BonziWORLD Revived

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This BonziWORLD server has been shutdown temporarily or indefinitely.
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Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destinationRead this page before reading this page. See also: Diogo, Grooming, Pedophilia, Malware

And it's not even fully loaded!

BonziWORLD Revived (BWR for short, also known as BonziWORLD+, BonziVERSE, BonziWORLD Revived+, MASHWORLD or it's most recent rebranding, BonziWORLD Community Edition) was the Frankenstein's monster of a BonziWORLD server created by the infamous fat Irish asspie who loves underaged boys on Discord, Seamus Cremeens, who shat it out on October 7th, 2019. Throughout the life of the BonziWORLD Community, Seamus' magnum opus would sometimes come to be the biggest server before being beaten into a pulp by some other server such as, usually by accident. The server slowly evolved, accumulating various new "colors" (most of them being irrelevant msagents and literal fucking BFDI characters) and useless features that slowed down the server, but because Seamus is retarded and learned his JS from BonziWORLD Floodscripts, he never fixed it. Most of the server's code is stolen stackoverflow code and pre-existing JS code as Seamus is a fatass skid who can't code properly.

It also kept on being constantly shut down and brought back over and over again due to Seamus's autistic, bipolar or otherwise mutated fuckbrain, making him unable to hold a stance for 3 seconds before his autism forces him to change course. Even if did "shut down" for good, it would simply come back in weeks or months. The end of its lifecycle came when Fune decided to inject some floodbots into BonziWorld Revived in November 2022 and letting Seamus do the rest; driving his own reputation into the ground and making everyone move to (which later became and Finally, BonziWORLD Revived's child grooming machine came to a grinding halt when a new DDOS tool was made called the "moic" which raped the shit out of BonziWORLD Revived. NEVER MIND. Not even THAT killed BonziWORLD Revived's life. Seamus later rebranded BonziWORLD Revived to BonziWORLD """""Community""""" Edition (more like BonziWORLD Cult Edition LALLL); and after more than a year of Fune and Seamus throwing shit at each other, the true end of BonziWORLD Revived came when niggapoop and later Fune, got in contact with Seamus' mom (Leslie Cremeens); eventually getting her to force Seamus to shut down BonziWORLD Revived for good.

BWR also went offline when the fatass irish asspie turned off his computer or closed Command Prompt because he's too retarded for a VPS; causing most of the BonziWR's userbase to move to, while the rest of the BWR fanboys cry about it.

BonziWorld Revived 's cluster fucked src can be found here.


BonziWorld Revived is a dump. It's a filthy bloated waste of bandwidth that skinks up the entire internet and the BonziWORLD community like an unkillable swarm of rats. Very few real people use it, about 3 children and Diogo himself (yup that's right, Seamus Cremeens shelters a pedophile on his server!). BonziWorld Revived is not safe despite what Seamus wants little children to believe, as people have been recorded sending IPs from Doxbin on there and it's likely that the console logs IPs, and of course there's the groomers like Seamus and Diogo who feed off the children attracted by the MSAgent characters. Also, the site had a voice chat feature; meaning itd also probably listen to your microphone. In conclusion, to unironically go on BonziWORLD Revived you have to be either raping it to death with scripts or you have to be a braindead 10-year-old Turk looking to get groomed by its herpes-ridden owner.


BonziWorld Revived is (obviously) bloated; there's so much useless shit crammed into it that just shouldn't be there, like "Arcade" (shitty pirated emulated games ported by the JavaScript god himself, Cosmic Xploitze) and a fucking thousand "Call a..." commands (with bangers like "You're a fucking Bass!"). Due to Seamus's sluggish AIDS-tier coding, everything runs slow and is on life support before it gets unplugged by a small floodbot. Because of this, Seamus has a hard time patching anything (and even less knowledge on how to actually do so), resulting in him resorting to absolutely fucking braindead yet hilarious "gotcha!" gimmicks such as:

  • Disabling the Inspect Element keyboard shortcut.
  • Running a loop to clear the console (retard forgot you can do "javascript:" in the URL)
  • Checking for the horizontal resolution to detect DevTools (mobile fail)
    • The first three in particular fucked Seamus in the ass even harder because now he can't use DevTools to patch anything that isn't visible in his clusterfuck of a system.
  • Restricting permitted characters in all messages to alphanumerics.
  • CAPTCHAs (this one drove out so many users)
  • Blacklisting words (Seamus is too terminally autistic for Regex so it checks for the exact word; also uses it for censorship).
  • Just straight up banning anyone who uses or plays with JS, even harmlessly.
  • Jumpscaring you.
  • Disabling the ability to send messages or use commands if you're not an admin.
  • Permabans (In some rare COMMON cases, like having a different opinion than Seamus)
  • Randomly-generated Godwords and Modwords.

