Doc Wars

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the awful state of bzw did not work, it only made the community even worse

—Seamus, realizing that his shitty bad user kiko expose documentary did fuck all to topple evil Hitler ALT called FUCKUNE

The Doc Wars was an event that started on February 25th, 2023, and lasted until early March 2023 and took place in the lands of Google Docs.

It began when the ever-attention-hungry lardass Seamus Kendrick Cremeens, desperate for the said attention, wrote a poorly structured document as an extra to his equally rancid three (now four) part series called "Mommy they called me the N-word 😭: The MSAgent skit", where he uncovers the actions of the EVIL NAZAYS running the community, and goes on and on about shit everyone already knows. That document was so hilariously retarded, that a counter-doc was made by the Warsaw high staff to mock him and on the way further expose Seamus's groomerinos and whatever else. Each side would edit their docs with updated info, and Seamus even got his slaves to tox Warsaw's document, which didn't matter because the info was out and archived.

Some documents were archived by Jabba by visiting this link. dead

The War™


It all started with Seamus (predictably) being desperate for attention, cock and whatnot. After a dozen of announcements and trailers, the turd finally dropped from Kendrick's loose troon anus, revealing the biggest fail in video form to date. The series was basically a bunch of fucking MSAgents spawning one block of text after another, with frequent visits from his grooming subjects who'd parrot him and add nothing to the arguement (if there was one, which is unlikely). It was a fail because the only people to have seen his videos were his plugpals and his behated Warshitters. To buff up his series, he chose to write a document as an extra.

The Awful State of BonziWORLD’s Community Bonus: Calling out the Community

Joining under a troll name earns you a spot on Seamus's doc as career-ending evidence. His doc is unsurprisingly filled with this kind of shit.

The original document Seamus shat out for the entire world to see. The main star of the editing cast is obviously Seamus, but also has other slaves working for him, including Cosmic Xploitz (Kelvin Frederick Walker), Donutscout (more like pedoscout PFFFT) and some minor spiclets. You can read it here.

There is not much of the new in that document, just your average Seamus boogeymen and fearmongering along the lines of "THEY WILL HECKIN DOX RAID AND RAPE YOU FOR BREATHING!!!!!!" and "BANZI.LAL IS RUN BY TERRORIST NAZIS WHO DID LE BAAAD!!!!!!!!". Seamus, as expected from someone born from the poopyhole of a Democrat family, nitpicks EVERY instance of "nigger" as undeniable evidence and smears it throughout the entirety of the page. Seamus likes to assume that the entire BonziWORLD community is like him (AKA an "innocent" autistic pedophilic MAP Twitter crypto-troon), so almost half of his doc is just him ranbling on and on about "TRANSFOBIX and HOMOPHOB". Seamus also framed as the ultimate Satan the whole time, claiming everything bad stems from the website just existing.

💡 Fact: What Seamus fails to realize (intentionally or not) is that the BonziWORLD community were already doxing eachother and hollering the N-word long before even existed and that this is simply the result of the moderation (or lack thereof) in shitswamps like

Of course we can't forget the other contributors, mainly Pedoscout himself. He didn't contribute much to the article but his retardation shines in there: like when he added a block of text he thought would magically prevent the entire document from being screenshotted.

Cremeens & friends EXPOSED (Warsaw's counter-doc)

The counter-doc to the Seamus document. Initially made as a joke to milk Seamus but got turned into a proper document full of exposed info on him, as well as his buddies Cosmic and Donutscout (youcandoeverything). There isn't anything special about it to note here. You can read it here(dead url). It made Seamus roar in an autistic fit of fury since he couldn't edit it, meaning he had to nitpick everything in it.

Though one thing worth mentioning is that it has a """"secret"""" Doxxworld backup at the last few empty pages (the text is white).

The Uncover of Fune's Actions (Cockmick's counter-counter-doc?)

Cosmic and Pedojarmanscout trying to feed off the attention generated by the conflict between the two previous documents. After failing to justify his Monkeymelia groomings and put himself in the good light, Cosmic deliberately fills his doc with bullshit statements like "Fune had gassed a school" and "Fune's dad was a school shooter", even though Fune doesn't live in Amerishartland (school shooting zoo) and Cockmic-ro doesn't provide any proof aside from made-up times and dates and in general makes his claim too edge-lordy to be believable. Some say that Seamus made Diogo believe in the document but even if that's true then it's it means nothing because Diogo is gullible as fuck.


In the end no one won because only like 7 people took part in the conflict and it didn't add anything to Seamus's retard documentary on how his prolapsed anus getting fingered by Hitler's reanimated corpse made him trans.

Post-war docs

Unlike the evil nazi kiko rapists over at Warshit who had moved on from the doc-making immediately after milking the attic-dwelling loser and his shitty doc that one time, Seamus never lived it down and kept making deranged screenshot compilations like a severely ill schizo that he is. Here is one of them. As you can see, Seamus is such a mentally challenged troonbrain that he didn't even bother to hide the highlights which indicate he just searched the word "seamus" on Warsaw and made it 90% of the content. The content that ISN'T screenshot spam is just the usual sperging and spamfucking of past usernames.

The Truth.

An exposure of Seamus made by some TMAFE troon called ToastyToast. Doc itself shows hilarious Seamass freakouts and gives insights on his grooming process. It confirms some of the people that were suspected to be grooming subjects such as PB123Windows (whatever he calls himself now). It also confirms that Seamus' favorite thing to do is show unironic inflation porn to minors.


Part of a series on Seamus Cremeens
Creations The Awful State of BonziWORLD’s Community Bonus: Calling out the Community

BonziWORLD RevivedBWR WikiLosky Virus

Followers ArdaKirac2009BonziUSER A.K.A ItzCrazyUserCosmic (formerly) • Diogodonutscout (formerly) • e.erikItzCrazyChace (formerly) • HalagetworldLoliest HuhytreTMAFEmrstopbonzidotlolnonogamer9rafaelduarte877 (likely) • SonicFan08temporaryusernameTHLPLEBlakeIsHere (formerly) • rivers
Enemies BeetlejuiceCatieFuneMoon Man • Around 90% of the BonziWORLD community during the war • UnbojihZiggy
Impact on BonziWORLD: Banning anyone he didn't like from BWR and its Discord server • The deaths of and New! BonziWORLD • Going to war with and losing • Reporting shit he didn't like and in general being a whiny crybaby
Doc Wars is part of a series on
people and groups

plentityseamus (BonziWORLD Revived) • trollboxboofganghalagetworldold docense.


tactics and methods


notable/major events

Doc Warsfebruary 15th craptastrophie crimson mondayThe Great WarBonziWORLD-trollbox conflct