Febuary 15th craptastrophie

Revision as of 20:17, 15 February 2024 by AnonyNo (talk | contribs)

the febuary 15th craptastrophie (name coined by niggapoop) is a series of raids that happened on February 15th, 2024 where FunyPlace, this wiki and BonziWORLD were all raped by a butthurt tranny's botnet.

affected sites

(in order of severity, least to worst)


the least painful raid. this raid consisted of bots spamming with a spongebob egg crosscolor. users tried to counter this by spamming "ME JEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" pretty much irrelevent due to this happening all the time during the great war. and the community being used to it.


this raid ranks in the middle but is on the more severe side. this raid consisted of bots mass-producing accounts with 3 random words as the username (IE: "to what house" "fish bed the") and have said accounts edit all pages to large strings of random words and add the tranny flag that would lag the site. and replace all files with said flag. {stub} this is what a page would look like after being vandalised by the bots. (yet to be added, please add it)


the worst raid out of them all. this raid consisted of a bypass to the antibot fune added with a botnet with hundreds of IPs all botting at the same time. little could be done about the bot but thankfully the canvas had been archived. due to this, funyplace has now ended support.

possible culprits


not much is known about him, but he was the one who sent someone the script he used to rape funyplace. some speculated he was groomed by seamus.


Built a huge tranny flag on FunyPlace using bots.


a morbidly obese irish tranny that likely did the raid as revenge for what his mom did to BWR. if it wasnt him, it was one of his grooming victims.


the people who raped the 2 original canvases. and likely did the 3rd for the same reasons as mr cremeens did.


in the aftermath, the wiki was repared, the BonziWORLD.org server suffered nothing. and funyplace was no longer supported.