In the 2020 bipolar freakout, Seamus was often compared to Alex Mahan (AKA YandereDev) due to his terrible programming, constant bannings and his overall spergery.

Graphic design/layout

His passion. Seamus knows next to nothing about good graphic design or user interface layouts so it's always either a billion retarded MS-Paint card PNGs on the top of the screen or an entire paragraph occupying the README block under the login form. None of the good graphics Seamus has are actually his and are always made by someone else. And let's not forget the amount of terrible colors Seamus stuffed into his server over the years: terrible MSAgent "sprites" that are all jittery with frames that are copy-pasted from each other; sprites of random Roblox goons he's friends with; fucking BFDI colors (keep in mind Seamus groans about kiddies all day long but then canonically adds characters from the biggest kiddie magnet on the planet); and his Mario recolor fuckbuddies.

At the top of the screen, or in the README block depending on what Seamus' bipolar disorder is set to on that day, you might find a huge paragraph crying about Fune, or there might be an order from Big Fuhrer Daddy Seamus (HEIL CREMEENS) telling his army of grooming victims to advertise his server to people who don't give a shit. This paragraph of AIDS will often cover over half the screen and make the site unusable, but it's worth it to Seamus as it satifies his thirst for attention.

It's impossible to describe everything as the layout keeps changing, so you never know if you're on the real BonziWorld Revived or a Replit BonziWORLD hosted by a 12 year old (not that there's any difference).


BWR was never well received, and Seamus knows no mentally healthy person would use his diseased abomination, this is why it usually attracts autistic turkish children like Arda (WHO SEND HIS OWN DICK PICS) or groomers with down syndrome like Diogo. Despite all this, BonziWorld Revived used to be popular as Seamus would inject floodbots into other BonziWorld servers and spam the link everywhere like one of those bots in JewTube comments. is a good example of Seamus destroying servers to force people onto his rotting moose carcass of a server. This is why as soon as an alternative appears, everyone quits BWR except the hardcore grooming victims.


In here there are some clues and shit behind BonziWorld Revived 's Development.

The Hypnobehh restoration

There is a jumpscare inside BonziWORLD Revived but thanks to Zog, it was actually a sped up version of an audio file of Seamus listening to music. You can listen it here.

IP Leaks

Seamus (or Cosmic, since at this time he rebuilt BonziWorld Revived with BonziWorld ENHANCED's source code) was too retarded to .gitignore the configuration files and logs on one of the BWR repositories on GitHub; resulting in LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of IPs being leaked through the configuration files and logs. The leaked IP addresses are available here, here, here and here.

Behind the Curtain

Since the release of BonziTV, Seamus said that Cockmic had broke BonziTV Due to a programming failure.

meat.js 1

// cosmic fucking broke bonzitv

// will soon move bonzitv's video lists inside this javascript file to declutter meat.js

// go behh yourself

Also, in the files, there is actually the godmode password, don't know what it translates into but it's extremely horrifying.

meat.js 2

let godword_random = Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000000000000000) + 10);


"godword": "wuxuyKpBBbxnNqrTCPviGY5WiCHUW06CwsbeGLweLiwkZwYa7TzY8aeZBZYZnunXT3cKa6BwpwaznBaAjimiUAJfd7vp",

            "runlevel": {



  • godmode
  • sanitize
  • joke
  • fact
  • changelog
  • effect
  • update
  • sticker
  • wtf
  • youtube
  • soundcloud
  • spotify
  • image
  • video
  • audio
  • swag
  • bang
  • earth
  • clap
  • grin
  • wave
  • nod
  • acknowledge
  • shrug
  • greet
  • css
  • godlevel
  • sad
  • confused
  • banana
  • surprised
  • laugh
  • write
  • write once
  • write infinite
  • swag
  • think
  • surfjoin
  • surfleave
  • surf
  • toppestjej
  • arcade
  • acid
  • kick
  • ban
  • unban
  • nofuckoff
  • warn
  • ban.warn
  • report
  • godlevel
  • behh
  • setbonzitvvid
  • setbonzitvvid2
  • setbonzitvvid3
  • crosscolor (doofScript)
  • colorcustom
  • colorcustom2
  • voice - this would enable your microphone for everyone to hear; basically like vcs in Discord, except its built within bw.
  • color
  • pope
  • god
  • givepopeto
  • givegodto
  • asshole
  • owo
  • uwu
  • welcome
  • vaporwave
  • unvaporwave
  • name
  • status
  • broadcast
  • limit
  • pitch
  • speed
  • group
  • startyping
  • stoptyping
  • dm
  • dm2
  • setbonzitvtime
  • updatebonzitv


Classic Era

A while before the shutdown of, in February of 2019, Seamus made a shitty BonziWORLD mod called BonziWORLD+ with Requestly; which only added an extra joke and color. It was barely updated and no one cared about it. Somewhere in 2019 Seamus gave birth to a JS abortion known as the "Losky Virus" (that was before the very retarded Losky hateboner of his), that he """accidentally""" leaked to the world, resulting in the infinite amounts of reskinned JS fuckrape that would lead to shutting down.

