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Joseph Judge
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Joseph Judge (also known as jojudge, Joe Judge or heyjoeway) is the creator of BonziWORLD. In 2016, he made BW as a sort of passion project and fanmade homage to BonziBUDDY, he even larped and said it was made in 1998 [or something]. Everything was going well until a retarded kid named Diogo started turning it into an autistic hugbox filled with his fellow logofags. The site got even more cancerous when the kiddies started breaking away from other things (they never completely stopped) and becoming just BonziWORLD kiddies. During this time trends started popping up such as BonziWORLD Reacts. Things were going OK for the kiddies until 2019, when someone found out that Joe was a horrible coder and BW had 10000000000000000000000000000000000000 vulnerabilies up its ass. Then the skiddie revolution started and the site got raped with poorly coded """""viruses""""". After that, it's pretty easy to guess why he shut down his piss litter of a site.
Joe after BW
Joseph Judge kept orbiting BW after the shutdown and would talk to the community occasionally. He left in August of 2020 after the infamous molestato-goblino, Seamus, started yet another retarded flame war one too many times, causing Joe to shit out a block of text and leave. Had Seamus not been the gigaspaz he was (and still is), maybe Joe would still be around.
Joe now
He has recently graduated from Clarkson University with a Master’s degree in Computer Science. (which is quite odd seeing how he coded BW) He is now working on other endeavors. His blog can be found here.