty/PomPom, who was 12 at the time. Both sharing the new hyperfixation of ''My Singing Monsters'', Diogo and Geri often LARPed as genderbent demigender bisex triplesex niggasex versions of the characters, with Diogo going as "Rare/Sexy Wubbox Official".
As expected for a band of brainfucked homosexual spergnuts, Diogo and Geri did nothing but e-hump each other on Discord and BW all day while everyone in the BW public room was forced to watch. They both ofthen changed their colors to pink and pretended they were "naked", and then spammed asterisks, tildes, UWUs, and OWOs for the remainder of the ERP (again, while everyone else had to endure through the entire thing). Diogo was not receptive to people telling him how the entire "relationship" was an eye-sanding abomination and how pedophilic he acts in a lot of these ERPs, obviously, so he roared at them for even suggesting to change things up, and then brainfuck Geri even more into this publically visible whoreout he made for himself.
Despite all this, eventually some BWR fags broke the spell and ungroomed Geri into breaking up with Diogo. Diogo probably seethed or found a new boyfriend. Diogo was also keen to leak his secrets out of nowhere, including his wacky adventures in his spedshed, where he also did retard shit with the girls and little boys, like flashing, and other wonderful Diogo stuff.
File:diogosecret.PNG|Just one of Diogo's many doings in ERID
==== Diogo's most successful LARP ====
In late 2020, about the same time the creation of Diogo Jailhouses and GC's had accelerated, Diogo would gradually sneak under a LARP called "Samuel Antunes"/"Samuel Powerpuff" to infiltrate a few of these GC's so that he could do some epic PWN of some sorts. It's been speculated that he was the man to have facedoxxed Geri in the same GC [[ArdaKirac]] chimped out on. This actually makes sense since this could have been a revenge dox for breaking up with him. Either way Diogo kept larpin' and larpin' and waddled his way into most GC's and even the Adsters' server. Then in February 2021, Diogo went into his Samuel larp YouTube channel and uploaded this:
Aside from like one freakout (from Dafni), Diogo's attempt at ripping everyone's nutsacks off with his Disney-villain-tier plot twist had mostly failed. Instead, his creepy pedogrin was milked for its resemblance to the distorted Jerma from the "When the imposter is sus! 😳" meme. That's it lol.
=== Banished to the Halag hax hell forever ===
After Diogo had grown in popularity for being a retard and a groomer, a lot of faggots and kiddies started to feast on Diogo's infamy, mainly a group of failed trolls, retards, and BW rejects which would later found [[Halagetworld]] and similar groups. The reason is unknown, but most likely to seem epix and C00L and perhaps redeem themselves to the people that trolled them, who turned out to be the same people who had trolled Diogo before. They started by milking dry a very hilarious Diogo hack that happened in early 2021 for all its worth, and as time went on, it devolved into Diogo being called doggis a billion times and then getting hacked after Halags politely requested his password. By late 2021, Diogo had become completely confined within the Halags many hugboxes and hourly GC's, in a vicious cycle of getting added to a GC and getting hacked, with no flavor to speak of.
From this point on, Diogo's historical record on the BW-adjacent side turns into a big hole, since almost nothing ever leaves the confined hugboxes of Halagetworld, and nothing interesting is being done to begin with. To this day, Diogo's accounts never last longer than a week.
=== Diana/Diogo troons out ===
Sometime in late April 2024, Diogo became transgender again, now under the name: 'Diana'; claims to go under gender surgery once he came out to his parents. Reasoning for him to become transgender is the following: 'Forcing'. And yes, we all know how these go. Typical haglet method into doing something, that for the most part, barely makes any sense to begin with. Guess it's whatever floats their boat. The trooning might've also been the result of going under different weird "genders" such as "half-trans" and "male with boobs", you know... retard shit. '''UPDATE:''' ever since May 2024, he became male again, due to his parents being transphobic.
=== PIU arrests Diogo ===
In May of 2023, Diogo has gotten caught in a sting operation by the PIU (his local law enforcement; specializing in predator related crimes) & got himself under fed balls. He got arrested & had been interrogated. sadly, this hasnt led to him being put behind bars. instead, they took away his internet privileges for 4 months. they also told him to improve, and if he didnt, he would get his internet access taken away for a year, extending it. nowadays, the PIU (with Hugo Fonesca/Santos leading this specific investigation) is keeping an eye on him from time to time while theyre further investigating diogo. they also bundled powers with Donutscout, since he has become a police officer & is very familiar with the bw community (hes leading an investigation on bw aswell). Police inspector's email: hugofonesca@pj.pt
<!-- not worthy of an enitre section, wip
=== Diogo's darkest secret ===
Diogo's biggest secret from 2020 got leaked. Niggatopia aka Wrog Jobama who hacked Diogo went on a sexual relationship with him. Diogo and Wrog Jobama posted child porn in secret discord groups and even posting nudes of themselves. It was admitted by Diogo today. It's only a matter of time before the secret gets leaked everywhere. Diogo got warned if he ever told anyone, he would get his life ruined. It's most likely Diogo told the secret to Classic Gamer Nerd. Wrog aka NiggaTopia is in the YTPMV community. He's friends with MrPaperSonic, Woffy and Glob. Woffy's Twitter: https://x.com/woffy2real - Glob's Twitter: https://x.com/Glob24 His current Twitter account is @thefuckshis64 (https://x.com/thefuckshis64), and his YouTube is https://www.youtube.com/@Sonicdude3.
