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Synthetic Docen

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This person was arrested.

This means that the person has been in trouble with the law before and has been arrested.

The user portrayed in this page is a member of the Second Generation of the Docenith Order.
This means they're a Old Docen.


Docen Involucration

Synthetic Docen was the founder of the Second Generation Docen League, as a way of researching about discord's way of life, the first gen and more. He served as the leader for that generation from 2015 to 2023. He's known for using to run a Network of Child Pornography, hidden to the rest of his league, only known to Polysynthetic, Nymph, Alpha, Frostbite and Polysynthetic Docen. He was also involucrated in sending gore to minors, and sending DDOS attacks to enemy clans. He was a expert hacker, and he was only defeated by those of his same league, whom he trained. He used a lot of Blood Orchid's code, but mostly used his own.

General Information

Synthetic is a romanian male, leader of the Old Docens and the creator of Docen-Op, that got arrested for possession and distribution of child pornography. He used to be in a relationship with Omnisemitic Docen. He's still in prison, after escaping to spain and being re-arrested.

Docen Context

Second Generation

Synthetic created the second generation and was a very very high ranking member, influentiating other groups and factions close to him. However, he was arrogant and egotistical, and so he leaded several missions agaisnt factions bigger than his. He, however, made a lot of code and bots for the second generation which were lost at the start of the Docen Civil War. He nuked a total of 130 servers, and doxxed 100 people from 2015 to 2022 by himself. His main server, "Delta Sanctuary", was destroyed in a rebellion caused by Polysemitic and Unapoligetic docen.


Before The Rebellion

9 counts of hacking (bruteforce)

1 count of endangering minors

5 counts of production of child porn

19 counts of cyberattack / cyberterrorism (DDOS)

After The Rebellion

Attempted Bruteforce

8 counts of bruteforce

6 counts of cyberterrorism (DDOS)

9 counts of production of child porn

Fun facts

Synthetic Docen used and created the Special Operations Trifecta. Only other Old Docen; Omnisemitic, uses this trifecta

Synthetic Docen is the only docen that never directly raided any server.

Synthetic Docen's Memorial was held during 2023-2024 by Nymph and Frostbite docen.

Synthetic Docen's Rank has been passed on to three more people; Omnisemitic docen > Alpha Docenith > Nymph Docen

Synthetic Docen's League was disbanded into smaller factions the 29th of january, 2024.


"Disc Noob"

"Docen / Docenith"

"Chikimina Oko"

"Sins We Fathom, But I Won't Repent, For mine are holy, I shall descend." - Synthetic Docen's Last Recorded Message to Alpha Docenith before getting Swatted.