If you want an account, contact Ziggy or any other admin via Discord: @ziggymoncher_. Read BonziPEDIA:Requesting accounts for more details. Autoconfirmed time requirement reduced to 6 hours!
This page is dedicated to preserving the obtusely long ragesharts written by Seamus Cremeens. If you're adding anything, the templates are: {{bonzicard}} for the login cards and {{bonzitop}} for the top texts.
NOTE: The date (and optionally time) of the seethes should be included. For time, it's recommended to use London time, if you're using a different timezone, then specify.
Ragesharts on his shitstained BWR
December 9th
- Seamus the Hippo-cretin hilariously calls BW.org's userbase "groomed kids", even if everyone knows he's projecting his pedofaggotry onto someone else. Lardo Cremeens is also delusional enough to believe he was some kind of right-hand man to Joey Judge because he talked to him a few times and eventually made him leave because of Seamus's absolute turbo autism.
The official is bonziworld.com, which was shutdown.
BWORG was never official and neither are we! :-)
No BonziWORLD server would have a wiki full of misinformation, a discord server full of degenerates, and a member base full of groomed kids.
Keep on crying Colin the Cracker.
Note that he will harass anyone who supports the original creator (heyjoeway).
Lets continue making this popular, shall we? :-)
December 24th
2:13 AM
- Seamus trying to justify hanging out with people like 7 years younger than him:
you know something is off when they think hanging out with people close to or far from your age is not okay even if not weird according to them (i don't encourage nor do i allow weird activity against minors)
2:22 AM
- The boundary between Seamus stating something and him strawmanning "BWORG Schizo Users" is very faint. So for a typical reader he migh've as well refered to himself as an "actual groomer".
Addicted to actual groomers?
Try out Fune's Grooming Allegation Generator! Use them on any user you hate! Default Target is Seamus because we love torturing minorities and neurodivergent people!
BWORG Schizo "'Users'" when they see minorities:
2:30 AM
- Seamus yet again refuses to debunk the allegations that he mentions and then ad-homs the shit out of FUCKUNEKIKOCOERTESCU π€¬π€¬π€¬π€¬π€¬π€¬ WARSHITSNOREBASSCAPPAINTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEW: There is no sign of connection problems every 5 minutes.
It was patched by yours truly Windows Update.
Before this, I had to use Linux to solve the issue temporarily.
P.S: These no-life bonziworld addicts who are addicted to crystal meth are still making poorly edited images or screenshots out of literally everything here + making even more false grooming allegations.
2:32 AM (fragment of)
- The screenshot this quote is taken from has been cropped so this is all you get. Seamus: STEREOTYPES BAD!
2:34 AM
- The final one, now with unironic "un-" insults. Funnily enough, despite saying the last bit, he updated the card yet again. Literally an obsessed faggot or however the mart is sharted on.
NEW: There is no sign of connection problems every 5 minutes.
It was patched by yours truly Windows Update.
Before this, I had to use Linux to solve the issue temporarily.
No updates on this bubble will happen due to Unfune the cracker's screenshot addiction.
December 25th
- Seamus is pissy over bwrer because it is included in bonziworld.org login screen!
bonziworld rerevived sucks even more now
December 26th
- Schizo
fune is trying to brainwash my mom. great.
December 27th
- He literally wants to redact his "information".
forget about the shit the 'person' is doing, just do some cool things
December 11th, 2022
- β oh so now me liking furry posts makes some idiot who likes attention mad and accuses me of liking disgusting stuff???? what is in this person's head???? π₯± β
- β and he also said i'll private this account because of his video 'exposing' my liked tweets but it's not happening β
December 29th, 2022
- If you say that Twitter is even worse than BonziWORLD's community, then why are you still using it?
