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From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
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Anarchy is a category of servers on Discord where all staff have abandoned their accounts or the server leaving it without moderation. Some anarchies are intentional or include active staff such as the official bonziworld.org server, Warsaw. Anarchies are prevalent within the BonziWORLD community but aren't limited to being related to it. Some of the most popular anarchies include:

  • Geriworld
  • RodrigoWORLD
  • Yacine does staff community server
  • Clippy 97 The Msagent Tuber's Server
  • Sebs World Of Fun
  • Socks 21 Numberblocks Server
  • David Khoa

A few of these servers had moderation during the first spike of popularity, but either the owners were neglectful, had their account disabled, or just left it to die out of the realization that their server was doomed to fail.

Notable Anarchies


One of the most popular and long living anarchies to date. Possibly the beginning of it all, and just to show you how big it was, from October of 2021 to January 2022 it nearly increased by 200 members, which was insane if you were there to see it. The server was a sick clusterfuck hybrid of spergs, spics, 12-year-olds obsessed with politics, logofags, objectfags, phonefags and other filths of the internet. Nearly everytime you checked the server it's main channel was active and packed with faggots. Everyday a person would join the server to start a meaningless argument or just raid the server. (SPOILER ALERT: it didn't affect anything in any way) Even though to the average Geriworld member it may seem like the server was always this way, it never was. In September 2020, Geri (AKA Hungaryball) shat out the server without thinking much of it. For an entire year, the server was only populated by people involved within Windows93's community and BonziWORLD Regulars. The only activity was just bickering from Gervo45 and MFSVE321 (See: Relevant Anarchy Members) between Seamus' Boyfriends/Windows93 people.

Of course it couldn't last forever. The first signs of Geriworld potentially dying came about in December of 2021, when people of GeriWORLD™ went into a panic once they found out that some faggot had reported the server, leading to Zanderblake making a cringe as fuck goodbye livestream... only for Geriworld to stay intact. On February 5th, 2022, the first real signs of Geriworld toxxing came about when JY had his account toxxed and disabled. The next day, Ziggy had HIS account toxxed, and not even a few minutes after that, the whole Geriworld discord had seemingly disappeared. While it was indeed toxxed, there were speculations that Geri himself got back into his account and deleted the server.


RodrigoWORLD 2: Official Discord Server (or just Rodrigoworld for short) was practically a shitfest filled with a few BonziWORLD spergs for it's entire life (it was in a way just Early Geriworld 2.0), up until Geriworld got deleted for breaking Discord's TOS (what a shocker!) and people quickly ran to Rodrigo's dump. So how long did this one last after the big switch you might ask? A whole 2 weeks months! This is around the time anarchies began to get reported by rats and the like, so they obviously didn't last as long as Geriworld. This was inevitable as Discord is ran by a bunch of kooks.

RodrigoWORLD began as a server made by RodrigoJogos, an brazilian ex-BonziWorld user. The server itself was just a ghost town, and the amazon rainforest frog somehow lost access to his account which so happened to be the only form of moderation, therefore officially setting the server's status to an anarchy. From 2020 to sometime in February 2022, this was a server where Gervo45, BonziWORLD Revived fanboys, and irrelevant cuckolds such as PB123Windows did their thing. Basically just valueless yapping. Here and there some event would happen bringing the server back from the dead but overall nothing much. PB would often FLEX (yes, flex) the fact he had a member role since he was in the server before Rodrigo caught Frog STDS.

On June 3rd, 2021, a day where people would usually be milking lolcows, out of the blue Seamus and some TMAFE goons joined looking to start an argument. Specifically with Crypt and Ziggymoncher. Autism ensued as the border-hopping Adam Hegazy spammed 1984 gifs and KKKonnor88 collapsed on the floor having a stroke due to Ziggy being an ANTI-SEMITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seamus as per usual acted like that classic Seamus you all know and love. After an hour of spergin' out they waddled away back to their hugbox land.

