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Losky Virus

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The Losky Virus (or the LoskyTheCopyDog77 Virus) is a poorly-made script shat out by Seamus and then "accidentally" leaked in order to rape the then-most-popular BonziWORLD server,, so that he could take over the BonziWORLD community by forcing everyone to move to his shitty shitver. (This virus also tried to promote the fucking losky channel)

When used, it would shit out loud music, change the document title, and make the Bonzis (or only you if you executed it yourself and would be client-side) spam "LOSKY LOSKY LOSKY LOSKY LOSKY". This script also became "leaked", so a millionated amount of skids uploaded their own forks of the Losky Virus to Pastebin (a.k.a. Script kiddie Central).

Part of a series on BonziWORLD!

/asshole/bees/bless /massbless/emote/floyd/ipmute/jewify/king (or /pope)/nigger/owo/sex

Servers ( • (text version) • BonziWORLD NeoBonziWORLD Revived

Related changelogLosky VirusReplitRoom 000

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