- β bonziworld is the worst community ever. worse than twitter. they legit just fucking released the dox info about me and my family to the public. fuck all of the bonziworld users and server owners. β
- You should go to hell and be burned alive aswell for being a pedophile
- β if you still like bonziworld you should go to hell and bonziworld should burn in hell as well β
Comments on Videos
Unknown Date, 2022
- >pretends to not be obsessed and bipolar about everything while still doing so
- >still endlessly complains and yaps about bonziworld and it's own community to this very day (obsession)
- β you really think i'm obsessed with everything, do you? β
- β call me a clown and that counts as you being an a hole to everybody β
- You have addiction to furry porn aswell
- β windows xp the game 2001: You have addiction to Inflation β
Community Tab
December 2022
- >proceeds to shit out bonziworld.co months later
- β The previous iteration of BWR+ was officially the last time i'll ever host a BonziWORLD server. It was the last straw, and now here we are, bonziworld being in an unrecoverable state of pure evil. I will never host another server anymore. Cosmic now owns the BWR franchise because i gave it to him when i was planning on retiring. This is honestly the worst community i've ever seen. Kids, nice people, and other innocents are being brainwashed, People won't stop saying such horrible things, and so much evil things. β
- β I am done. This was the last straw. I cannot believe that the BonziWORLD community turned into complete disgusting and horrible beings. β
- β I am saying Goodbye to the community, but i will stay on social media and crap. BW has legitimately ruined my life. β
- β Please don't be the next target of mass harassment. β
June 15th/16th
- Seamus posts the following poll:
β would you rather... [not visiting anything on the internet related to bonzibuddy] [be brainwashed by a romanian kid] [be a letter who is being brainwashed by a ex-diogofriend] β
June 16th
- Seamus posts some redditoid "meme":

- Some faggot comments "honestly trollbox is better" or some shit, resulting in a BWer counter-commenting "honestly bonziworld is better". The BWer comment gets liked to hell, ratioing Seamus so hard he shat his diaper and disabled comments under the post.
- He later discovers Warsaw laughing at his abysmal spergouts and instead of ignoring it, lets them all know that he's watching:
- β their obsession strikes again! β
June 17th
Around 11 PM
- Seamus, being an attentionwhore he is, starts to shittalk Warsaw to BTFO evil nazix, like he always does.
- β bw fanboys hate it when their favorite illegal discord server gets deleted by discord staff, they cry so much they call it 'toxxing' and really hate anyone who does the right thing (reporting anything against their guidelines) β
June 18th
- Seamus explains why being on BW for 8 years while acting like a pseud gives you permanent brain damage.
- β being into bonziworld does more harm than good β
~4 PM
- To be honest, no idea what he's babbling on about; probably some ERP gone wrong.
- β Since when was inspect element ing a discord message very believeable? β
~5 PM
- Again, no idea.
- β Bw fanboys love making up fake discord messages and whacking it off to bonzibuddy β
- "I can't take them seriously o algo" *makes 60 posts about them*
- β I can't even take these brats (bw fanboys) seriously cuz all they do is obsess over me and my friends β
- Seamus's mental health appears to have deteriorated since the last time we've heard from him.
- β bw fanboys are fat and ugly and really really stupid, they only got addicted to bonzibuddy because of their family connection and thats how stupid they are, that or with drug money, also they are addicted to drugs and hookers β
5:44 PM
- The "obsession" in question was Fune just checking their server for 3 minutes before See-a-mooze got one of his drones to ban him.
- β the fact they still obsess over tmafe is so funny β
6:02 PM
- Seamus loves his cheese pizza, especially the hardcore variety.
- β ok so mentioning cheese pizza (the food item) multiple times counts as mentioning illegal material? bw fanboy moment β
June 19th
~6 PM
- As mentioned
beforeon the Seamus articleWarsawsomewhere, "misinformation" is a trademark Seamus buzzword.
- β misinformation will never get you anywhere β
- So beyond help that he repeats himself.
- β bw fanboys are fat and ugly and really really stupid, they only got addicted to bonzibuddy because of their family connection and thats how stupid they are, that or with drug money, also they are addicted to drugs and hookers β
- β³ β @bonziwrldfanboyinfestedchannelβ¬ If you quit BonziWORLD, Then why are you still making posts about it? Oh it's because you are still obsessed with it. You keep changing your mind every 1 nanosecond β
- A clown that complains that the audience is laughing at him.
- β They call me "obsessed" yet they're the ones constantly finding ways to harass me and my friends and are constantly bothering me β
- Remember to never visit TMAFE, you might accidentally raid it.
- β It's funny because they just raided TMAFE yesterday and still deny the fact that they are obsessed and like to blame their own problems on me
They call me "obsessed" yet they're the ones constantly finding ways to harass me and my friends and are constantly bothering me β
- Seamus compares civil protection to child pornography.
- β civil protection.
when you abbriviate them the bw fanboys will think you are a pedo β
- idfk anymore
- β by continuing to harass me and my friends and constantly looking for servers im in you are clearly asking for more attention from me and more trashtalk about your disgusting lives. β
June 21st
~9 PM
- Seamus when he got annoyed by Jabba's spambots and comments are disabled.
