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who tf aqm i
who tf aqm i (or Vibri) (aqm21) is a user on BonziWORLD that is mostly known to leak kiddies public IP adresses according to their computer (that are retarded and click on every link they see, thinking that it's their new crosscolor) on the site, and thinking that they got doxxed. Just like his friend SeamusIsANigger, he loves to piss off Objectfags and logofags.
He is also the creator of one of the most annoying BonziWORLD bot, such as the the jew spam script (a.k.a. The Jew Virus). It's purpose is to annoy kiddies in Room ID 50. (Source code). Same as ub-bot, one of the many bots in BonziWORLD supporting 7.0.0.
- who tf aqm i visits BonziWORLD.org site for the first time (glad seamus's site was down at the time). His first known names were Anonymous, Windows XP and Windows Vista. His first known friends were Jenny Wakeman (XJ-9) (now is TalkingJennyWakemanTheCute, which he hates) and Thomas Crying (now is TalkingThomasTheCool, which he also hates).
- He didnt visit the site often that much and returns around September 2023.
Around September-December
- Vibri starts to hate his old friends and BFDI.
- Creates the Vibri crosscolor and changes name to Vibri. Used old names until December.
- Starts developing the successor for BonziBOT (J_Y's version), ub-bot.
- Vibri targets Jenny Wakeman and Thomas and creates a fake friend acting as a spy, sends room IDs and other sensitive information about them to SeamusIsANigger.
- (most likely) finds Thomas Crying's location in Italy.
- Changes his color and name to who tf aqm i.
- who tf aqm i starts to make arts in FunyPlace. His arts known to exist are:
- Seamus Shitting
- Vibri (as text
and as character)
- Began to dox the most popular kids on the site, such as logofags, objectfags etc. some people include: Mailbox AUTTP, kill bfdi hate, YAAFCTheTuxPaintFan, Spyro and TalkingGuglTheCool.
- who tf aqm readds the name Vibri as a secondary alias.
- Temporairly ended ub-bot's support due to the 7.x.x update in BonziWORLD.
- who tf aqm i made ub-bot's code compatible with the 7.x.x update.
(This is mostly because the socket.emit's got changed so now they are socket.emit('talk', 'test') (this is a new example from the v7 update) - He finds a way to bypass the .GIF block (names it .ZWI).
- He pulled the plug for ub-bot (again) due to update 7.3.1A raping the code.
- ub-bot got eventually online again due to BonziWORLD's applets adding notepad, which supports js as the bot's code use.