
Revision as of 18:58, 15 July 2023 by Fune (talk | contribs) (added image)

Halagetworld (AKA "Hagletworld", "samsung fun club"[not the real thing]) is a circlejerk of failed trolls and skiddies that has close ties with BonziWORLD members. Most of their time is spent jerking eachother off on voice calls or trolling the weakest lolcows, since Hagletworlders aren't able to go after anyone with more mental endurance than Diogo. The previous Hagletworld discord server (a Jabba/Onute lolfarm named after samsung fun club) got nuked by Warsaw, leading to the entirety of Hagletworld making shitty "memes" out of Fune. There's not much history to this group since most of it is just internet rejects who banded together in order to "troll" and hack Diogo.

Their pfps on discord

Brief History and breakdown of Nigletworld

Followers of the antics of Chris-chan have long noted a recurring trend of faggots, freaks and aspies attempting to 'redeem' themselves in the eyes of the trolling community by pantomiming disgust and hatred of the manchild's activities and perhaps spare themselves the trolling which, as they recognize all too plainly, would be theirs but for the fortuity of circumstance.
―Encyclopedia Dramatica on the CWC troll-larpers of the past, mirroring the mentality of Hagletworlders [1]

No one knows when Hagletworld started taking shape, but it's argued it began in late 2020/early 2021 with the influx of brown underage maskids, a-logs, and larpers who sprouted from the ground like a nuclear fungus to feast on Diogo's decaying internet remains, because that was the only person that was lower than they were. Despite that, the original trolls of Diogo and the like rejected them due to it being obvious they are larpers who acted like full-blown 7-year-old kiddies just 2 months before.

Since Haglets themselves had a long history of getting rejected and/or rammed in the ass by numerous trolls (like Kevonz being blackmailed by Crypt to send his infamous forehead pic), it's painfully obvious they would get revenge on them by... you guessed it: constantly beating (or raping) a dead horse, or in this case, an ever-sinking lolcow. Their trolling methods suck ass ; they always begin with Diogo being called a name and always conclude with his account getting "hacked" by asking him for the password. In fact, Hagletworld's trolls are so retarded that fucking DIOGO himself was able to troll Halaget into leaking his voice.

Similarities between Haglets and Diogo

  • Both search, save, and send CP.
  • Both have crippling porn addictions.
  • Both are autistic.
  • Both have poor understanding of the English language.
  • Both are easily trolled
  • Both play Roblox
  • Both act pointlessly edgy on the internet for "tuff points".
  • Both are gullible.
  • Both are retarded
  • Both groom children.
  • Both have shady histories with CP.
  • Both threaten to "hack" people with no knowledge on hacking.
  • Both use BonziWORLD.
  • Both have anger issues.


Just like every shitty group, hagletworld has some notable members who are great lolcows. It's extremely easy to make them rage as they'll look for any excuse to hurl shit at you like an uncivilized monkey. This most likely comes from the predominantly Arab/Muslim origins of most hagletworld members, causing unnecessary violent tendencies. Likewise those origins most likely explain the horrible grammar of every member of this circlejerk.

Kevonz admits he's tranny
  • kern3l/HalagetYT - The Estonian monkey leading Hagletworld, and one of the less remarkable members. Goes around speaking incomprehensible English due to Estonia's failure of an English class. Spends his time having gay sex with Kevonz.
  • Kevonz/Eternity - Some Croatian faggot who ragequit BonziWORLD after his face got leaked and everyone made fun of his forehead. Usually gets sucked off by kernegg and the rest of the community. He also tried ddosing bwlol, only to have his IP logged.
  • Combine Gaming [GMOD] aka Panzer - Kevonz's second gay boyfriend (this one's actually gay!). He ragesharts all over the place, is a great lolcow, and revealed that he likes femboys. His attraction to femboys got memed to death which may be the cause of his autism. His face leak also says he's an emo. He changed his name to "Panzer" because "Combine Gaming" is associated with CP (more on that later in the article).
  • Xoly (Ali) - Some arab skid who claims to be a C++ god, but took 500 years to shit out a "hello world" script formatted like some example off w3schools. Usually threatens to DDOS bonzi.lol, but somehow never feels like doing so. Ask him to make a pointer and watch him piss himself. Eventually he ended up seeing himself as some sort of super mega hacker pro and started saying he will take down bonzi.lol, though magically he never does as he can't even make a simple ddos script.
  • catg (Giovanni Granieri) - Previously a Fune suckoff who would spam racial slurs and child porn everywhere, until everyone started milking him to death and he ragequit the BonziWORLD community. Bring up his "past" of jerking off to children (as if he ever stopped) to make him leave any server you're in. Despite his apparent hatered for Fune, he loves spamming all the doxxes Fune drops such as the Jy dox.
  • FLEUR - The gay "girlfriend" of some irrelevant hagletworld faggot, but most likely a greasy man behind the screen larping as a girl. Hagletworld shelters him from any reality, so it's best to attack him and cause a chain reaction of rage. Since most people in this community are retarded incels who never spoke to a woman, they actually believe this larp and worship Fleur.
  • ✡︎Misoneme✡︎ - Token kike of the opertation. Some less known faggot who is usually used to try "threaten" others (e.g. "I'm telling miso grr!!!"). He E-dates Fleur and has a massive nose. Carbon copy of Catg. He eventually pissed himself and ragequit discord because Fune insulted his massive jewnose. During May, 2023, it was discovered his name is "Miso Seider". Miso is a girl's name and Seider is a Jewish surname, meaning Misoneme is likely a transgender jew!
  • Katarzyna - A transgender man pretending to be Polish. Xoly has a huge crush on him and it's one of his 5000 weaknesses. Originally dragged into the spergy by Combine Gaming himself.