Diogo and Wrog Jobama both deleted their messages to prevent getting caught.
==External links==
*[[dramatica:Diogo Mendes|Encyclopedia Dramatica article]]
*{{youtube|@diogomendesarchive1116}} - First video archive, made after Dogger deleted his DiogoFan2020 account.
*{{youtube|@diogomendesarchivesequel5143}} - Second, bigger video archive when the first one died out.
===Social Media and other accounts===
Diogo's online accounts usually last a week or two before getting hacked; usually by [[halagetworld]], but sometimes by [[Warsnore]].
*{{discorduser|voltsposed|1203656539940986951}} - (DELETED DUE TO A STING OPERATION BY PORTUGAL POLICE)
*{{discorduser|goneiswato|1200753938731909130}} '''(Abandoned)'''
*{{discorduser|diogotrans|1197207038619562049}} '''(Abandoned)'''
*{{Discorduser|smlinvestigator2005|1257773146757529642}} - Most likely abandoned.
*<s>{{discorduser|diogoisbacktemp2005|1191452763993931877}}</s> - Hacked and turned into a fake [[kern3l]] account.
*{{discorduser|diogoisgoneforever|1178787458205352100}} - Abandoned.
*{{Youtube|channel//UCnEM5RIXm4SGYgJYFsir4wQ|DiogoMendes2005}} '''(HACKED)'''
*{{youtube|@JokerRTP-ti7en|Joker RTP1 2018}} - An unhacked Diogo channel from 2018 discovered on June 15th, 2024 '''(INACTIVE)'''
*https://www.youtube.com/@myeverythingfanchannel4386 - Diogo's 2017 popular channel.
*{{youtube|channel/UCTqFJTxz8uHhRtj5_xCzk1A|DiogoTheBoobDude2005}} '''(INACTIVE)'''
*{{youtube|@DianaTheChargemanKenFan2005|DianaTheChargemanKenFan2005}} '''(HACKED)'''
*{{youtube|channel/UCN4XRMGKUmBZ3hhpGqegI1Q|DianaStopAllAnonyNoStans}} '''(DELETED)'''
*{{youtube|channel//UCXvtxDIXer_KhDiPZ2q2X8A|DianaMendes2005}} '''(BANNED)'''
*{{Instagram|celinamariamendes}} '''(HACKED AND DELETED)''' - His mother's Instagram account.
*{{instagram|diogomendes9999}} '''(DELETED)'''
*{{instagram|diogomendes1969}} '''(ABANDONED)'''
*{{instagram|diogomendes1975}} '''(ABANDONED)'''
*{{Instagram|diogomendes1943}} '''(LIKELY ABANDONED)'''
*{{instagram|diogomiguelbarrosmendes4723}} '''(ABANDONED)'''
*{{deviantart|DiogoIsBackAgain2005}} '''(HACKED AND BALEETED)'''
*{{deviantart|DiogoStrikesBack}} '''(BALEETED)'''
*{{deviantart|MillyArtz120}} '''(INACTIVE)'''
*{{deviantart|JudyArtz2ndReturn}} '''(INACTIVE)'''
*{{deviantart|ThatHornyLewdBoyLiam}} '''(HACKED)''' [https://archive.is/bNi5d archive]
*{{deviantart|TestAccount2005}} '''(HACKED AND BALEETED)'''
*{{deviantart|IntersexDiogo}} '''(BALEETED)'''
*{{deviantart|portugueseintersex20}} '''(HACKED)'''
*{{deviantart|rockoandcarebearsfan}} '''(BALEETED)'''
*{{tiktok|@diogomendesofficial35}} '''(BALEETED)'''
*{{tiktok|@doggismeddisofficial35}} '''(BALEETED)'''
*{{tiktok|@diogofan2020}} '''(BALEETED)'''
*[https://www.facebook.com/people/Diogo-Mendes/pfbid02s8tQhdXyp49928zSXcyj1zTnFPf8k9TCc6Dd8pnMMk6geGMQKws3nxvBmqVFFTFbl/ Diogo Mendes] - Facebook
*[mailto:joker2018@gmail.com joker2018@gmail.com] - some old email
*pbskidsfanchannel@gmail.com - email from 2017, belongs to diogo

Revision as of 04:40, 18 July 2024