Room 000 is a stub or is unfinished.
You can help by editing it.

Room 000 is an easter egg in meant to resemble creepypastas.

Differences from regular rooms

This room is noticeably different from regular rooms. Despite the annoyances, it is still possible to use BonziWORLD as usual in this room:

  • A notice resembling a banned message may appear. A while after the aforementioned notice appears, the background tuns black and a message in red saying "BEHIND YOU" appears.
  • The background changes from the usual purple to red shortly after joining. A few seconds later, it starts flashing red, orange and yellow.
  • The room ID will change to one of the following:
    • 0000
    • 666
    • Hell
    • Red Room
    • Satan
  • The log button and the log itself become red. When the log is opened, it cannot be closed; and says "(one of the random room IDs above) Log" instead of "Bonzi LOG™".
  • Your name will change to one of the following. Despite this, you can still change your name with the /name command:
    • Demon
    • Hellfire
    • BonziHELL
    • BonziSATAN
  • This room regularly spams alerts saying "GET OUT".
  • This room may play creepy audio of monkeys.

The original article by Moon Man

an edgy skid found in bw

A sUpeR SacRy room id kiddies belive exist however in reality its really some skidded code used for kiddies to get attention