Yacine Does Staff Community Server

A server absolutely infested with phonefags. Popular during the era where phonefags were most dominant in anarchy. The owner who lost his account was a phonefag and widely hated within the phone collectors community. Knowing all this, everyone including the phonecucks themselves flocked to the server and it's infact still up today but an absolute ghost-town with no activity. But before the purge of active users the server was practically a bunch of phonefag gorillas flinging their shit at eachother in a glass box for everyone to see. In YacineWORLD you could find endless drama and arguments that no one gave a fuck about, "taci beach ⛱🤡", phone startup vids, etc. This was typical for any server populated by mostly phone collectors at the time. The only sort of relevant and memorable people were TheKlaskyCsupoLogoEditor2022, Saytayarsh, and his sockpuppet under the name of "Agoti", who ended up being outed as his alt anyway. Klasky stole Fune's selfbot source code to create a spambot and raid the server 24/7 which happened a few times in other servers, meanwhile Sayta was the one behind the phonefag slang. Nothing crazy happened but it was somewhat funny.

Clippy97 The Msagent Tuber's Server

Now begins possibly the most bland era of anarchy. This server was ran by an Iranian brownskin 7 year old nobody under the name of Clippy97 (or THLPLE). His entire gimmick was that he would respond with "I AM NOT THLPLE ALT!!!!!!!!!! 😠😠😠😠😠😠" followed by a PNG of an angry emoji every time you called him said thing. That's it. Only Seamusfags and 12-year-olds found this funny and for that reason decided to move to this server for 5 fucking months. This server co-existed with Sebs World Of Fun, another bland and uninspired anarchy.

Sebs World Of Fun

As previously said this server was incredibly boring. Only a few milkable lolcows existed, earlier within the server's life. Existing within the same era as THLPLE's server this pretty much was filled with unfunny "Discord humor" children obsessed with shit like Roblox and mapping. This is around the time edgy factions dedicated to purely arguing and niggerbabble would show up. Usually they'd have these terrible acronyms with the most fucktarded names. Laughable ones are:

  • GBS (Giga Based Sigma or Gay Ball Sex)
  • OGISM (Dedicated purely to worshipping it's leader, Adolf Ogi. also allies with GBS)
  • DAWN

Usually these groups are obsessed with Countryballs, Mapping, and having severe hate-boners for anyone like Sebs. They try way too hard to act tuff and fail miserably at it yet still get sucked off by the people in the servers they're in. Not much happened in the time of this server existing and most of the OG's had moved on from anarchy by this point.

iranian mapping's server

Some retard mapping server owned by "iranian mapping", hence the name. Nothing relevant except it being Warsaw's member cow for a few good month. TWO THIRDS of the messages in the server are just invite links to Warsaw, which did provide some good lolcows here and there.

TJTLE249 SC's server

The server owned by TJTLE249 SC (a.k.a. CD Lore), who lost access to the owner account on this server therefore turning it into an anarchy. Most notable thanks to Satari/THLPLE spamming the link to it everywhere in a pathetic attempt at making people raid it.

For a long time, 99.9% of the activity on this server was Fune's selfbot misoneme#7518 (named after the kike from Halagetworld) spamming the link to Warsaw; until the bot was shut off in the aftermath of the hosting crisis for BonziPEDIA and FunyPlace.

Some objectfag called springbfdiwindows (BOSI hoster) claims that the TJTLE249 SC's server is his (and it's a lie). He keeps saying that the server is created on February 11, 2024, even the actual server was created on 17 August 2022. He also telling his eliminated contestants to leave this server.

social justice united

an anarchy server from 2021 where the owners account got phonelocked, eventually leading it to be the hellhole that it is today filled to the brim with gore, porn and even the occasional CP, keep in mind this server is also on fucking DISBOARD, often bumped by Demin to attempt to boost the member count and get people to join Warsaw.

🇷🇴Serioustuber's server🇷🇴

an anarchy server owned by a retarded gypsy called serioustuber that was exposed for having esex with several 9 year old girls. which got him exposed several times. the server is still in its relative infancy anarchywise, (that is with thousands of children still "raiding" the server) and currently has no lolcows. NOPE LIE. however, on the other hand, this server has the potential to revive anarchy due to it not being a dead wasteland like evey other anarchy on this list, what makes the server even better is that, you are able to create emojis, stickers, soundboards, and events as a regular member! overall this anarchy isnt quite good yet but has major potential.


Usually an anarchy with a single moderator that checks it once a year or a server that has little to no rules or follows the Anarchy Spirit. These are less notable but still interesting nonetheless.


A now-deleted Discord server for the long-gone BonziWORLD server of the same name. It was ran by "foodz" and moderated like once a week at best. One positive aspect about the server is that it had a bonzi.world log that would log messages sent on the BonziWORLD server to a channel (sadly, there were no logs for classic.bonzi.world in the server). Because this is BonziWORLD, the server quickly got infested with all sorts of toddlers and retards, including Seamus himself.