- β Bro is asking for more attention from me β
- Seamus the center of the universe again
- β this isnt' just a obsession anymore. it's mental illness. bw fanboys are mentally ill. they obsess over me and stalk me and my friends every day, every hour, every night, every week, every year, every century. it's a never ending loop of a dumpster fire that loves spreading fake shit and brainwashing everyone into thinking that i do predatory shit, meanwhile it's clearly inspect elemented, impersonation, and/or photoshopped β
- β they take shit from my young past out of context too β
- β this "drama" is just as bad as the bot crisis. β
June 23rd
- The same unfunny faglord who forced this random brown mudlet as a """lolcow""" now wants others to be kind to the niggywiggy he "trolled".
- β the msagenters are attacking clippy? for what? being a person? β
June 26th
- Although Seamus pretends like he hates twitter, he uses it himself and acts like the fattest smelliest tranny off of there.
- β is this twitter 2.0? β
- Seamus telling you to go to bonkey.world. Going on bonkey.world will redirect you to a Google Images page with with the prompt "reimari", reimari being a ship between Touhou characters Reimu Hakurei and Marisa Kirisame. It should be noted that both characters are underage.
- β Check out bonkey.world for a surprise β
June 27th
2 PM
- β Whoever called me a pedo in the tmafe server I'm gonna shove your MAGA propaganda up your ass β
7 PM
- Seamus off his meds sounding like a projecting tranny:
- β People who run bonziworld are secretly satanic pedophiles plus they love to manipulate an entire generation (gen alpha) β
Another front of the disgusting tranny babbling about BW.
February 7th
- Seamus announcing his ragequit from BW, whil still yapping about it.
- β honestly im glad i'm away from bw now β
March 2nd
- Rare self-aware Seamus moment.
- β the monkey site made me insane and turned me into a mean person β
March 11th
- >TFW you need an entire specialized browser extension to STFU about MonkeyNaziWorlde.com
- β anti-bonziworld: now available on the chrome web store. protect yourself. β
August 30th
- Fast forward to August 30th, skipping months of shit nobody cares about, Seamus starts foaming at the mouth about BW and his ousting as a pedofaggot.
- β bonzi: seamus is a #### guy: proof? bonzi: I MADE IT UP! HAHAHAHA! β
- β Shameus is #### Source: Trust me bro β
September 3rd
~2 AM
- "π€¬π€¬π€¬THEYπ€¬π€¬π€¬" have never called kern3l an unironic pedo, but he does run a clan with confirmed CP owners/posters.
- β They say that i'm a #### along with kern3l and others but they also have no evidence β
- "since 2022"
- β Bonzipedia: Defaming people for things they claim that they did with no evidence since 2022 β
~3 AM
- You should indeed
- β I should probably stop talking β
September 4th
- Believe it or not, he decided to shit out an entire Scratch Studio about hating on a 3D cartoon CGI purple gorilla, all because of the evil BonziWORLD.org nazis. You can find it here: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/35587062
- >making up terrible stuff with no evidence,
- Why do you always keep on denying the fact that you are an pedophile, groomer, and furry? You've been exposed enough where nobody believes what you say anymore. That's the exact reason why Ziggymoncher and DanielTR52 (GeorgeFloyd on this wiki) left you behind.
- β This studio is about that stupid purple gorilla that is now being used in terrible ways, such as defamation, making up terrible stuff with no evidence, cyberstalking, and harrassment. β
- β Follow if you hate BonziBUDDY! β
September 7th
- COPE harder. You're literally the problem here by endlessly yapping about the BonziWORLD Community. BonziBUDDY and BonziWORLD will both continue to exist whenever you like it or not.
- β you guys are so weird go stalk someone else β
October 1st
β what i've learned about hosting a monkey website since 2019: it gives THEM attention, it's very stressful, you are never safe from cyberstalkers, you will be marked as THEIR enemy, people don't listen to the law, nor do they listen to the terms of service/rules, and everyone in there is really mean. β
October 2nd
Have you ever took your own advice?
- β can we normalize being kind? some people are just so frickin mean it's insane"'' β
October 3rd
Why do you use Fandom then?
- β fandom wikis are so untrustworthy β
- If your mom is telling you that your side is "no better" than ours than your mom is clearly trying to sugarcoat it, no wonder you turn out to be a degenerate and a pedo
- β My former favorite website that i used to be hyper-fixated with is in a really bad shape. I wish I could do something about it but I simply refuse because it has gone way far down hill. If you're expecting my fork that shall not be named to return, It most likely won't because my reputation over there is in ruins. My mom said to me that my side isn't any better than they are. I agree with it because it's simply true, and I'm working really hard to change that. β
2025- March 16th
- When is the last time anyone even bothered on scratch?
"fyi my comment sections have been disabled to prevent harassment. it has been going on for 5 years and is part of a long-term campaign of targetted harassment against me and my online friends, including my family and wife. sorry for the inconvenience. talk to me on another platform, please."