If you want an account, contact Ziggy via Discord: @ziggymoncher_. Read BonziPEDIA:Requesting accounts for more details. Autoconfirmed time requirement reduced to 6 hours!
Nothing necessarily bad with that, but keep that in mind while reading.
Discord (also known as Shitcord or Pisscord) is an online chatting website consisting of several user-created groups, or "Servers", that by themselves consist of one or more text/voice channels. Users can then invite people to their servers by sharing "invite links" which usually consist of "discord.gg/(random letters)" except for popular Discord servers that might have custom invite links consisting of "discord.gg/(whatever the server admins chose)". It was launched in May 13th, 2015 and is probably the most popular chatting website in the world.
Discord is one of the main hubs for BonziWORLD users; with there being several unofficial BonziWORLD Discords as well as a lot of BonziWORLD servers having official Discords (e.g. the bonzi.world Discord, the MANY BonziWORLD Revived Discords, and bonziworld.org's Discord Warsaw). There are also Discord servers that have no rules thanks to all the admins either leaving Discord or getting locked out of their accounts (disabled); these are known as Anarchies.
Discord is used en-masse by all kinds of Docen Factions, most notoriously, the Neodocens, the Classic Docens and the Old Docens. The last faction used this platform as some kind of makeshift database for their child pornography network, puppeteered by their leader; Synthetic Docen. They also used discord for their hub, which would be nuked in the beginning of the Docen Civil War. They also used Discord as a method of traumatizing children, via the spamming of gore and pornography in servers full of children. The Neodocens use Discord for their hub, again, but this time, they use it for good, using it to search for criminals, and then doxxing them in order to get them swatted and therefore arrested. Neodocens also use Discord to defend people, much unlike the Old Docens, and they also use it to chat and defend their main ally; PWNSEC, and sometimes, Warsaw. The Classic Docens used Discord for their code, and for their files/databases, which would be deleted when they broke up, along with their accounts. The most notorious database being Blood Orchid and Kabeslan.