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You can help by editing it. was a BonziWORLD server made by BagelChip (the same guy behind upcoming s&box server) that existed from 2020 up until May 20, 2022; when it was shut down alongside It used to be the most popular BonziWORLD server before it was shut down; which is when everyone moved to or BonziWORLD Revived. was almost never moderated and rarely updated; which meant it was a battleground of kiddies posting their shitty Klasky Csupo BFDI effects videos, the trolls milking said kiddies, and skids injecting their shitty behh floodscripts or crashing the TTS. While the public rooms were often filled with radiating autism, this server also had a room ID known as "2008"; which was just as, if not MORE autistic than the public rooms.

It's modern equivalent is which is similar to vanilla BonziWORLD except for the room ID "default" and XSS patches. It is occasionally active and periodically crashes, due to it being a huge target for DDOS attacks.

It has anti spam (rate limit), if you use too much rates, it makes you say "HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT ME I'M TRYING TO SCREW WITH THE SERVER LMAO" and mutes you (this message also sometimes appears in other servers when you try to use JabbaScript (or just JavaScript))

See also

Part of a series on BonziWORLD!

/asshole/bees/bless /massbless/emote/floyd/ipmute/jewify/king (or /pope)/nigger/owo/sex

Servers ( • (text version) • BonziWORLD NeoBonziWORLD Revived

Related changelogLosky VirusReplitRoom 000

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