BWR was created as a shitty port forwarded BonziWORLD server and was released on October 7th, 2019, after went down.

Intermediate Era

On August 1st, 2020, Seamus chimped out on a group for pointing out the bugs in his poorly-coded Minecraft Modpack called "1.12.3", like the glitched slime block. Seamus then got butthurt over Ziggy defending the group for having common sense, causing Seamus to chimp out on him too, forcing him to leave. Likely as a butthurt "gotcha!", Seamus repainted his server to "MashWORLD", which almost intentionally had all the features Ziggy told Seamus were bad and did not make a good server. On top of that, he partnered with Jabba (at the time larping as itzcrazynil minecraft), which at the time was seen as a death-wish or otherwise just a braindead choice in BonziWORLD. After a week MashWORLD was abandoned and forgotten about. BWR has also gained a sister server known as Another BonziWORLD.

BonziWORLD was closed in early 2021 and made it only used for Gaming Servers.

On May 13th 2021, Seamus, seeking another bipolar nigroid freakout, decided to bring back BWR once again and barked at his entire server because he assumed people would care. He would start incredibly retarded wars with others and had Turkish 9-year-olds fight for him. Eventually Seamus pussied out again and shut BWR down.

A while later it was brought back and rebranded to BWR+ (under which is "different" from the original BonziWORLD Revived, with even more useless features, more rules, and more stolen JavaScript code.

Late Era

BWR+ was "shut down" on May 19th, 2022 at 8 PM EST/EDT (here's footage of it happening in real time!). Seamus then rebranded it to BonziVERSE, under the domain While Classic BW came back under BonziVERSE had only one original feature and it was "crossplaying", which sucked cock because it was one sided so no one on a target BW server actually saw any BWR goblinfucks from within their website (fail). BonziVERSE got shutdown in June 2022 and was replaced with a """creepy""" black background with white eyes and eerie music playing in the background (you sure scared those nazis away, Kendrick).

On October 15th, 2022, Seamus's future server domains and were stolen by "TMAFE cucks". Seamus BAWWWWWed about it and shit. Another Nothingburger, but at least now there are less BW domains for the zoomer leprechaun to infect with AIDS.

BWR+ was brought back a while after under, later Seamus made the brilliant decision to give the infamous hog-nosed underdeveloped sped Cosmic even more power over the project, who immediately bloated it with absolutely retarded features (from his failed project BonziWORLD Enhanced) and an illegal online Minecraft port (missed opportunity to get Microsoft or Mojang on his ass for that). Seamus wasn't any better and kept pushing around his userbase with haphazard bans, 400 CAPTCHAs, verification systems and a login-based system (the ultimate killer of BWR). When started kicking off, nearly everyone flocked there due to BWR's slowness and Seamus's radiating autism; He fucked himself even further by actually ENCOURAGING people to go there if they "don't like being banned", so they did. (yes, you heard that right)

After this, Seamus's pendulum jammed in terms of his bipolarity so he still has a stick up his ass to this day. Seamus would raid, tox, and spam links to his server on in hopes of getting his precious users back (which he never did). BWR was driven to ZERO users and was LOICed into crashing every second day. On December 31st, 2022, Seamus announced he will "never host a BW server ever again" (typical seamus sob lie) and gave all power to Cosmic, who struggled to keep it up.

It later rebranded in early 2023 to BonziWORLD Community Edition and moved to (which was the last BWR domain before this horrid abomination got aborted by Seamus' mom); however the name was changed back to BonziWORLD Revived around mid 2023. The (hopefully) final shutdown of BonziWORLD Revived came when Niggapoop, via e-mail and shortly after, Fune via Discord (and a phone call) told Seamus' mom about all the horrible, immature, and vile things he did online; which was enough for her to force her son to end BonziWORLD Revived. (and delete seamus' Youtube channel)


Most of BWR's history includes conflicts with other servers. BWR had a good winning streak until came about. First, Seamus destroyed and e-raped its creator, since it was "stealing" Seamus' (already stolen) colors and assets. Later Seamus flooded with exploits after apparently "saving" it (which is where Seamus' god complex started). BWR later became the less popular server until both and died, which is when BWR enjoyed a nice few months running the BW community as a fucking dictatorship. Disobeying Seamus or insulting him would get you permabanned and beaten to a pulp by Seamus's Groomcult. Later, BWR was attacked by, their domains stolen and members moving, with the BWR server being shut down often. Later after destroying the domain, it returned as and continued destroying BWR.

