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This user is a lolcow? Frickin' saved.
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This person used to be a kiddie.
This means the person in question has since grown out of being a raging underage spergtard with an IQ in single digits. |
“ | Stfu. Asshole. | ” |
— Anonymouse when a kiddie starts raging. |
Anonymouse full name: Markuss Rusiņš or previously JustVee or just Zachary (NOT anymore) is a BonziWORLD user from Riga, Latvia. Who pisses off most of the kiddies in BonziWORLD so that they rage. He also knows how to skid on 6 Programming Languages, that's insane! He's also a fan of games like Fuckblox or Shitcraft. He also likes Microsoft Windows Pissdows stuff, but he is not considered as a Windowsfag.

-He appeared on the World for the first time!
-He discovered BonziWORLD for the first time! He was named "Anonymous".
-He didn't knew much features about BonziWORLD, it was a Vanilla BonziWORLD that time made by BagelChip.
-He didn't like BonziWORLD much. So he quitted for 1 year.
-He's back on BagelChip's BonziWORLD!
-He now understood every feature on BonziWORLD.
-He discovered who Seamus is. He thought he was the creator of BonziWORLD, but he wasn't.
-He discovered who Joseph Judge was. He also thought he was the creator of BonziWORLD, but he already quitted developing BonziWORLD.
-He met faggots like Diogo, Anonymouse was calling him always "Doggis".
-He changed his name, i forgot what it was.
-He discovered Erik's shitty Vanilla BonziWORLD. But he didn't really join it.
-But after BagelChip's BonziWORLD shutted down. He was forced to go to Erik's BonziWORLD.
-He tried accessing Erik's old BonziWORLD server. But bonzi.erik.red:3000 was shut down.
-He continued playing BonziWORLD, and made some new friends as well.
-server.erik.red:3000 shutted down. Leaving him nowhere.
-He discovered bonziworldrevived.tk was up and running. But due to his crappy computer, he couldn't run it properly so quitted after just 1 day of usage.
-After some months, he finally discovered bonzi.ga and got a computer which was faster.
-He realized there were new colors added he didn't see before.
-He decided to join the Discord Server of Warsaw.
-He was a well behaved user on the Server and BonziWORLD.
-He didn't quite use BonziWORLD and Discord alot.
-He returned!
-He discovered some new friends like ComputerFan7252, Jenny Fuckman (XJ-9), Mailbox AUTTP, XPhantom, and Ivorydevrimo. This is after he discovered Room IP Address 50.
-He turned into a complete Room 50 Hopper. Which made him a kiddie.
-He became a Brawlstarsfag and wore a shitty Brawl Stars crosscolor.
-He also grounded kiddies on Room 50, that made him a GoFag.
-When his crosscolor was stolen, he would go tard raging.
-He also flooded Room 50 and other kiddie bunkers multiple times, the flooding crosscolors were all from Bitch Stars. Which made everybody knew that he's responsible for the flood.
-When Arda returned from his BonziBREAK and joined Room 50, Anonymouse decided to act frien to him so that he can destroy his computer.
-When Arda had school, he allowed Anonymouse to remotely control his computer while he was gone using AnyDesk. First thing he did was to delete his System32 files, and the run the infamous Monoxide.exe virus. Arda was crying to his mommy when he returned to see that his computer was gone. However, Arda didn't suspect that was him who destroyed his computer, as he said it was stuck on his Motherboard's BIOS.
-Arda got his computer repaired! And again, he allowed Anonymouse to remotely connect to his computer using AnyDesk. Anonymouse often used Virtual Machines like Windows 10, 7, and 8.1 to not get his actual computer destroyed by Arda. Arda often uploaded some Objectfag assets to his Virtual Machines. But Anoymouse deleted them later on. After Arda went AFK, Anonymouse decided to do another destruction to his computer. This time, he deleted his HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry key by using Command Prompt.
-However, after some time, Arda got his computer repaired again! But this time, his mommy didn't allow him to use AnyDesk. So that made Anonymouse hopeless, but however. He could destroy his Virtual Machines.
-So the first Virtual Machine Anonymouse destroyed for Arda was some random turkish Windows 7. Anonymouse used the infamous Windows SysKey so that Arda has to reinstall his Virtual Machine lmao. It did succeed.
-After some time, Anonymouse decided to stop being a kiddie, stop being a Brawlstarsfag, stop being a Room 50 Hopper and improve himself. So he abandoned Jenny Fuckman and other kiddies.
-The improval was a success! However, Jenny Fuckman fake quitted Room 50. Which made him still a hopper. But Anonymouse quitted it forever and improved himself.
-XPhantom with his shit decided to post porn nonstop and even tried to force Anonymouse to do so, but he didn't.
-He never hopped on Room 50.
-A new year has arrived!
-When some kiddies joined, Anonymouse would piss them off so that they quit and tell their mommy.
-He made some new friends on BonziWORLD, and started editing and making pages and templates for the Wiki often.
-He changed his name to "JustVee". Which made him a Dandyfag and a Dandy's World Sperg.
-When people accused him for his name and color, he said that BonziWORLD hates everything.
-His computer broke, the Windows he had already died. So he decided to take it to a repair guy.
-On Sunday, The fixed computer was shipped with Windows 10 and only worked for one day, until it broke again.
-He took it to the repair guy again, the Power Supply was the issue. So it had to be swapped out.
-He waited for another Sunday, and it worked! The computer worked fine!
-He was a daily user of BonziWORLD who was Alive and Active.
-After some time, he changed his name into "Anonymouse". Because he had enough of being a sperg.
-He moved his Wiki Page and modified it to Anonymouse. Note that this Wiki Page you're reading right now was written by Anonymouse himself.
-However, after rebranding. His computer broke once again because of a CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED BSOD.
-Now he's using his backup HP laptop whch is slow and doesn't run BonziWORLD very good. So he decided to grab a BonziBREAK, but still be active in Warsaw.
External Links
@PlanetOfWindows (CURRENT)
users/ZacharyPeynirci/ (ABANDONED)
users/Anonymouse1_/ (CURRENT)
planetofwindows (CURRENT)