Speaking of Seamus, he was the more relevant member of that server, always fucking bawling his eyes out over DUH TERIBLAL COMMUNITAH or MUH LOSKEYAY. When Seamus chimped out he'd leave and rejoin constantly, fighting with Ziggy (and later Crypt) making convoluted blocks of text of pure pent-up ragesharts about how they are EVIL NAZIIIIIIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and sometimes he'd drag a TMAFE troon or one of his gnomes into the chat. Seamus would also beg Foodz to ban people EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY because they dislike him or something.

The server got toxxed and was later deleted in May 20th, 2022, along with bonzi.world and classic.bonzi.world shutting down on the same day. most likely by Seamus. This goes to show how the retard handles unmoderated criticism.


The official Discord server of the BonziWORLD server bonziworld.org. Like bonziworld.org, it was a common false report-spam target by various Seamus gnomes due to them chimping out about the server existing and believing Seamus's EVIL UDGY BOZOWARLD COMMUNITY EXPAHSURE.

The first Warsaw server got deleted around December 15th, 2022 after Discord's TRUUAAAST and SAHFTUY team chimped out. Then came Warsaw 2, the most popular of the bunch; which got baleeted on April 14th, 2023 due to being toxed by the faggot phonefag Ran. The third and current iteration of Warsaw was made the same day. Warsaw 3 is nowadays stale though occasionally a lolcow joins and makes the server active.

Relevant Anarchy Members


For the most part didn't contribute much but an incredibly gullible lolcow and hardcore logofag. He was in anarchy from December 2020 to sometime in Early 2022. He hung around an obese nigger for his time in anarchy going under the name of MFSVE321. He got his face leaked and ended up leaking Gervo's own full name through vague messages. Gervo45 created servers every few day which always got raided then immediately raped by some person apart of the Windows93 community due to his said gullibility. If you piss off Gervo in an encounter with him, he will:

  • Spam "NO"
  • Edit a message to "Say {your message} if {halfassed insult}"
  • say "SHUT THE FUCK UP"

It's easy enough to anger him by just posting his face or replying to his chimp-out with "YES". Another useless but ironic piece of trivia is he fucking DESPISES anything NSFW related, yet he hung around furfags and had Rule34 channels in his servers that lasted longer than 4 days.

Felix Celepota

A third worlder Toorkish niggerfaggot who's obsessed over high internet speeds and being wealthy even though his own country (Toorkie) has neither of those things. He always would flex his needlessly fast 900G TURKCELL INTERNETZ and swears on his life Turkay is the greatest country to ever exist when in reality it's a horrible dump ran by turkish cockroaches. He was popularized for being a dumbass and a lolcow. Ironically, he lives in Austria, a country in LE EVILE EU which Celepota despises so much.

David Khoa

Barely spoke or hung around anarchies other than maybe a few phonefag jerkcircles, but was responsible for creating the server under his name if that somehow wasn't obvious. David Khoa still is on the internet today but it's unknown whether he has a Discord account or not. He still actively uploads shittily recorded phone startups to his channel in true Phonefag fashion.

Sebs World Of Fun

An obvious LARP/troll who feeds off of angered children and spergs alike (similar to Lisa Gaming Roblox). His entire Sebs identity is clearly satire due to his overuse of emojis and lackluster sense of humor. His catchphrase is "Hey sweeties" or "Omg sweeties" followed by a fuckton of emojis. He often would tell people to go vegan and supposedly sent NSFW CONTENT (what a fucking scum). Sebs also has a shocking amount of videos attempting to "expose" him on Youtube.


Not super relevant but known for being extremely retarded, and a cucky hypocrite. Gino Granieri is an Italian immigrant wop and a furfag porn lover. He currently resides in Halagetworld, sitting on his ass all day "trolling" Diogo while having esex on Roblox. In the beginning (Geriworld) Catg would suck off fune in an attempt to seem tuff as fuck. At this time he would often spam CP too, but to this day he denies he ever did so even though everyone witnessed firsthand him doing it. He often had typing patterns such as spelling "Nigger" as "Niggger" or having horrendous ways of getting things out in messages. Similar to Seamus he will seemingly out of nowhere get pissed at you over little shit and never tell you why. Sometimes he never will have an actual reason and makes fake claims or edits messages with the inspect element tool in order to get his way. You can't reason with him and neither will it change anything if you prove him wrong. He will continue to say "lie" over and over due to his absence of a comeback or any socialization skills.

