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User:MommyMilk/CollabVM Short Story
This is a personal story from CollabVM.
Hello, I'm MommyMilk, also known as itzdonutscout, donutscout, weirdexistence, youcandoeverything, yada yada yada.
I want to show you a story from June-July 2022, where a admin on CollabVM uploaded a Flash .swf file containing a game that can make you play as a school shooter.
This is a real story, anyone who says this is a fake is bullshitting.
The Story
I don't remember alot, but here's the rundown:
A admin, maybe lily, uploaded a swf in vm0b0t. She named it "adam lanza simulator". This was the age of Jaiden porn and vore.
When she played it, everyone was disgusted. A school shooter game that makes you play as Adam Lanza. Holy shit. This was like the Columbian Shootings of 1999.
Eventually, a new revision happened and DarkOK banded together to beat up the swf file. The end.