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From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
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Not on Discord right now, and won't log in often. Please talk to Fune instead during my sort-of break.

I'm probably the most active user here. If you have any questions, hit me up on my talk page (all messages here are public, so don't post any private information there).

I am an admin on this wiki since December 9, 2023, a king on since December 23 and a bureaucrat since February 15, 2024. My Discord handle is seamusdestroyer realsian; DM me if you need to ask questions privately.

I currently have server access. In case you find any bugs or server-side issues, let me know. (I do not have access to the box hosting, only the box hosting this wiki)

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My projects

Pages to review

As part of the quality control effort on the wiki, I will be reviewing every single article on the wiki. Articles marked with a strikethrough have been reviewed. So far, 30 pages out of 161 (Roughly around 18.63%) have been reviewed: