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BonziWORLD (Text)

From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
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The worst place on the internet!

—BW Text front page subtitle; might've been ripped from Cosmic

How the general site looks like.

BonziWORLD (Text), also nicknamed TextWORLD, is a fairly recent bonziworld.org subsite. Resembling more an IRC site or Troonbox than a chimp palace, it's a good enough alternative for those who want to stay on the site and not get dicked down by the 80,000th 9-year-old flooder's unbearable TTS.


The site looks rather typical for an average chat site that doesn't utilize CGI monkeys. It has a user list on the left, and the chat at the right. It pretty much covers all of BonziWORLD's core features, making it useful in some situations.


  • No annoying TTS spam.
  • No unbearable MS-paint rainbow vomit crosscolors.
  • Easy to use.


  • No moderation tools.
  • Some spamsegments may be confusing due to lack of TTS.
Part of a series on BonziWORLD!

/asshole/bees/bless /massbless/emote/floyd/ipmute/jewify/king (or /pope)/nigger/owo/sex


bonziworld.combonzi.world (classic.bonzi.world) • BonziWORLD Revivedbonziworld.org (text version) • BonziWORLD Neo250750.xyz


BonziWORLD AppBonziWORLD modsbonziworld.org changelogLosky VirusReplitRoom 000

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