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Average kid trying to stop racism.

Trollbox (a.k.a. Gaybox, Niggerbox, or Shitbox) is a butthurt chatting website (on and that claims that they are the best website, and that BFDI is better than the BonziWORLD community. They are against racism and such. The most notable people in trollbox that joined BonziWORLD to spam are PineapplePizza, bigweirdo, bensav, slugcatisreal, hello, Ivreme, shartycuck, and Pinkfong.

In early June, Trollbox became aware of Plentity being a degenerate pedophile and zoophile, so they took a stand against him. And because Plentity is such an attention whore, they spammed even more. (Interestingly, however, they started spamming hard pornography on BonziWORLD, which is arguably even worse than the fetish porn Plentity posted. They also make inappropriate comments like, "Fune is 16, so it's no wonder Plentity loves him". This is sexual harassment of both Plentity AND Fune (a MINOR), as Fune's identity is being sexually exploited by Trollbox to further their agenda against Plentity, and Plentity disagrees with relationships or sex involving anyone under the age of eighteen (including Child on Child Sexual Abuse [CoCSA]), so it's slander AND an approach that, ironically enough, breaches HIS moral standards. You know Trollbox only care about themselves and are virtue-signaling bastards when they cross lines even Plentity (the legitimate pedophile) doesn't by making sexual remarks about identifiable minors (even if it's "to troll Plentity", Fune didn't consent to a sexual or romantic bond involving Plentity being imposed on him and such messages. He CAN'T consent in much of the first world due to his age).

Trollbox users also attempted to vandalize this wiki. An example of this is PlentitySucks, turning this webpage into, "Trollbox do be on top doe". Obviously, this has been reverted.

They a-log Plentity and Fune (a MINOR) while initiating gay ops against the BonziWORLD community abroad. They, as probable future cybercriminals, threaten legal action against Plentity. Additionally, they BAWWW about how bad racism is over Schlomo memes while they spread legitimate hate speech against Fune for allegedly being transgender. (These retards probably think racist shitposting on a talking cartoon animal website is genuine hate speech.)

Pinkfong/Pinkshit teamed up with the Trollboxfags to rape BonziWORLD and nobody cared for him.

Faggots claim that the BonziWORLD users are "BonziTARDS" that are considered shit nobody cares about.

Their inconsistent values and behavior suggest they may simply be doing things for the luls, rather than as a legitimate vigilante effort. One minute, they want to report Plentity to the police for being obscene on the monkey website. Another, they spam even more graphic porn (seemingly racially-charged porn at that) than Plentity's silly fart cartoons, link to a website with pornographic boards (that's also 16+ and may gate out some younger BonziWORLD members), and seem to use minors as ammunition rather than motivators. Mainly shartycuck, but if PineapplePizza sticks around with these faggots instead of transferring to a new group, then it doesn't matter what difference there is in-between the behavior of each member. They're guilty by association, unless it's a clear false-flag by their enemy (such as posing as one of their people to make them look bad). But in this case, shartycuck is seemingly accepted and encouraged by Trollbox users, including PineapplePizza, bigweirdo, and others, so no Trollbox regular can be seen as innocent as of now. Additionally, they fail to target Catie or Seamus (who have gone to extremes Plentity hasn't), and they target Diogo less (despite how he received legitimate legal actions against him for greater wrongdoings than Plentity's). They also don't target Nigger (TND), despite this porn and gorefag continuing to nuisance the site in even more disturbing ways than Plentity has (such as by posting penis gore and joking [or not; we don't know for sure] about raping children or something).


External links (of the notable people)