If you want an account, contact Ziggy via Discord: link={{{3}}} @ziggymoncher_. Read BonziPEDIA:Requesting accounts for more details. Autoconfirmed time requirement reduced to 6 hours!


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BonziBOT is a stub or is unfinished.
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BonziBOT is, as the name says, a bot for BonziWORLD. The original BonziBOT was made by BagelChip (of bonzi.world fame) and was closed-source; however numerous skids have since recreated it and uploaded their own atrocious BonziWORLD bots to Pastebin. As of now, BonziBOT'S have mysteriously disappeared off the face of bonziworld.org.

Part of a series on BonziWORLD!

/asshole/bees/bless /massbless/emote/floyd/ipmute/jewify/king (or /pope)/nigger/owo/sex


bonziworld.combonzi.world (classic.bonzi.world) • BonziWORLD Revivedbonziworld.org (text version) • BonziWORLD Neo250750.xyz


BonziWORLD AppBonziWORLD modsbonziworld.org changelogLosky VirusReplitRoom 000

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