2023 May-June Conflict

Loliest Bot spread
The May-June Conflict image #1 (started by goober) >my name is seamus and me and my friends ips are,, and i live in sullivan, ohio please dox us tx ❤️

This is when Seamus (temporarily) grew a pair of balls and started trying to fight back against "properly". The way this conflict was different, is that he got Halagetworld to help him, and later Fune's raw egg eating ex who got groomed by Seamus' friend, Amelia (because she got into an argument with ze evil fuckunay). JY also joined in and Polskasoft/Jewish Gaming left to join the autismal furry tranny side alongside Seamus. The conflict seemed in BWR's favour from late May to very early June, but it suddenly shifted when Seamus got so pissed over the wiki, he forgot to use a vpn and got his ip leaked. Only a day after the wiki returned, the odds shifted to be in's favour HEAVILY.

Around this time, Seamus and his gnomes started flooding with erik's porn script; and he started using a crosscolor with a poorly-drawn Bonzi holding a banhammer saying "Anti-Fune". Later on he changed his crosscolor to a green recolor of Mario from Super Mario 64 (no, it's not Luigi). A while after, Loliest started LARPing as "Papa Smurf" and shat out the Smurf DDoS bot; which lagged the shit out of until it was patched on October 2023.

Now it says "fuck this script, i don't reall like it anymore, i even stopped visiting bw so i stopped developing this bot so remember if i ever find another script this won't be public so cry about it shitnziworld.orgers"


This section will not include the big 3 (Seamus, Cosmic, Pedoscout). To read about them, see this article.

  • Loliest Huhytre (real name Kamil Bednarek, Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination thebluescratchy.h.6225): Some 14-year-old Hungarian aspie who throws absolutely violent childish insults like "Poopy Face". Switched sides for a brief period in December 2023 (where he went by "KingStickMan124") before becoming loyal again to his daddy Seamus (likely due to brainwashing and/or grooming).
  • temporaryusername: A faggot who never actually says anything and always has at least 5 alt accounts online to make the server look more active.
  • Sebik: Some retarded underage Polish goblin who has admin and gets violently groomed by Seamus; one of Seamus' best friends despite being a child.
  • nonogamer9: Sebik but not Polish and sucks Seamus off extra hard.
  • Diogo: VERY infamous pedophile who has a whole Encyclopedia Dramatica article on him. Is usually sheltered by Seamus.
  • kern3l: The Estonian manchild himself. He confirmed he was an admin on BWCE and Seamus's Discord server.
  • ItzCrazyChace - A nigger who owns 2 servers (and maybe more) that nobody cares about to try and keep Seamus' shitty server alive. He is also a logofag and Go!Fag.

These are all the real users of BWR. Any other user is typically an admin and will constantly say "IM TOTALLY NOT A SEAMUS ALT TRUST ME". Seamus' habit of hiding behind larps (Like the FAGOTS inflation fetish account) means BWR is filled with his alts that he doesn't even try hiding properly, since the retarded children will believe anything they're told.

Part of a series on BonziWORLD!

/asshole/bees/bless /massbless/emote/floyd/ipmute/jewify/king (or /pope)/nigger/owo/sex

Servers ( • BonziWORLD (text version) • BonziWORLD


BonziWORLD AppBonziWORLD changelogLosky VirusReplitRoom 000

For everything about the community, check out this Category.
Part of a series on Seamus Cremeens
Creations The Awful State of BonziWORLD’s Community Bonus: Calling out the Community BonziWORLD RevivedBWR WikiLosky Virus
Followers ArdaKirac2009BonziUSER A.K.A ItzCrazyUserCosmic (formerly) • Diogodonutscout (formerly) • e.erikItzCrazyChace (formerly) • HalagetworldLoliest HuhytreTMAFEmrstopbonzidotlolnonogamer9rafaelduarte877 (likely) • SonicFan08temporaryusernameTHLPLEBlakeIsHere (formerly) • rivers
Enemies BeetlejuiceCatieFuneMoon Man • Around 90% of the BonziWORLD community during the war • UnbojihZiggy
Impact on BonziWORLD: Banning anyone he didn't like from BWR and its Discord server • The deaths of and New! BonziWORLD • Going to war with and losing • Reporting shit he didn't like and in general being a whiny crybaby
BonziWORLD Revived is part of a series on
people and groups

plentityseamus (BonziWORLD Revived) • trollboxboofganghalagetworldold docense.


tactics and methods


notable/major events

Doc Warsfebruary 15th craptastrophie crimson mondayThe Great WarBonziWORLD-trollbox conflct