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David Joshua

sysexternals, also known as SamintoSmash, DavePlaysGames, DavePlaysGames4411, retardthefake, CloverIsANigger, ItzCrazyDave, ItzTurboDave, ItzSammyFloyd, Cutefloyd(z)gamer or 2d2rocketleague is one of the members of the Warsaw server. He is known for renaming a large number of online members to random garbage, spamming "George Floyd" and a transformation art based on him in both the server and BonziWORLD, raiding servers with both Warsaw and his "Sam George Floyd Turns into Eric Smith Alan Tardish Inter SM64ISTRASH AG5516 Brainrot Lomando Windows 8" empire named Truncate, and trolling underaged faggots in Warsaw 3.

See Also

  • BlakeIsHere: Another BonziWORLD user who is into transformation art.