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Scourge is a work in progress page.
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the scourge flag on funyplace
The Scourge
founded August 2022
notable members Demin, Jamie, lord Xenu, SFBall, Brody mixes, psylo
hyperfixations trolling, anti-feminism, vigilanteism, server raiding
enemies elviah, ASA, kajiwoto AI, feminists, pedophiles
aliases sebs world of fun’s server 2.0, cobra Kai, the irl scourge, the scourge

The Scourge is a clan owned by LK, and co-lead by Demin (main co owner), Xenu, Vexplade, and Pitau.



Unknown date (likely late August/early September): the predecessor server to the Scourge is created by LK and END with help from other users (Demin, Ariota, Pitau, etc) under the name "sebs world of fun Discord server 2.0"

9/26/2022: The original server is nuked by Sky (notably Sky was Jewish Gaming, who would later become a Warsaw admin). but a new one is quickly remade. and it is rebranded to "cobra kai"

December 2022: END starts to get groomed by Elviah this starts as a long period of inactivity.

Unknown date (likely December 2022) SWOF "leaves the internet" (it was a LARP/troll) and CK rebrands to the Scourge, its current name; the Elviah war begins.


april 4th 2023: scourge is nuked AGAIN, this time by syracuse. the reason for this is unknown.

May 2023: Elviah gets doxxed, even though the doxxing started in january.

november 2023: a troll account owned by demin comments on one of elviahs channels. elviah then responds to the comment and then privates all her social media. the troll channel is then terminated by thefallenreality.


febuary 14th: demins main youtube channel is terminated by thefallenreality. this causes massive outrage in scourge leading to an attack that was supposed to happen on march 5th.

march 3rd: demins discord account is disabled, preventing the attack from happening.

july: scourge discovers 2 of elviahs hugboxxes. one is raided and the other one had its members DM's spammed with links to the elviah article.

september 6th: after a conversation with alleycat. elviah is revealed to have killed herself some time in august or july.


january: scourge is declared inactive by demin.


Elviah (Powerword: Holly Ann Halverson) is a morbidly obese grown woman who creates NSFW star wars fanfictions. She is notable for being the one thing that was trolled by the group whilst she was simultaniously grooming END, Tiko/Lionarcher and Anglem. It's also notable that END impersonated some rando named "Pete the kitty TV".

with all that said, im going to deal with these knats

— -elviah, after she got trolled on YT and threw a tantrum in her Discord announcements.

hey im being fucking stalked by someone called denim and his friends

—-elviah, not exactly what she said but this is basicly her BAWWWWING to her boyfriend (thefallenreality) after she got doxxed and exposed by demin. (yes, he really leaked his DMS to "LE EVAL SGAEYOURG BAED STOKER YOSERS ")

Awww, a whole channel dedicated just to me 🥰 You guys should come over sometime so we can talk about how you're really my biggest fans, since you have had nothing better to do for the last five years than be obsessed with me 😂

—elviah, when she replied to a troll account made by demin thinking it was END and jamie, this is also roughly translatable to "OOO NOOOO END AND JAMI MAEK FEAK CHANNL OUT OFV MEI <69 niggermilion emojis here> PLEAS CUM TOO MIY HOSE AT 660 MAEGNOLA AEV EAZD SAT PAWL MINSODA AND HAEV SAX WIFF MI SAENS YOW ARE MAE GAI LOVERS FOER FIV YEERS EY WAND SEIX <another 69 niggermilion emojis here>


Jamie/Lich king- The creator and founder of the Scourge, created the group originally as an anti-"sebs world of fun" server and later an anti-Elviah server. Mostly inactive due to IRL issues.

Demin - The co-leader of the Scourge. He was the man responsible the raiding aspect of the clan and for raping Elviah 10 times over to the point where she privated most of her accounts and started BAWWING to her grooming victims friends.

Lord Xenu - A guy who owns another clan called "NWO" (you guessed it! New World Order.) and raped a CP AI chatbot site called "kajiwoto AI" causing the owner saeho to become very butthurt. Also quite good with coding/hacking.

SFBall/Brazilian-fazz patriot - Brazilian guy who owns another clan called "SFB". Declared war on END 3 times and won all 3 wars and won the major war after END was doxxed.

BRODY MIXES - A Greek-American user with ties to bodroum (mijovo_games). Roasted the shit out of END and made her squeal in caps. Also a fan of Kansas city chiefs.

sir psylocybe/hellos - Guy who came from one of the servers raids on what they thought was a drug server. Friends with xenu.

ibop A guy who joined with some other guy, about 50% of the raids was his participation with the other 50% being Demin. Notable for getting thefallenreality to leak the infamous "hey im being fucking stalked" screenshot of elviah crying in her Twitter DMS.

External links

[Read Elviah's gay nigger sex porn SWTOR fanfic (if you dare)]