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BonziSPEAK is a mutated, autistic and satanic dialect of English invented by Seamus to transform 6 billitrillion jews into purple stubby CGI gorillas.
In other words it's a collection of lingo used among BonziWORLD users; both local and imported from various sources and communities. Think Newspeak but for the mentally disabled.
n. = noun; v. = verb;
- #saw - A shorthand for the various iterations of the Warsaw Discord servers. example: Warsaw 2 → 2saw
- 2K - n. this specific acronym means 2 Kool, a immature kiddie group which is efficient as UTTP, for example, BallBlaster2K7.
- Ack - n. An onomatopoeia of the sound a troon makes after hanging itself. Also used as an alternative word for Tranny. Can be used as a verb for the death or suicide of one. example: "xe acked xerself"
- vanilla - A word invented by pedoscout himself, this is used to describe lackluster and or barely modified BonziWORLD servers.
- Alt - n. an alternative account or a sockpuppet. Sometimes spelled "alte".
- Bankey - n. A kiddie (obsolete)
- Beggar - n. Someone who begs or constantly asks for a specific feature. example of a beggar: "can iz haz blessred??"
- Behh - The BonziWORLD TTS (eSpeak) spelling of the Russian letter "б" (be). Relevant within the BW community and was later raped into unfunniness by Seamus, turning it into one of his trademark words in the process.
- Bonkeyword - n. A word play of "BonziWORLD". Seamus butchered this name-meme by making it the domain name of one of his BWR re-runs. other variations: bundansworld, bonkafuckz, bondaworle, etc.
- Colin - n. Fune. Taken from his alleged IRL name, and mostly used by the anti-Fune crowd.
- David Eggman - n. David Egan aka SgtPepperArc360.
- Flood - n/v. A type of raid that involves a great amount of clients (usually from the same IP) mass-joining a BonziWORLD server in a short time frame. Floods don't work on Bonzi.lol due to the alt limit.
- Frankenworld - n. An often poorly made BonziWORLD server that accumulates features stolen from other BW servers; in reference to the Frankenstein monster. BWR is an example of a Frankenworld server.
- Halag - n. A Halagetworld member.
- HOIC - n. High Orbit Ion Cannon
- Jabba (Saulute)
- Jabb- - prefix. example: jabbot (jabb-bot) - Jabba's Bot
- KD - n. kiddie
- Kiddie - n. an underage and immature user, derived from "script kiddie".
- Lingo - n. a collection of terms, phrases or typing patterns. in specific contexts it could also mean lingo of old 2021 mature users, now used by maskids.
- LOIC - n. Low Orbit Ion Cannon.
- v. To destroy, raid or take down something to achieve a W (synonymous with Niggel). The verb form applies to all other OIC's except Moiced, which means "destroyed by the MOIC tool".
- Maskid - n. masked kiddie; a kiddie pretending to be mature. Obviously a portmanteau of "mask" and "kid" or "skid". other variations: masker, maskiddie (hypothetical/obsolete)
- Mature - n. a user who acts mature as opposed to a kiddie other variations: matuser, maturefag (both obsolete)
- Misinfoneme - n. misinformation. The opposite is, of course, infoneme.
- MOIC - n.
MiddleMow Orbit Ion Cannon; not a real ion cannon tool. Used in reference to a tool used to take down BW servers. - Niggel - v. To destroy, raid or take down something to achieve a W (synonymous with Loiced).
- Pastule - n. Used as a generic meaningless insult. It actually means "non-Slav" but that is never actually implied when using the term.
- Rageshart - n. A moment of rage, a rant, or any milkable message from a lolcow.
- Roach - n. A Turk. In reference to Ardakirac. Same as Toork.
- Semen - n. Commonly used to refer to Seamus, but also often used by kiddies aswell.
- Skid - n. A script kiddie, usually the know-nothing type that learned JS from BonziWORLD floodscripts.
- Spank - n. To smack someone's backside. A common spam phrase used by trolls created by an unknown person but attributed to Rowen.
- Toork - n. A Turk. In reference to ArdaKirac. Sometimes spelled Tork.
- Tox - v. to mass-report/flag something vulnerable to banning until it's gone
- Tranny/Troon - n. a transgender """person""". Often used on any breed of faggot.
- Tuff - n. misspelling of "tough". Usually used in the phrase "Tuff as fuck"
- Warshit - n. The Warsaw Discord server. Used negatively by Halagetworld and positively among Warshitters.
- Warshitter - n. A member of Warsaw.
- Warsnore - n. Same thing as "Warshit". Adopted by haglets after Warsaw started using "Warshit" to refer to itself ironically.
These are mostly for BonziWORLD servers and -OIC's.
- BW = BonziWORLD
- BWR = BonziWORLD Revived
- BWE = BonziWORLD Enhanced
- BWCE = BonziWORLD Community Edition (BonziWORLD Revived)
- MPVM = Multiplayer VM = Multiplayer Virtual Machine
- BP = BonziPEDIA; also used for "Blue Panel"
- FP = FunyPlace; the acronym is also the name of an OWOT admin.
- CVM = CollabVM = Collaborative Virtual Machine
- LOIC = Low Orbit Ion Cannon
- HOIC = High Orbit Ion Cannon
- MOIC = Mow Orbit Ion Cannon
- ICS = ItzCrazyScout
- IUS = ItzUltraScout
- THLPLE = TheHeartLongPinguLogoEditor
A grammatical system originating in mocking Jabba's grammar, nowadays it's own thing with plenty of additions that didn't originate in Jabba's hilariously bad grammar. Originally involved modifying your message with jabbspeak features to slightly resemble an exaggerated version of a Jabba sentence.
Feature | Description | Example(s) |
Over-linking | A string of the prepositions like "is", "are", "be", "of", etc.
sometimes a non-native preposition will be put in brackets ( ) |
"You be is the penis is are of." "The server is (of) dead." |
Styling suffix #1 | Adding decorational suffixes like "-ing(s)" and/or "-oid" to a noun. | "Davidings more like eggmanoid" |
Word-twisting | Twisting the spelling of a word. Didn't originate from Jabba. | "Seamause is are molest bunkaworld" |
Units | Using the wrong type of unit (like using a weight unit in place of a time one) | "Grounded for 19783 billion centimeters" |
Negation | Adding "un-" to a noun or the start of a sentence | "catg more like uncatg" |
Styling suffix #2 | The logotard-phonefag-derived variety.
Involves suffixing nouns with "kiko", "ert", "escu", "co", "666" etc. These can and often are stacked. |
"Fuckunekikocoescu" "unjabbacoertescuert" |
Me X | Using "ME" instead of "I". | "ME JEW!!!""ME HACK YOU LOL" |
Use of "Lol" | When mocking someone saying "lol" in Jabbspeak, "lal" is used.
When dealing with maskids, stacking "lol", "lmao" and "lmfao" is used. |