Jewish Gameing 69

When jew joined a server he would often spew out his catchline "ME JEW!!!!" or just spam and overall act like a sped. One noticable thing about him is he would say "Niggger" like Gino, and even typed like him. This led to everyone believing for an entire fucking YEAR that they were both the same person. When Catg was confronted his response was "It fucking gervo" and Jew would subsequently respond with "ME GERVO!!!!" leading people to believe it was a coverup on his alt. Jew's behavior led Catg into a state of depression and PTSD every time someone said the phrase "jewish gameing". It also made things worse when they both were caught spamming CP on alt accounts.

Jewish Gameing evolved to Polskasoft around December 2022.


A worthless phonefag who gets shit talked about by other phonefags pretty often these days (rightfully so). In his prime (phonefag anarchy) he was considered a god by many, and inspired all of the slang they used in those days. However, after Maren and his shitty anti-Saytaiyrsh gang showed proof that all the people he "took down" were just his alts, most people immediately decided to go against him, sans three of his long-time cocksuckers. His entire existence was nothing but drama, so he was never really a lolcow or anything of that sort.


Similar to Saytaiyarsh Diggy (digipaimon) is a bland worthless loser who spends his time doing bland worthless shit. His past time is:

  • Reporting every anarchy that he could possibly get deleted
  • Reporting anarchies
  • Reporting more anarchies
  • Reporting anarchy servers
  • Fapping to lolis

As you can see Diggy is a very busy man with a very involved life. He even has a sockpuppet named "Aulick" who according to him is his cousin. Aulick speaks with perfect punctuation and has a naked loli as the profile picture. Supposedly Diggy was responsible for getting Geriworld baleeted according to multiple people. It's unknown whether this was actually the case or not.

Randumbship (ALTE)

An irrelevant Roma(nian) phonefag who got on this article by being an obnoxious whiny little turd and reportfagging everyone he hates. Most people don't really know who he is or anything about him, but he spams anarchy links in phonefag servers to induce a delusion of relevance into his own brain. One day Jewish Gaming suggested that Fune makes a lolcow group chat to compete with Ran's, which instantly turned Ran's bipolar compass into a halagetworlder with a massive hateboner for Fune. Very easy to troll by pointing out his lack of relevance in ANY anarchy. A great way to describe Ran is as follows:

"Ran is super relevant! He's so funny, original, and fun to be around! Such a unique and memorable feller. Ran is the only person to report us aside from Digipaimon, Aulick, rious, GBS, old red, some 4th members, seamus, cube, etc. Truly a unique character trait and his redeeming quality! As for other qualities, there's none."


Not known for certain whether he really is a true anarchyman, but is put here nonetheless. A brown Algerian 5-year-old who cums to Palestine and hatecums to Israel like every Arabic shartskin. Makes terrible MSPaint tier "artwork" that's best summed up along the lines of ">ISRAEL LE BAD PALEPOOP LE GOOD OR SOMETHING ALONG THOSE LINES", because he NEEDS you to know how much he hates Israel. Joins Warsaw on numerous occasions but probably quit BonziWORLD because of people "framing him cuz hes arab", which is a good thing because arabs smell like shit and also rape children.

He also always talks in ALL CAPS and can't spell.


A severely retarded objectfag that currently amounts to most of the activity in TJTLE's server. He makes some stupid JewTube series known as "BOSI" (just him trying to host BFDI on TJTLE's server) and Speaks Like This Just Like A Lot Of Kiddies. He suffers from a very severe case of retardation as he can't even spot simple typos, responds to questions like "What's your birthday?" with his fucking Discord join date and asks "What Is (X), (nickname for whoever he's quoting)?" whenever someone says a word that isn't on his 100-word-something vocabulary. Later was found out to be THLPLE.

Anarchy is part of a series on Raids, Floods, and Spam.
Common culprits Docen NexusHalagetworldPWNSECSeamus (and his buddies) • SkidsTruncate/TPSSEC • TrollboxWarsaw
Typical destinations AnarchiesBonziWORLD (bonziworld.org) • Discord serversOur World of Text
Floods and Spams Name magic word spammersJoke command spammersSans FloodPenguin FloodSpamsegments
Raids Fune Is A NiggerWiki raidsRaidsNigger’s Army Flood (Anitok Flood)