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From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
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The official flag of TMAFE.

TMAFE (The Mega Anal Federation of E-troons, also known as The Microsoft Agent Frontier Empire) is an "E-nation" (LARP) that takes itself too seriously for it's own good. It is inhabited by troons who jerk off to MSAgents, fuming MAGAniggers, and an imported swarm of Mapper kids. The community is led by an insecure grooming faggot named "Konnor88", who pressures his "girlfriend" Kendra into staying with him (though obviously she cheats on him constantly).

TMAFE was formed (or rather forcibly shat out) on June 25th, 2018 made to overthrow some other semen-lake called "Operation Butler" (run by none-other than Kendrick Cremeens), which was filled to the brim with Object AIDS. Most of their time is spent fighting E-wars and E-jerking what's left of their wieners after the troon surgery to (((Donald Trump))). Unlike the TMAFE wiki says, TMAFE is not a conservative group and is infact highly liberal and the faggots in the community already want to overthrow the insecure rapist who runs it. They have close ties to Seamus Cremeens and his gnome army. There is also an FSA (Faggot Sex Association) Council that runs the community, and the community's gulag chamber called FMOD. (fucking my old dad)

Fun Fact: TMAFE bans anyone who uses BonziWORLD on their Discord server! Info found on an alternative TMAFE server! TMAFE is butthurt over BonziWORLD!

The Faces of TMAFE

TMAFAY HQ™ and upper circle.

  • Konnor88 - The autistic cunt behind the whole operation. Formed TMAFE when he got butthurt over being called a bad user by Norbikocoertescu666🤡🏖 or something. His time is mostly spent doing nothing, since he has no social skills resulting in him ghosting everyone who tries to talk to him. The community runs itself while Konnor takes all the credit. He is the hardcore Trumpnigger and forces it down everyone's throats.
  • Pagerorgy - The real leader of TMAFE, straight from the Kashubian pits of the city of Gdynia. Constantly goes on rants about overthrowing Konnor for liking Trump (despite Konnor sitting on his ass doing nothing but grooming Kendra), and getting warned for this, though never actually punished because he is in the TMAFE upper circle. Not relevant in other aspects, but the troon side of TMAFE needs representation in this article.
  • Seamus Cremeens - The infamous Kendrick. Only this high up because he """saved""" the community so Troonterians naturally uplifted him. Uses his powers very responsibly with accomplishments such as banning anyone he doesn't like by using every rule loophole in the book and sending TMAFE goons after said disliked people. Despite Seamus constantly backstabbing them in his bipolar troon fashion, he is still kept around. however, even his beloved tmafay called him a pedo not too long ago, which resulted in seamus wanting to shove their ''maga propagenda'' up their ass or something.

Everything else.

  • "Jevilogen" - The alt of a Seamus gnome named "Mokena". Spends his time fighting his own sockpuppet account and jerking off to something called "godzilland". His alt spends time sucking off Seamus, sending him his nudes and simply being groomed. Nearly exposed for spying on TMAFE once, but later he said he was "neutral" to Seamus and TMAFE (code word for sucking off both dicks). Not to be confused for the REAL Jevilogen.
  • Thonkbot - Brazilian shartskin and a very whiny autismal plus failed YTPMVer. Seamus hate-rapes him everyday because he did le bad, just as he does with Unbojih in his own hideyhole.


  • Diogo Mendes - The Diogo you know and love/hate well. Got banned 60 times but TMAFE forgave him every time because Diogo is more or less their kind. In 2020 TMAFE fell into his zooicide BAWWWWWfest trap so that he could have peace while grooming on Google Hangouts. He finally got permanentally banned ONLY due to outside pressure.
  • Cipher - Another Porktugeese swine like Diogo; similar to him with his shameless NSFW fetishes and grooming, and equally fat. TMAFE, of course, sounded the fucking alarms and raped Cipher in his bootyhole for liking LE HECKIN EVIL NSFW (yet keep Seamus around who has posted a cp zip in 2021).
  • Soundcard - Some Rusfag who had beef with TMAFE and their beloved Kendrick Cremeens.

As you see, TMAFE is made up of 3 branches: autistic fucktards who do nothing (Konnor), Typical logotards and Seamus grooming victims (Jevilogen) and the whiny troons (Pagerorgy). They co-exist together to whine about some nobodies who called TMAFE a toxic group, and to declare "wars" on whatever dares to harass their daddy Konnor or their new daddy, Seamus.

Conflict with Warsaw

Since TMAFE exists on the side of the infamous pedophile, Seamus Cremeens, it should be no surprise that they get their ass raped by basically anyone with a moral compass. Since TMAFE troons stand against the doxxings of Seamus and his fuckbuddies (not even mentioning their past of forgiving Diogo for being a pedophile!) TMAFE got a well deserved DDOS sent right up their wiki's ass, with a MOIC edition specifically optimized for wikis. The wiki also got vandalised causing TMAFE to cockblock account making permanently, since nobody actually contacts their admins to get account making permissions. Other TMAFE websites may be subject to MOICing soon.

Part of a series on Seamus Cremeens
Creations The Awful State of BonziWORLD’s Community Bonus: Calling out the Community BonziWORLD RevivedBWR WikiLosky Virus
Followers ArdaKirac2009BonziUSER A.K.A ItzCrazyUserCosmic (formerly) • Diogodonutscout (formerly) • e.erikItzCrazyChace (formerly) • HalagetworldLoliest HuhytreTMAFEmrstopbonzidotlolnonogamer9rafaelduarte877 (likely) • SonicFan08temporaryusernameTHLPLEBlakeIsHere (formerly) • rivers
Enemies BeetlejuiceCatieFuneMoon Man • Around 90% of the BonziWORLD community during the war • UnbojihZiggy
Impact on BonziWORLD: Banning anyone he didn't like from BWR and its Discord server • The deaths of and New! BonziWORLD • Going to war with and losing • Reporting shit he didn't like and in general being a whiny crybaby