Most hagletworlders can't speak English, instead speaking a mixture of Scottish Gaelic, Estonian, Arabic and Gurgling on their own shit. They use "a" and "an" interchangeably (that is if they use articles at all). This makes then very hard to understand, so this section will help you learn the definitions of hagletspeak. It'll also mention English words misused by hagletworlders.

  • Fuckune - Fune, but it doesn't roll off the tongue.
  • Wigger - Normal skinned person (AKA white person).
  • Misinformation - Apparently what Hagletworlders say when they see something that's true, but they don't like it.
  • Nigger - Their attempt to be edgy.
  • *Returns your insult* - Projection, basically them using "no u" in 2023.
  • I'M NOT RAGING IM TALKING NORMAL - What they say when they rage.
  • I'm calling the police/swatting you/ddosing your site - A bluff, usually said by Xoly.
  • Bass/Fish Painter/[ANY FISH RELATED INSULT] - Nobody knows the meaning but Jabba says it originates from some bullshit Kevonz said. Practically meaningless.

Reaction to the wiki

Miso's reaction (rageshart). Note the "faggot nigger bitch azz nigguh ass DURRRR BIX NOOD"

As Hagletworlders are sensitive little children who can't deal with the fact they are internet rejects, this article made them BAWWW. Multiple threats to vandalise this article were spammed by Xoly (the biggest skid of the bunch) and Combine spends his time ranting about the wiki. Of course, nothing happened to the wiki as Hagletworlders are too weak to do anything other than spam childish insults in an attempt to seem cool (and even if they tried, an article can be reverted). One of them even threatened to sue the owner (months later, this never happened) over this, though of course this is a bluff like the 400 other threats they made. In an attempt to cope with the article's existence, the members had an orgy together where they suck eachother off and puff up their own egos to distract themselves from the truth.

This article gave them PTSD so severe, that they had to create an ENTIRE WIKI to counter this single article. The only relevant article is the one on Warsaw, and it's as bad as you'd expect. It's full of grammatical mistakes, typing errors and boiling autism. Half of the people mentioned are not even in Warsaw and never were. We're not kidding you. That article full of important facts such as "Ziggy leaving BW in 2018" (WOWZ!!!!!!!). The images used on that page are all from the half-assed Google Doc Seamus made because kern3l loves stuffing Kendrick's small fat trooncock in his mouth. They are also incredibly lazy or retarded; instead of actually writing for the Diogo section, they copypasted the ENTIRE introductory section from the Diogo ED article. You can check that out here, it's the same, word for word.

On June 27th, Kernigger and his butthurt sandnigger boyfriend Xoly "raided"/jihaded the wiki, with massive failure. The 4ft tall Arab gnome who has no idea what a pointer is thinks he can take down an entire wiki, how adorable.

How to troll

Most hagletworlders have many weaknesses which apply to all of them, since they are basically clones of eachother anyways. Doing any of the following is sure to make some fat retard like Combine or Xoly rageshart themselves.

  1. Insult. That's all.
  2. Point out that they're raging.
  3. Ask them to answer a question they have no idea about (eg coding, since they all only know lua)
  4. Tell everyone about the embarassing things they did/said (eg combine wearing a femboy skirt)
  5. Doxx them
  6. Drop one of their face pics
  7. Insult someone they have a boner for (eg. Miso will rage if you insult his gay wife, Fleur)
  8. Do anything other than stroking their fragile egos.
  9. Mock them (works best with xoly)
  10. Mention the "CP Incident"

The CP Incident

Halagtard backs Miso up with CP

One day, Combine invited his good friend Ammo to a group chat to argue with Warsaw. However, when Ammo eventually snapped, he raged and made a horrible "joke", sending a link to a child porn site and saying that's "Fune's favorite website", and even had the GC's owner, termin4l, grounded (or lynched) for CLICKING on the CP link. The best part? Halagetworld defended the CP for over 4 days! Now they pretend to hate Ammo to try to clear their name, but Halagetworld will forever be remembered as a group of children with hate boners for Fune and normal boners for children. Another Halagetworld faggot who e-dates Kevonz called "Denrey" also claims to possess child porn, and is clearly proud of it like a true haglet.

Face Gallery

Hagletworlders' faces get leaked all the time, which usually causes a massive amount of rage and spam (which does nothing). This gallery is incomplete, you can help by expanding it!