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From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
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Average phonefag.

Phonefags, or more politely "Phone Collectors", are a group of spergs closely related to the BonziWORLD Community. Most of their time is spent collecting phones, preferably ancient worthless ones, or shitting out meaningless insults like "YOU USE X SAMSUNG MODEL!". There are about 6 million factions of those retarded faggots, all of which hate eachother over drama and other completely bullshit reasons. Most phonefags are from the Balkans which explains their hatered for their fellow phone collectors. While complete irrelevant retards, most phonefags make great lolcows and for a while they were mercilessly milked by trolls which led to them developing lolcow trauma. To induce PTSD in a phonefag, simply send anything resembling gore or a racist message on one of the 400 shitstain anarchy discord servers that have been infested with those roaches.

Phonefag Dialect

Phonefags have their own version of English with multiple terms not found in any other real languages (EG borrowed from Romanian). Since most phonefags are Balkan, their words are usually borrowed from their Romanian overlords.

  • Deez nuts- the phonefag commnity will say this a lot much like fard since ahahhahah 2017 memes are so funy
  • Taci- A Romanian word meaning "shut up". Use it as an adjective to inject RAGE into every phonefag within a 400 mile radius.
  • DP Kids- Short form of "Dumb Phone Kids". Often used on fellow phonefags.
  • Pula- Dick in Romanian.
  • Phonefag- Their version of the nigger word. If you say it you will become the target of every phonefag.
  • Beach- Bitch, since most phonefags are too young to cuss online.
  • Fard- The scum of the phonefag community says this a lot, as like Bonzitards, most of them have weird fetishes.

Notable phonefags

Of course even though phonefags aren't notable, the phonefag community has a couple roaches that are well known among the phonefag infestations and the trolls who milk them.


Some Russian faggot who thinks he is in charge of the bigger phonefag circlejerk, denies being a phonefag and is by far the most hated cancerous growth in the entire community. Most other phonefags see him as a manchild (rightfully so). He also loves to use Phonefag Lingo words, which renders him impossible to understand unless you've had previous experience with other phonefags. To cope with not being able to attract women, he pretends to raid servers and start wars with kids (he has been traumatizing one for 4 years) or some shit, but he goes silent when you ask him for evidence. Like most other lolcows with lolcow trauma he decided to put on a mask to hide his rage, though it is easily broken by outing his phone collecting habits to everyone. Has 10 alt accounts but denies ownership of 8 of them.


The main link between the BonziWORLD community and the phonefag infestations, he brought multiple phonefags over to anarchy dumpsters on Discord where they could argue with the native BonziTARDS. He jerks off to some shit named "Samsung Fun Club"; but other than that he's not too active in the phonefag community other than rambling in David's Server.

Felix Celepota

A narcissistic Turk who would go on about how Europe sucks while he border hopped into Austria. He would jerk off to speed tests and anything below 4 terabytes per nanoseconds is too slow for him. He hangs out in some phonefag dumpster anarchies, where he is universally hated by everyone. You would most likely get aids by staying around him due to all the 5G waves radiating off his pin needle sized cock. If you talk to him you will probably be flexed on, as Celepota is VERY DEFINITELY REALLY RICH and not just pretending to have money by destroying ancient nokia phones. As every phonefag does, he has a massive phone collection.


Arguably the only decent phonefag(which isn't saying much because he's just some random pissy Serbian kid), and a former Funy Base moderator and a former member of Warsaw (he left to focus and school and because he got pissy at the transphobia). He has his own article. Helped expose Polyarabic Docen, and is a ROMPhonix reject

Ran (Alte)

A phonefag who border hopped to the BonziWORLD Community. Now a member of halagetworld and even took part in the "CP Incident"!

Klasky Csupo Logo Editor

Another logoturd who jerks off Saytaiyrsh. This one also pisses everyone off by copying pre-made discord bots off github to flood servers. Like Celepota, he would flex fake riches that could be exposed by reverse image searching his hypothetical Tesla. This absolute skid luckily left, and nobody knows where he went.

Steven's Phones

Another phonefag who makes ringtones, startups and shutdowns with his unique phones.